lsy是什么意思 lsy在线翻译 lsy什么意思 lsy的意思 lsy的翻译 lsy的解释 lsy的发音 lsy的同义词 lsy的反义词 lsy的例句 lsy的相关词组 lsylsy 双语例句1. the technicality. reliability and
practicability of the newly-modified lsy type serial product
have achieved the breakthrough improvement, land its
specification and model have been serialized.
2. million yuan in fixed assets of the company, have advanced
the domestic cars, milling, boring, planing, grinding, drilling,
hobbing and other ancillary processing equipment, annual
production capacity of 1, 500 units, the main products are
qtz40~125 tower cranes, scd200/200j construction lifts,
hzs50~hzs200 concrete mixing station, hbt40 concrete pump,
hbt60 concrete pump, jzc350 mixer, jzm750 mixer, js500 mixer,
js1000 mixer, js2000 mixer, hpd800 ingredients machine,
hpd1200 ingredients machine, hpl1600 ingredients machine,
hpl2400 ingredients machine, lsy series screw conveyor, and
other products.
3. sow productivity (pigs weaned per sow per year, pwsy) is a
function of litter size at weaning and litter per sow per year.
conception rate of boars and farrowing rate of sows, as well as
piglets survival rate at weaning and causes of the piglets death
before weaning are related to lsy; and lactation length, non-productive days, weaning to service interval, and parity
distribution of sow herd are contributed to lsy. monitoring
these management factors via integrated computer information
system can improve sow productivity.
母猪群生产力的重要指标为母猪每胎离乳头数(litter size at
weaning,lsw)与每年每头生产胎次(litters per sow per year,lsy),其中种公猪配种受胎率与种母猪分娩率、仔猪离乳前死亡原因与育成率与lsw有关;泌乳天数、未生产日数(non-productive days,npd)、离乳至再配种间距(weaning-to-service interval,wsi)、与母猪群胎次分布都是lsy的贡献因子;经由整合性的资讯管理系统,监控这些因子可改善猪群生产力。
4. company products: hzs25-120 series concrete mixing
station, wbz series stabilized soil mixing station, jdc350 type
concrete mixer, jdc500 type concrete mixer, js500-type
concrete mixer, js750-type concrete mixer, concrete mixer
1000, 1500-type concrete mixer, 2000-type concrete mixer,
pld800-3200-type concrete batching machine, bulk cement
warehouse positions 30-200 tons of cement, hyg3/6 type of
concrete mixer truck, hjc3/6 hydraulic concrete mixer truck, lsy
series of screw conveyer pump, 3 -32t winch such as large-tonnage products, well received, popular throughout the
5. in this paper we studied the production procedure, physical
and chemical properties and toxicity of longsiyuanfangtuofasu
(lsy), a product from traditionary chinese herbs preventing
lsy是什么意思,lsy在线翻译,lsy什么意思,lsy的意思,lsy的翻译,lsy的解释,lsy的发音,lsy的同义词,lsy的反义词,lsy的例句,lsy的相关词组,lsy意思是什么,lsy怎么翻译,单词lsy是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材) 出国英语单词大全 (5本教材) 大学英语单词大全 (13本教材) 高
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