



- one (of a group)。any one (of a group)。any one (of

the same kind)

n - vt。to leave。discard。to forsake。desert。to

give up

n - n。the part of the body een the chest and the


- vi。(abode。abided) to follow。obey。to remain。continue

y - n。the power or skill to do something。talent。aptitude。XXX

- a。having the power。time。knowledge。etc。to do


al - a。not normal。irregular

- ad。& prep。on a ship (plane。train。etc.)

h - vt。to end。repeal (a law。custom。etc.)。to do

away with

- vi。to exist in great numbers。(in。with) to be

full of。teeming with

- ad。around。surrounding。approximately

- a。ned earlier

- ad。to or in a foreign country。in n。spreading

- a。sudden。unexpected。(r。etc.) rude。curt

e - n。the state of being missing。not present。the

time when one is absent

- a。not present。missing。lacking。nonexistent。preoccupied。distracted

te - a。complete。total。certain。definite

- vt。to soak up (water。light。steam。etc.)。to


ct - a。theoretical。not concrete。n。a summary。brief statement

- a。ridiculous。laughable。unreasonable

nce - n。a great amount。plenty。XXX。prosperity

nt - a。plentiful。ample。(in) XXX。XXX

- vt。to misuse。mistreat。to insult。slander

ic - a。of or related to a XXX university。scholarly。XXX

y - XXX。a society。n。or research institute

rate - v。to speed up。increase the speed of。to


- n。a particular way of pronouncing words。a

tone of voice。a mark indicating stress or emphasis

- vt。to receive。take in。to agree to。approve

ance - n。the act of receiving。accepting。approval。n

- n。the ability to enter。approach。the right to

use or enjoy。an entrance or passage

ory - n。an nal item。a supplementary part。(clothing) an item that adds to the overall look

nt - n。an unexpected event。a mishap。a chance


ntal - XXX by chance。XXX

m - v。to praise。applaud。to recognize。acknowledge

- vt。to provide housing for。to make allowances

for。considerate of

XXX - n。lodging。housing。food and lodging provided for


XXX: able to bear (loss。cost。consequences。etc.)。XXX.

: XXX。worried。unwilling.

: in the future。later.

oon: the time een noon and evening.

ard: later on。XXX.

: one more time。anew。in n。still.

t: facing。opposite。XXX。contrary to。next to.

: the length of time that a person has lived or

something has existed。XXX.

XXX。XXX office.

: a list of items to be XXX.

: a person or company that acts on behalf of another

person or n。a person or thing that has an effect on something.

ate: to make something worse or more severe。XXX.

sive: XXX。assertive。us。daring.

e: to stir or shake something。to make XXX。XXX.

: XXX.

: XXX suffering.

: to have the same XXX feeling。to be suitable or

consistent。to make a deal or arrangement.

ble: XXX。XXX。enjoyable.

ent: a XXX understanding。XXX.

lture: the science or practice of farming。n of

crops and animals for food。fuel。or other products.

: in front。forward。before.

: assistance or support。a person or XXX assists.

: XXX objective。to direct or point something at a


: the XXX.

ning: a system or XXX.

ft: a machine that is able to fly。such as an

airplane。XXX。or spacecraft.


t: a place where airplanes take off and land。with

facilities for passengers and cargo.

: XXX。especially in a church。XXX。or


: a XXX。a warning signal or device.

: a n of songs or music by a particular artist or

group。a book for XXX.

XXX wine。beer。spirits。and other drinks.

: XXX。quick to XXX.

: a person from another country or。foreign or


: similar or identical。in the same way。equally.

: living。existing。active。responsive.

: the whole XXX of something。every one of a group.


ate: to make something less XXX intense。XXX.

XXX individuals。It can also refer to a marriage alliance.

XXX assign something。such as resources or tasks。It can

also mean to XXX.

means to give n or consent for something to

happen。It can also mean to acknowledge or recognize something。or to take something into XXX.

allowance is a sum of money given XXX in price。Allow can also mean to permit or enable something to happen.

alloy means to mix or XXX.

ally is a country or individual that is in a XXX.

XXX or very close to something.

XXX。It can also mean being the only one or being without


XXX。usually forward。It can also mean in XXX.


means speaking or reading something out loud or

in a clear voice.

alphabet is a set of XXX.


XXX to or as well as something else.

alter means to change or modify something。It can

also mean to adjust or adapt to a new XXX.

ate means to take turns or switch back and forth

een two things。It can also mean every other or every second.

XXX een two or more ns。It can also refer to something that

is different or distinct from XXX.

gh means despite or in spite of something。It is

used to XXX or n to what has been said before.

de refers to the height or n of something。such as a

mountain or an airplane。It can also refer to a high place or n.

XXX。It can also mean in total or all XXX.

um (or aluminium) XXX。silvery-white metal

that is used in a wide range of ns.

means at all times or on every n。It can also

mean forever or without end.

XXX particular activity。such as sports or the arts。for the

love of it rather than as a n.

。It can also mean to XXX.

ambassador is a high-XXX their country in another

country or at an nal XXX.

ous means having more than one possible XXX。It can also mean XXX vague.

177.n refers to a strong desire or goal。often related to

success。power。or achievement.

means having a strong XXX something。It can also

mean having high ns or goals.


amend means to make XXX to something。such as a

law or a document.

e means friendly。pleasant。or likable。It can

also mean having a good-XXX.

means in the middle of or XXX.

means in the midst of or surrounded by a group

of people or things。It can also mean in the company of or een

two or XXX.

XXX or total of something.

XXX。It can also mean XXX.

XXX is an electronic device used to increase the power or

strength of a signal.

XXX increase the volume or intensity of something。It can

also mean to XXX.

XXX。It can also mean to cause XXX.

is something that is similar or comparable to

something else。It can also refer to a device or system that XXX.

XXX。It can also mean a logical XXX.

tus refers to equipment。instruments。or tools

used for a specific purpose or n。It can also refer to an XXX.

something is apparent。it means that it seems to be

true or real on the surface。It is XXX.

appeal is to make a request or plea for something。or

to make a XXX.

something appears。it means that it es XXX into

view。It can also refer to making a public appearance or being


XXX up or being present。or it can refer to the ard or

physical aspect of something or someone。It can also refer to a


XXX to a document or book。It can also refer to the

appendix organ in the human body.

XXX or drink。or it can refer to a strong desire or interest in


XXX's hands。often in response to a performance or speech.

se refers to the act of clapping one'XXX n。often

in response to a performance or speech。It can also XXX.

apple is a type of fruit that grows on an apple tree.

appliance is a device or machine used for a specific

purpose。XXX。It can also refer to the practical n or use of


something is applicable。it means that it can be

applied or put into practice。It is XXX.

n can refer to a formal request or proposal。often in

writing。It can also refer to the XXX.

apply means to make a formal request or proposal。often in writing。It can also mean to put something into practice

or use it in a specific way.

XXX to a specific n or task。It can also mean to XXX.

XXX or event。or it can refer to a n or task that XXX.

sal refers to the XXX assessment of something。often to determine its value or quality。It can also refer to the

process of XXX assessing something.





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