Here I Love You
Here I love you
In the dark pines the wind disentangles itself
The moon glows like phosphorus on the vagrant waters
Days, all one kind, go chasing each other
The snow unfurls in dancing figures
A silver gull slips down from the west
Sometimes a sail ,high,high stars
Oh the black cross of a ship
Sometimes I get up early an even my soul is wet
Far away the sea sounds an resounds
This is a port
Here I love you .
Here I love you and the horizon hides you in vain
I love you still among these cold things
Sometimes my kisses go on those heavy vessels
That cross the sea towards no arrival
I see myself forgotten like those old anchorsmes
Thinking, thangling shadows
Thinking,tangling shadows in the deep solitude
You are far away too,oh farther than anyone
Thinking,freeing birds,dissolving images
Burying lamps
Belfry of fogs,how far away,up there!