Not so bad. 不错嘛
Better than look from outside. 比外面看起来好
Drop the cool girl acts. It's perfect. 别装酷了闺女 多完美的房间
So, it turns out our house has mold -- 我们家房子里居然有霉菌
Which is not a reflection on this excellent homemaker. 并不说明这位优秀主妇持家无方
Anyway, we have to vacate the house 不管怎样 在清除霉菌期间
while it's being treated. 我们得搬出来
I got us the last room at a hotel nearby. 我订到了附近一间旅馆的最后一间房
I was a little concerned about 五个人共享一间房
the five of us sharing a room. 让我有点担心
But for one night? I don't know, could be fun. 不过就一个晚上 没准会很有意思呢
But for one night? I don't know, could be fun. 五天后
- Watch it! - Look out! -看着点 -小心点
Haley, I need the wi-fi corner. Get down. 海莉 我需要有无线网的角落 下来
Ugh, I need instagram 我需要instagram
to know there's still beauty in the world! 来知道这世界还是美好的
Luke, you'll set off the dogs! 卢克 你会把狗吵醒的
Look what I got from the vending machine 瞧瞧我从大厅的自动贩卖机
in the lobby -- a Charleston Chew. 买到一条查尔斯顿咀嚼糖
Remember these? 还记得这个吗
Can someone please tell the Nigerian family 有谁能叫那家尼日利亚人
to shut their dogs up?! 让他们的狗闭嘴吗
Check it out! According to this wrapper, 看这个 根据包装所说
we can win tickets to the 2005 all-star game! 我们有机会赢取2005年全明星的门票
I think I'm most excited about the night. 我最期待晚上的时光
- It's gonna be like camping. - Yeah. -会像露营一样的 -是啊
Okay, does anybody else need to use the bathroom? 还有人要用洗手间吗
No. 不用了
Great. Oh, finally. 太好了 终于能躺下了
I forgot my night guard. 我忘带牙套了
Sorry, Mom. 不好意思 妈
What am I thinking? This isn't my book. 我在想什么 这不是我的书
Great -- now that we talked about it, 很好 既然都说到了
I need to use the bathroom again. 我还是再去一次洗手间吧
What is the point of a 问你们最后一遍的意义是什么
Coming through! 我要过来了
if you guys are just gonna do whatever - 如果你们还是随心所欲
Someone else sleep in the tub tonight. Like Haley. 今晚换人睡浴缸吧 比如海莉
Okay, now that we're all here, can we just -- 好了 大家都躺下了 能不能
No! 不是吧
It's that stupid train. 该死的火车又来了
It's gonna wake up those stupid dogs. 要把那条该死的狗吵醒了
They're gonna start their stupid barking and -- 它们又要叫个没完没了
They didn't hear it. 它们没听到
Quiet, everybody. No "Good nights." 安静 所有人 不要说晚安了
Son of a gun. Ray Chapman just died. 该死 雷·查普曼去世了
I know! 就是啊
He used to give me the best bonings. 他以前总给我留最好的骨头
You're thinking of our butcher -- Ray Eastman. 你想的是我们的供肉商吧 雷·伊士曼
I hope. 希望是
No, Chapman was a navy buddy. 查普曼是我的一个海军朋友
I always meant to write to him. 我一直想给他写信
Oh, Jay, that's so sad. 杰 这太让人难过了
I hated his guts. 我恨死他了
It's like they say -- you cannot put these things off. 就像人家说的 做事不能总是拖延
Thanks god Manny's here. 谢天谢地 曼尼回来了
I always get so nervous 每次他跟那个
when he goes out with that older boy, Sam. 大点的男孩萨姆一起出去 我都很紧张
I guess I could try texting the widow. 我觉得我可以给他的寡妇发个信息
They always stay in the driveway like that. 他们每次都那样停在门前
What are they doing? 他们在干什么
Jay, go look. 杰 去看看
Gloria, can't you do it? 歌洛莉亚 你不能去吗
No, I can't do it because you know 不 我不能去
that he always say that I am nosey. 因为他总说我管得太多了
And Manny's been acting very suspicious lately 曼尼最近的举止很可疑
I think that that older boy's a bad influence on him. 我觉得是那个男孩的坏影响
Can you see? 你能看到吗
Looks like he's driving a Mustang. 看上去他开了一部野马
Pretty sweet one, too. 车不错
- What the hell? - What? -该死 -怎么了
