Language points of unit four:
vt. produce (especially something printed and/or official) 发行;发布
[例] This stamp was issued 10 years ago . 这张邮票是 10 年前发行的。
[例] issue a statement 发布一项声明
n. 1. [C] a subject to be talked about, argued about, or decided upon 问题;议题
[例] a key issue in the election 选举中的主要争论问题
[例] I didn't want to make an issue of it . 我不想去争论这件事。
2. [C] something that is produced so as to be publicly sold o r given out 发行物
[例] This is the latest issue of Time . 这是最新一期《时代》杂志。
[例] the Christmas issue 圣诞特刊
n. 1. [C] a narrow table or flat surface at which customers are served in a shop,
bank , etc . 柜台
[例] This counter is closed now . 这个柜台现在已停止营业。
[例] under the counter 秘密地;暗地里
2. [C] a person or especially an electrical apparatus that counts 计算者;计算
[例] Set the counter to zero . 把计数器拨到零。
[例] a geiger counter 盖氏计量器
v. move or act in order to oppose or defend oneself against (something) 反对;
[例] She countered that she was too busy to complete the job . 她反驳说她太
[例] He countered my plan with o ne of his own . 他以自己的一个计划来反对我
adv. (in a manner or direction that is) opposed or opposite 相反地
[例] run counter to one's will 与某人的意愿背道而驰
[例] He acted counter to his promise . 他言行不一。
vi. look steadily for a long time (e .g . in great surprise or shock) 凝视;瞪眼睛
[例] He stared at the word, trying to remember what it meant . 他盯着这个单词,
[例] stare into the distance 凝视远方
n. 1. [C] the front glass surface of an electrical instrument 屏幕;荧光屏
[例] Using a computer, one can change the text on the screen . 使用计算机,就
[例] This show will be back on your screens again next year . 这个节目明年将在
2. [C] a surface on which a cinema film is shown (电影)银屏;银幕
[例] a screen actor 电影演员
[例] She first appeared on the screen ten years ago . 10 年前她在银幕上首次露面。
vt. shelter or protect 遮蔽;掩护
[例] She screened her eyes with her hands . 她用手遮住双眼。
[例] screen somebody's faults 掩盖某人的过失
n. [C; U] a thing or person ready to be used in place of, or to help, another 替代
[例] This is a backup computer . 这是一台备用的电脑。
[例] technical backup 技术后备力量
vt. 1. mention as a possibility; state as an idea for consideration; propose 建议;
[例] She suggested that we take a walk . 她提议去散步。
[例] He suggested going out for a walk . 他建议出去走走。
2. give signs (of); make clear, perhaps indirectly; indicate 显出;暗示
[例] a silence that suggests disagreement 暗示着不同意的沉默
[例] That girl's red face suggests excellent health . 那个姑娘脸很红润,这表明她
n. 1. [C] a written statement that one has received money (or sometimes goods)
[例] When you have paid for something, a receipt is given to you . 你买东西付了
[例] make out a receipt 开收据
2. [U] the fact of receiving 收到
[例] We are in receipt of your letter . 我们已收到来函。
[例] pay the money on (the) receipt of goods 收到货物即付款
n. [C; U] (a) way of showing that something is true; facts, information,
documents, etc ., that prove something 论证;证据
[例] give proof of 证明,提供……的证据
[例] There is no proof that he was on the crime spot . 没有证据证明他当时在犯罪
[例] scientific proof 科学的证据
v. 1. ask in payment 要价;索取;收费
[例] charge ten dollars for a haircut 理一次发要价 10 美元
[例] The café did not charge for the second cup of coffee . 这个咖啡馆第二杯咖啡
2 . bring a criminal charge against; accuse 控告;指控
[例] The police charged him with car theft . 警方以偷车罪指控他。
[例] He was charged with stealing a wallet . 他被指控偷了一个钱包。
n. 1. [C; U] the price asked or paid for goods or a service 价钱;费用
[例] a charge for the use of the telephone 使用电话的费用
[例] The charge for a ticket is $3 . 票价是每张 3 美元。
2. [U] a position of care, control, or responsibility for a person, group,
organization, etc . 主管;责任
[例] take charge of a department 负责一个部门
[例] The mayor put him in charge of the school . 市长任命他为校长。
10 .fare
n. [C] the price charged to carry a person by bus , train, taxi, plane, etc . 车费;票
[例] a bus fare 公共汽车费
[例] How much is the single fare ? 单程票多少钱?
11 .spread
v. 1. make or become (more) widely known 传播;流传
[例] spread the news 传播消息
[例] The word spread fast . 消息传播得很快。
2. (cause to) open, reach, or stretch out, so as to cover or include a greater
area; (cause to) be longer, broader, wider, etc . (使)张开;(使)散开
[例] spread out the tablecloth 铺开桌布
[例] The bird spread its wings . 这只鸟展开翅膀。
n. (singular ) the act or action of spreading 扩展;传播
[例] the rapid spread of the disease 疾病的迅速蔓延
[例] We are trying to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons . 我们尽量防止核扩
12 .whilst
conj. 1. ( = while) while 当……的时候
[例] Whilst I read, she sang . 我看书时,她在唱歌。
[例] I met her whilst I was at school . 我上学时遇见了她。
2 . although 虽然
[例] I cannot agree with you, whilst I understand what you say . 虽然我能理
13 .go about
1. go around 四处走动
[例] Don't go about in such clothes . 不要穿成这样四处走动。
[例] You'd better go about to relax yourself. 你最好四处走走放松一下。
2. perform or do 着手;从事
[例] He is not going about it the right way . 他的做法不对。
[例] How shall we go about the job? 我们该怎样着手做这件工作?
14 .write out
write (something formal) 写;写出
[例] write out a cheque 开支票
[例] write out a report 写一份(正式)报告
15 .go down
fail or stop (working) (计算机)出故障;垮掉
[例] My computer went down this morning . 我的计算机今天早上出了故障。
[例] You'd better back up these files before the computer goes down . 你最好在
16 .go down with
catch (an infectious disease) 感染上
[例] go down with a bad cold 传染上重感冒
[例] It is very likely to go down with colds in offices . 在办公室很容易传染上感冒。
impossible, no possible means 不可能;无论如何不
[例] There is no way we can finish it o n time . 我们不可能按时完成。
[例] No way will I give you that money . 那钱我无论如何不会给你。
18 .find out
learn or discover (a fact that was hidden or not known) 发现;查明
[例] The police are trying to find out the truth of the matter . 警察正在努力查明事
[例] find out one's telephone number 打听某人的电话号码
19 .what/howabout
1. used to introduce a suggestion 好吗?(用于询问或征求意见)
[例] Howabout asking him? 去问问他,好不好?
[例] Howabout another cup of coffee? 再给你来一杯咖啡好吗?
2. used to find out information or to ask someone's opinion 怎么样?(用于提建议)
[例] What about
[例] What about
going for a walk? 去散散步怎么样?
spending o ur holiday in Japan? 去日本度假怎么样?
20 .stand/be/wait in line
a group of persons or things arranged in a row or series 成一排;成一条直线
[例] put the shelves in line 把架子摆成行
[例] stand in line 站成一队
21 .get over
find a way to deal with 克服;战胜(困难等)
[例] How shall we getover this difficulty? 我们怎样去克服这个困难呢?