How to Make Summer Vegetable SaladSummer(夏季沙拉) salads
are usually a tossed salad with greens or fruit salads, but
don't forget your vegetables. With the large selection of
vegetables available, a vegetable salad is a great alternative.
Vegetables can be raw, blanched or grilled in a summer salad.
Toss with your favorite vinaigrette and you have a nutritious
and refreshing summer vegetable salad. Read on to learn more.
InstructionsDifficulty(说明难度): EasyStep1Select
vegetables that are firm, fresh and in season. Summer
vegetables that are great for salads include green, yellow or
red bell peppers, cucumbers, fresh corn, asparagus, broccoli
and cauliflower, onions, beets, radishes, zucchini, squash,
green beans and wax beans.
Summer vegetables will vary according to your
2Choose your favorite summer vegetables for a raw
salad. For not-so-favorite vegetables, brush with olive oil,
season with salt and pepper and grill them lightly to enhance
the flavor. Don't over-grill the vegetables or they will be too
soft for a summer 3Wash the selected summer
vegetables and dry well.
Cut the vegetables into bite sized pieces. If using raw
onions, cut them into smaller pieces so they don't overwhelm
the summer 4Cut dense vegetables into smaller pieces.
Vegetables like carrots, beets, broccoli and cauliflower are
dense and will be hard to chew if left in larger
5Place the raw vegetables in a large salad bowl and
season with salt and pepper to taste.
Toss with your favorite vinaigrette dressing and allow the
summer salad to marinate for at least an hour for a fuller flavor.
If using grilled vegetables, allow them to cool before handling.
Cut the grilled vegetables into larger pieces if they are
Toss with your favorite vinaigrette and allow to
6Add extras to the summer vegetable salad before
serving. Add walnuts or almonds, chopped hard-boiled eggs,
cheese, sesame seeds or pine nuts for a more intense
7Garnish the summer salad with sliced radishes,
sliced red pepper, shredded carrots or fresh basil.