They're kissing. 他们在亲嘴
Sam's a girl. 萨姆是个女孩
That gives a bigger reaction? 这反倒让你更吃惊吗
Manny has a girlfriend, and he has not told me? 曼尼有女朋友了 他却没告诉我
Here he comes, 他来了
and let's not ambush him with a bunch of questions. 先别急着拿问题轰炸他
No. He's probably gonna want to play this pretty cool. 不 他也许会想表现得酷一点
Oh, hey, guys. 你们好啊
Well, heading up. 我上去了
No, wait! 不 等等
How was your night? 晚上玩得怎么样
Oh, you know, just teens being teens. 你知道的 年轻人的那些
Anyway, big game tomorrow. Night. 不管怎样 明天有大比赛 晚安
Manny's first girlfriend is a senior with a Mustang. 曼尼的初恋女友是个开野马的高三女生
I'd have put my money on a sophomore with a mustache. 我还想赌是个有小胡子的大二生呢
You've been sawing 你锯那块鸡排
at that chicken fried steak for 10 minutes. 已经锯了十分钟了
Just order something else. 叫点别的吃吧
Mitchell, it's game day. 米奇尔 今天有比赛
I can't. It's my lucky meal. 我不能吃别的 这是我的幸运餐
Oh, God. Here we go. 天啊 管它呢
Well, that's attractive. 真是太有吸引力了
You look like a puppy with a slipper. 你看起来像只啃拖鞋的狗狗
Under my leadership, the varsity football team 在我的领导下 学校的橄榄球队
is now 5-0 -- new school record, very exciting. 已经创造了5胜0负的令人兴奋的新纪录
Cam, I can smell your hat from over here. 小卡 我在这里都能闻到你帽子的臭味
Can I please just pop it in the laundry? 我能把它拿去洗了吗
And wash the luck off? I've worn it to every game. 把幸运洗掉吗 我带着它去所有的比赛
See, he knows nothing about sports. 他对体育一点都不了解
That's why I've given him a pass. 所以我这回不难为他
He doesn't have to go to games. 他不需要去看比赛
Although -- I-I do -- I hear it's fun. 但是 我会去的 听说很精彩
Three hours on a splintery plank 在破木板上坐三个小时
with parents squealing with delight 旁边都是看到自家小孩弄残别人孩子
as their children maim each other. 就发出兴奋尖叫的家长
He'd know if he came. The seats are aluminum now. 他来了就知道了 现在凳子都是铝制的
Okay. 好吧
Some pie on the house, coach. 老板请你吃馅饼 教练
Oh, and that couple over there picked up your tab. 还有 那边那对夫妻帮你买了单
Oh! Thank you. 谢谢
At least I'm getting some perks out of all this craziness 至少我还能从这场疯狂里得到点补贴
and -- nope, they just covered your part. 不 他们只付了你那份
Lot of pool out there. 游泳池就在外面
How about some Marco Polo? 要不要玩马可波罗游戏
Nah. 不要
Just like the old days, huh? 像旧时一样在水中嬉戏
No. 不
Not it! 不行
Not it! [not it的用法:先喊出的人有决定权]
Dad! Really! 老爸 真要这样吗
Bunch of complainers out here, huh? 好一群爱抱怨的人啊
Honey, I'm gonna go for a run, 亲爱的 我出去跑会儿步
- and then maybe after we go for a swim. - Okay. -过会儿说不定能一起游个泳 -好的
What's that? 那是什么
It's a body spray called Sex Grenade. 一种香体喷雾 叫"性感炸弹"
One of the divorced dads in the hotel recommended it. 旅馆里一个离婚男人推荐的
That smell is driving me crazy. 这味道能把人搞疯
Then it's working. 说明起作用了
What the hell? It's stuck. 什么情况 卡住了
Get away from us! 离我们远点
There's nowhere else to go! 没地方躲了
I can't breathe! 我喘不过气来了
Open the door! 把门打开
There's an actual maid service at this hotel?! 这旅馆居然还有清洁服务吗
Dad, no! 老爸 不要
It's empty. 喷光了
We're okay, guys. 没事了
I'm gonna toss this. 我去把这个丢掉
When something like that happens, 发生了这种事情
it makes you think, huh? 真是令人深思
- Luke! - Seriously?! -卢克 -开什么玩笑
Claire? 克莱尔
Nope. 我不是
I mean, what am I doing? 我是说 我干什么呢
I am totally at the wrong room. 我居然走错房间了
- Are you? - I'm sorry, Phil. -真的吗 -对不起 菲尔
It's not what it looks like. 事情不是你想的那样
Rumpled bed, 皱了的床 红酒...
