Chapter 1
1. agreement 1.N-COUNT An agreement is a formal decision
about future action that is made by two or more countries,
groups, or people. 协议
例:It looks as though a compromise agreement has now
been reached.
2.N-UNCOUNT Agreement on something is a joint decision
that a particular course of action should be taken. 共识
例:A spokesman said, however, that the two men had not
reached agreement on the issues discussed.
3.N-UNCOUNT Agreement with someone means having the
same opinion as they have. 同意例:The judge kept nodding in
If you are in agreement with someone, you have
the same opinion as they have. 意见相同
2. cancel /?k?ns?l/
1.V-T/V-I If you cancel something that has been arranged,
you stop it from happening. If you cancel an order for goods or
services, you tell the person or organization supplying them that
you no longer wish to receive them. 取消
例:The Russian foreign minister yesterday cancelled his visit
to Washington.
2. V-T If someone in authority cancels a document, an
insurance policy, or a debt, they officially declare that it is no
longer valid or no longer legally exists. 废止; 废除
例:He intends to try to leave the country, in spite of a
government order cancelling his passport.
3. curious /?kj??r??s/
If you are curious about something, you are interested
in it and want to know more about it. 好奇的
例:Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.
2. ADJ If you describe something as curious, you mean that
it is unusual or difficult to understand. 不寻常的; 难以理解的
例:The pageant promises to be a curious mixture of the
ancient and modern.
4. fact
1.N-COUNT Facts are pieces of information that can be
discovered. 实例
例:There is so much information you can almost effortlessly
find the facts for yourself.
You use in fact, in actual fact, or in point of fact to
indicate that you are giving more detailed information about
what you have just said. 确切地说
例:We've had a pretty bad time while you were away. In fact,
we very nearly split up this time.
5. flexible /?fl?ks?b?l/
A flexible object or material can be bent easily without
breaking. 柔韧的
例:...brushes with long, flexible bristles.
Something or someone that is flexible is able to
change easily and adapt to different conditions and
circumstances as they occur. 灵活的表赞许
例:...flexible working hours.
6. odor /d?/
1.N-VAR An odor is a particular and distinctive smell. 独特气
例:...the lingering odor of car exhaust.
7. prepare /pr??p??/