1. Save v. Prep.
Thanks for sending that letter for me --- it saved(使免除)me
a trip.
They knew nothing about her save her name. (except)
They found nothing more save that she had borne a child.
2. Assume v.
In the story, the god assumes(take on)the form of an eagle.
China is assuming a greater role in major international affairs.
Assuming (that) he is still alive, how old would he be now?
3. Measure n
The beaten man, surprisingly, found a measure of(些许)joy in
the bitter life.
4. Escape v.
No offense, but your name has escaped me (I’ve forgotten
your name).
5. Impress v.
Father always impresses me with(向某人强调)the importance
of hard work.
6. Invite v
Taking more than a heavy load on your bicycle invites
(be likely to cause)
7. Introduce v
A new law has been introduced to protect the rights of
children. (adopt)
My high school teacher of English introduced me to western
literature. (lead)
8. Promise v.
Heavy clouds promise rain. (indicate)
It’s a promising year with a good harvest in sight. (hopeful)
9. Betray v
His accent betrayed him /gave him away.(出卖、暴露)
10. Novel adj.
They decided to surprise their guests with something novel.
He could always come up with novel ideas. (new, original)