bra. 胸罩
I knew it! 我就知道
You've been sleeping by yourself. 你一个人睡觉了
How could you? 你怎么能这样
I am so sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore, 对不起 我实在是受不了了
and I needed a place where -- What is that smell? 我需要一个地方 这是什么味道
Betrayal. 背叛的味道
Family meeting in the living room. 在客厅举行家庭议会
- Aren't we already in -- - In the living room! -我们不是已经 -快到客厅
There's no easy way to say this. 真不知道该怎么把这话说出口
Your mother's leaving us. 你们母亲要离开我们了
She's found another room that makes her happy. 她找到了另一个可以让她快乐的房间
I don't understand. 我不明白
It's not your fault. 这不是你的错
Okay, look, I needed a little space, 听着 我需要一些空间
and there was a room that opened up down the hall -- 而正好那边有一个房间空出来了
Then one thing led to another. 然后就一发不可收拾了
Spare us, Claire. 你走吧 克莱尔
So, wait. Mom's staying in that other room? 慢着 老妈在别的房间睡觉吗
You can visit her on the weekends. 你可以在周末拜访她
Aren't we here for just one more day? 我们不是再待一天就可以了吗
I knew you'd be the one to lash out. 我就知道你会最先发火
If Mom is staying in an empty room, 如果老妈要住在空房间
why can't some of us stay with her? 我们何不让几个人过去跟她住
You happy, Claire? 你高兴了吧 克莱尔
You're breaking up the family. 你拆散了整个家庭
No, guys, your father is right. 不 孩子们 爸爸说得对
This is my fault. 都是我的错
I should go back to my room 我还是回我的房间
and just think about what I've done. 好好反省我的过错吧
Come on. We hate it here. 别这样 我们恨死这里了
I cannot look at that red hair 我多一秒都不想
in the shower drain one more second. 再瞧见浴室排水槽里的红发了
Look around here, people. None of us have red hair. 睁大眼睛瞧瞧 我们几个没人是红头发
Okay, one of you has to go with your mom, 好吧 你们其中一人得跟妈妈走
so we'll do this the democratic way. 我们用民主的方法来决定
Whoever pulls the short crust -- 谁抽到了最短的披萨边
- Come on, Dad. - No, I don't want to do that. -别呀 老爸 -我不想抽签
Fine! 好吧
You all want to go, then go. 如果你们都想走 就走吧
Turn your back on your father, 背叛自己的亲生父亲
just spare me 不需要你们
- the empty apologies and -Okay. -虚情假意的道歉和鳄鱼... -好
- Finally. - tears. -终于可以走了 -...泪
I call "No bathtub." 我不睡浴缸
Another good-luck gift basket, Daddy. 又是个好运礼物篮 大爸
Oh, they just let 7-year-olds sign for these. Okay. 他们居然让七岁小孩签收
How nice! 不错呀
Let's see what we've got here. 来看看里面有什么
Eggplant jelly? 茄子果冻
What do they send if they 难以想象他们不喜欢你的话
don't like you? 会送什么鬼东西
"Go coach, go Dolphins!" 教练加油 海豚队加油
I don't know. It seems a little "Go" heavy. 看上去"加油"加得有点过
Pink salt? 粉红盐
What is wrong with people? 人们现在都是什么毛病
Okay, I got to skedaddle. 我得赶紧走了
I'll see you guys after the big game. 比赛结束后再见
All right, then. 好的 再见
- And we're - Forgot my keys. -这还没完 因为 -忘拿钥匙了
Yes, you did. Right over there. 是的 在那里
- Every time. - Yes, every time. -每次都要这样 -是的 每一次
I forgot them on the day of our first win, 我们第一次赢球那天我就忘拿了
and it's worked ever since. 这招屡试不爽
Now scooch to the left. 往左边挪一下
I'm not letting you do the coffee-table thing again. 我不能让你再搞那个咖啡桌的把戏了
Mitchell, superstitions are a big part of sports. 米奇尔 迷信是体育的重要组成部分
And witchcraft and cults and voodoo, but -- 同样也是巫术和邪教以及巫毒术的一部分
Hey, look, you know what? 听我说 你知道吗
I'm not asking you to like football, 我没逼你喜欢橄榄球
but I like football. 可我喜欢橄榄球
Football was everything to me growing up. 在我的成长过程中 橄榄球是我的一切
I was just a big, gay farm kid 我原来只是个农场胖基佬
until I joined the football team and I finally fit in. 可当我加入橄榄球队以后我终于被接受了
Now, I don't expect you to like it. 我不期望你会喜欢
I don't expect you to come to the games. 我不期望你会来看比赛
But I do expect you to be 5% less condescending. 但我期望你能表现得不那么傲慢
Now scooch. 给我让开
Go, Dolphins! 加油 海豚队
It's too much -- the car keys, the coffee table, 太过头了 车钥匙 咖啡桌
your roller skate on the front porch. 你放在正门口的滑板
I-is there any chocolate in any of these? 这里面有巧克力吗
You'll have to scrape it off this sun-dried tomato. 你得从这罐番茄干上刮下来
I suppose on some level, 我觉得某种意义上
it's possible that he might have a point. 他说的可能有道理
I hate sports. I do. 我不喜欢体育 真的
But if you had my dad and 可如果你是我爸用他的教育方式带大的
I mean, have you ever been picked last for a team, Lily? 你有玩游戏最后才被选的经历吗
Well, at gym the other day, these mean girls -- 那天在体育馆 那些坏女孩...
I mean, you have no idea, Lily, the bullying and the teasing. 你肯定没体会过
They put me in the ball bag. 她们把我放到了球袋里
If I am a little dismissive, 如果我真的表现得很傲慢
it's only because of my harrowing backstory. 只是因为我悲惨的身世
They said if I told, they would kill you and daddy. 她们说我敢告诉别人就杀了你和大爸
Oh, my god. 我的天
I've -- I've been making this all about myself. 我一直在考虑自己
I haven't even been thinking about Cam. 一点都没为小卡着想
This is crazy. 这都什么事啊
Yes, this is crazy. 就是 都什么事啊
Who cares if I like football? 谁关心我爱不爱橄榄球啊
Daddy likes football, 大爸喜欢
and I like daddy, so -- I need to tell him. 我爱大爸 所以 我要告诉他
I need to tell him I'm gonna be more supportive, 告诉他我会更支持他
and I need to -- oh, honey, are you calling him for me? 还要 亲爱的 你在帮我打给他吗
Yes, I have a complaint. 对 我要投诉
Can I please talk to Harry or David? 我想找哈利或戴维
What's that smell? 什么味道
I believe you're referring to my bold new scent -- 你说的应该是我奔放的新香水吧
"Sex gre-nod." "性感炸弹"
Is that for Sam, your friend that is a girl, 是不是为萨姆喷的 那个名字
but has the name of a boy? 像男生的女生朋友
I knew you were spying on me last night. 我知道你昨晚在偷看我
Yes, I have a girlfriend. 对 我有女朋友了
Let me save you some snooping. 我就直说了 省得你去打听
She's smart. She's pretty. She's a senior. 她聪明 漂亮 读高三
She's our high school's "It" Girl, 是我们学校的交际花
and "It" Dumped the captain of the basketball team for me. 此花为了我甩了篮球队长
So, you're only 15, and you go out with the senior. 你才十五岁 就跟高三的约会了
Are you sure you want to play that game? 你真想来这套吗
Are you? 你想吗
I just want to -- 我只是想
Mom, you're butting in. 妈 你管太多了
I just want to meet her. 我只想见见她
Oh, absolutely not. 绝对不行
It's way too early. 还太早
Promise me you'll stay out of this until I'm ready. 能不能保证在我准备好之前都别过问这事
That's as close as you're gonna get to a "Yes." 这是最接近"好"的答案了
Okay, I got to go get ready. 好了 我要去收拾了
Sam's gonna pick me up for a bite before the game. 萨姆会来接我 在赛前吃点东西
Jay, I don't like this. 杰 我不喜欢
Eh, it's not my favorite exit of his, 虽然不是我最喜欢的退场方式
but it beats the dramatic stage bow. 不过比鞠躬谢幕好多了
No, that girl is too advanced for him. 不是说这个 那女生比他成熟太多了
I don't want her to force him 我不希望她强迫曼尼
to do anything that he doesn't want to. 做他不想做的事
I think he'll be okay with whatever she wants to do. 我倒觉得不论那女孩想做什么他都能应付
Okay, you go because I cannot butt in. 你快去 我不能插手
Maybe you can talk to her. 你可以去跟她说
Maybe you can put the fear of God into her! 吓唬她一下 把她镇住
What, bust her windshield? 怎样 砸碎她的挡风玻璃
Break her pinkie? 扭断小指吗
I go disconnect the security camera. 我这就去把监控关了
Nice ride. 车不错啊
Thanks. 谢谢
You know, Manny's not really 其实 曼尼并不习惯
fast cars. 坐快车
And I don't know what your intentions are 我不知道你开着这辆野马
with this Mustang, but, um, 到底想干什么 不过
I suggest you take things nice and slow. 我建议你凡事都要慢慢来
We clear? 明白了吗
Um, sounds like you really want me to drive slow. 听起来你是想让我开慢点
No, uh, what I think I'm saying is, 不是 我想说的是
hands can do things. 用手就好了
No, uh, hang on. 不对 等下
Young people have urges, which is only natural. 年轻人有欲望很正常
I also have urges. 我也有
Okay. 好吧
I mean, the point is, you're 18. 我是说 你够十八岁了
And I have my eye on you. 我盯着你呢[看上你了]
Jay, what are you doing? 杰 你在干什么
Go inside. 回屋去
No means no! 说了不插手的
Run! 冲
Score! 得分
Win! 赢了
Yes! 太棒了
And with 4 minutes left in the 第二节只剩四分钟
...that's Dolphins -- 27... 海豚队27分
...Badgers -- nothing. 獾队 零分
All right! What a game! 漂亮 打得真精彩
Our guys were playing like 我们的队员就像是
they come from a much poorer neighborhood. 穷人家孩子在和富二代们打比赛似的
You don't think it's funny 你不觉得奇怪吗
that we haven't seen that girl, Sam, 都没见到那女生 萨姆
the one named for a boy? 取个男生名的那个
I mean, it's a big game. 这比赛这么重要
If she was really his girlfriend, she -- 她如果真是曼尼的女朋友 就该
Gloria, be realistic. 歌洛莉亚 现实点吧
What do you want, 你想她怎样
her standing in the first row 站在第一排
with a sign saying "Go, Manny"? 举个写着"曼尼加油"的牌子吗
- I'm just - 'Cause that's what she's doing. -我只是说 -她就是这么做的
That's her? 那是她吗
She's pretty. 还挺漂亮的嘛
She made that sign for him? 那牌子是她做的吗
I told you, she's a great girl. 跟你说了她是个不错的女孩
And look -- she used glitter, 你看 她还用了荧光粉
for god's sakes. 真有一套
Jay, I think that she really likes him. Look. 杰 我觉得她真的很喜欢曼尼 看
She looks at him the same way that I look at him. 她望着曼尼的眼神跟我看曼尼的眼神一样
So sweet. 好甜蜜
And in her case, healthy. 但她有这种眼神是正常的
Go, Dolphins! 加油 海豚队
We're really giving our fans 今晚我们队球迷的门票钱
their money's worth tonight, boys. 花得真值 孩子们
He came. 他来了
He's at the 30, at the 20, 他跑到了30码线 20码
the 10, and he's in for a touchdown. 10码 入禁区了 触地得分
- Badgers score. - What?! -獾队得分 -什么
We haven't let anyone run back a kick all year. 我们一整年都没被人那样反击过
What happened? 怎么回事
Run! Tackle! 快跑 拦截
Try! 给我上
Touchdown, Badgers. 獾队触地得分
What's going on, coach? 到底怎么回事 教练
All of a sudden, everyone's just off. 大家忽然都不在状态
Yep. 对
At least Mitchell finally made it to a game. 不过米奇尔终于来看比赛了
Yep. 对
Focus, defense. 注意力集中 防守的
They got two players hurting us. 他们队有两个人防着我们
It's not that much to keep track of! 两个人有那么难防吗
Shoot. Mustard. 该死 忘放芥末酱了
I couldn't tell Manny because it would kill him, 我不能告诉曼尼 他会难过死的
and I couldn't tell Gloria 也不能告诉歌洛莉亚
because she would kill me. 她气急了我会死的
Hell of a way to ruin a nice hot dog. 好好的热狗就这么给毁了
End of the third quarter, and we're all tied up. 第三节结束 双方打成平手
Coach Tucker! 塔克教练
Okay, hey, everybody, grab a cup of water. 大家都过来喝点水
Maybe you could hold on to those, huh? 水杯你们还能拿得住吧
How exciting is this, huh? 多精彩啊
Oh, you dropped your little clipboard. 你的记事版掉了
I thought you had a work dinner tonight. 我以为你今晚有应酬
I did, but I blew them off. 是的 不过我推掉了
I'd rather be here supporting the team. 我更想到这来支持你的球队
You better go, Dolphins! 加油 海豚队
Yeah, love that, but, you know, the game's almost over. 是啊 真好 不过比赛快结束了
You might want to beat traffic, so... 要是不想赶上堵车的话 就...
I thought you'd be happy that I was here. 我以为我来观赛你会高兴
Why do I feel like you're trying to get rid of me? 可我怎么觉得你急着想摆脱我
I have no idea. It's not because you're a jinx. 我也不知道 我没说你是扫把星
A jinx? Do you think I'm a jinx? 扫把星 你认为我是扫把星吗
No! No, no, no, no, no. 不 不不不不不
This all can't be on you. 这不会都是你的错
I'm hearing a lot of things 可我觉得听起来
that sound like the opposite of what you're -- 跟你嘴上说的刚好相反
Hey, coach! We need a play. 教练 我们需要你部署战略
And Malcolm just got stung by a bee. 还有马尔科姆刚刚被蜜蜂蜇了
I got to go. A bee?! 我得走了 怎么会有蜜蜂
Okay, get some baking soda. 快去弄点小苏打来
Hey, do you guys know where the bar is? 你们知道酒吧在哪吗
You're here, my friend. 这里就是 老兄
What are you in the mood for? 想来点什么
Well, I'd like my wife and kids back, 我想让妻子和孩子们回来
but I'd take a chardonnay. 但先来杯夏敦埃酒好了
Ah, I thought you had that look about you. 看你表情就知道没什么好事
I'm Lester. This is Carl. 我是莱斯特 这位是卡尔
- Hey, Carl. - Hey. -你好 卡尔 -你好
I know it hurts now, but, uh, 我知道你现在很伤心 不过
being a man-about-town, 作一个花花公子
on your own, has its perks. 独来独往 将会有意外的惊喜
This is on me. 这杯算我请你的
Ah. So, who left who? 谁离开谁的
She did. 她离开我的
She said she needed some space, 她说需要空间
got her own place, and took the kids. 自己找了间房 把孩子们带走了
Chin up, my friend. 别灰心 老兄
Adventure awaits. 更多的精彩在等待着你
Carl, could you swipe me? 卡尔 能帮我刷一下卡吗
Nacho machine ate my card. 玉米片机把我的卡吞了
Phil. 菲尔
Hey, Ayoola. This is my neighbor here. 你好 阿尤拉 这是我的邻居
- Pool? - Oh, no, thanks. -去泳池吗 -不去了 谢谢
- I don't think I'd be much fun right now. - Okay. -现在没有那个心情 -好吧
Phil, buddy, 菲尔 老兄
you get an offer like that, you got to jump on it, 接到这样的邀请 就应该赶紧上啊
even if it's just a one-time thing. 就算只是一夜风流也好
I don't know -- she's nice, her kids seem great, 我不知道 她人不错 孩子也挺可爱
but I don't even speak her language. 但我都不会说她的语言
Who said anything about speaking? 谁让你跟她说话了
I think you guys have got the wrong idea. 我想你们俩误会了
My wife's getting back tomorrow. 我妻子明天会回来的
Oh, of course she is, champ. 她当然会回来 小冠军
Uh, I'm just saying, life is short, 我只是想说 生命苦短
and why deny yourself a little innocent fun? 找点无伤大雅的乐子又有何妨
Your wife certainly hasn't. 你妻子她就没顾忌那么多
I'm not sure I'm up for it. 我觉得自己还没准备好
Okay, but don't wait too long to start living life, Phil. 好吧 但不要让好生活等太久 菲尔
Thanks, guys. 多谢 伙计们
You know when you don't think about 知道吗 当你不去想
who was in there before you, 在你之前谁曾进过这里
a hotel bath can be really quite relaxing. 在旅馆浴缸泡澡其实很让人放松
Do you know if Alex got my text? 艾丽克斯收到我的信息了吗
Your swipe-card wine. 给你刷卡买的酒
Thank you. 谢谢
Hey, so, I was talking 刚才我在大厅里
to those sad guys that are in the lobby, 跟那几个苦闷男人聊天
and they said the hotel's been half-empty all week. 他们说旅馆这周半数房间都空着
Half-full, honey. 是半数房间住满了 宝贝儿
Be positive for once in your life. 生活中要保持乐观的态度
Okay, not quite the point I was making. 好的 但这不是我想表达的意思
I want to hear your point, but right now, 我很想听你表达你的意思 不过现在
this magic juice is gonna help mama 这杯神奇的果汁会让妈妈
turn that bathtub into a swim-up bar. 在浴缸里体验池滨酒吧的乐趣
I'm just saying we could have been 我要说的是 我们从一开始就可以
- in two hotel rooms this entire time. - Okay. -开两间房分开住 -好吧
Wait. 等等
So, dad put us through hell for nothing? 你是说爸爸让我们无缘无故遭了这么多罪
Do you guys hear that? 你们听见了吗
The sound of my hero falling off his pedestal? 我的英雄从圣坛上掉下的声音吗
Uh, no. 不是
The sound of your hero 你的英雄在泳池
playing with the Nigerians in the pool. 和那些尼日利亚人嬉戏的声音
Okay, so, when I say "Marco" -- 好了 当我说"马可"时
- Hi, Marco. - No, no, I'm Phil. -你好 马可 -不不 我是菲尔
I'm gonna say "Marco" and then -- 我要说的是"马可" 然后
Hi, Phil. 你好 菲尔
Let's take it from the top. 我们重新再来
I'm gonna close my eyes. 我要闭上我的眼睛
No, no, not -- not you, Ayoola. 不不不 不是你 阿尤拉
You keep your eyes open. 你睁着眼睛就好
- Can - Marco! -你能睁开... -马可
No, uh, Iyapo, can you stay in the pool? 不 易亚卜 不要离开泳池
- That way, when I say "Marco" - Hi, Marco. -这样当我说"马可" -你好马可
Come on. 天哪
He has a room to himself, and that's what he's doing? 整个房间都是他的 他却在干这个吗
How surprised should we be? 我们应该感到惊讶吗
I mean, he's basically a hyperactive toddler 他基本上就是个极度活跃的小孩子
that just wants to play all the time. 整天都想着玩儿
Yeah. 没错
Although it's really more about 但其实他真正想要的
wanting to spend time with us. 是和我们在一起
It's kind of all dad ever wants. 这基本上是爸爸的全部心愿
That's true. 你说得对
He's, like, obsessed with us. 他就好像 总喜欢缠着我们
Do you think he lied about the hotel being booked 你们觉得他骗我们旅馆客满了
just so we'd all have to spend time together? 是为了能和我们待在一起吗
And we totally ditched him. 可我们却抛弃了他
Even after he jumped on that sex grenade for us. 他甚至为了我们扑到那瓶性感炸弹香水上
Butterfingers. I spilled my wine in the tub. 手太滑了 酒撒到浴缸里了
Would you mind, sweetie? 能再给我来一杯吗 宝贝儿
What? 怎么了
What? 海豚队28:客队31
Only 6 seconds left. 还剩6秒钟
The dolphins still down by 3. 海豚队还落后三分
40 short yards, 6 long seconds. 短短40码 长长的6秒
We've got this. 我们可以的
On three, "Go, dolphins." 数到三一起来"加油 海豚"
Two, three go, dolphins! 二三 加油 海豚
All right, Manny, this is a real hail mary. 好了 曼尼 只求上天保佑了
Win or lose, I still have a hot girlfriend. 无论输赢 我依然有个漂亮女友
Dolphins come to the line. 海豚队来到场边
There's the snap. 断球了
Tommy Park back to pass. 汤米·帕克回传
- He looks downfield. - Hit it. -他看到前场 -快传
- Hit it! Hit it! - He's got a receiver. -快传快传 -传给了接球手
Touchdown, dolphins! 海豚队触地得分
We won! Mitchell, we won! 我们赢了 米奇尔 我们赢了
Oh, no! 不要
- Hello? - Mitchell, we won! -喂 -米奇尔 我们赢了
And I looked back, and you weren't there! 我回头看 你不在了
Please don't be mad at me. 请别生我的气
I'm on the fence. 我在栅栏上[持观望态度]
I don't blame you. 我不怪你
I feel stupid for making you think this was all your fault. 我真傻 让你感觉这一切是你的错
No! I'm on the fence. 不 我在栅栏上
Look to your right. 看你右边
I was trying to leave, 我想离开
and then I got stuck on this fence With -- 结果被卡住了
my -- my pant leg is -- 我的裤腿
What were you thinking? 你在想什么呢
We both know you're not a good climber. 我们都知道你不擅长攀爬
Well, I know that. 我知道
There's a parking lot right over there. 那边就有停车场
I'm parked over here. 我把车停这里了
Sit right -- sit right -- sit right there. 稳住 稳住
Sit right there. 稳住了
- Okay, okay, put me down. - Two, three. -好了 放我下来 -二 三
You don't have to throw me. 你不用把我扔出去吧
Look, I -- I get why you don't want me here. 我明白你为什么不想让我来这里
I-I know there's no such thing as bad luck, 我知道不存在什么噩运
But there -- there is bad energy, 但是存在负能量
And I bring a lot of that to your whole sports world. 我给你的体育世界带去了不少负能量
And that's -- that's because of my own history with it 那是因为我和体育有段纠结的过去
and you deserve better. 我应该做得更好才对
I couldn't do better. You know what? 你已经最好了 知道吗
Why can't we look at sports like one of those friends 咱们何不把体育看作是朋友当中
that one of us likes and the other doesn't? 你们二人一个喜欢一个讨厌的那种
Sports can be like your mom. 体育就像你妈妈
You know, actually, I-I didn't hate this. 其实吧 我不讨厌这个
- Oh, shut up. - No, I didn't. -少来了 -不 我不讨厌
I-I was kind of getting into the whole football culture. 我有些领略到橄榄球文化了
There is an elegance that this has -- 其中有种高雅
No! 不
No! This is vicuna! 不 这可是骆马毛的
You neanderthals! 你们这些原始人
Great game, champ. 精彩的比赛 冠军
Thanks. 谢谢
You okay? 你还好吗
Yeah, just a little tired. 只是有些累了
It was a big day. Good night. 今天很累 晚安
Night, kid. 晚安 孩子
Hey, wait a second. 稍等
Your team just won six straight. 你们队刚刚连赢六场
Let's celebrate with a little scotch. 咱们用威士忌来庆祝下
You're old enough for your first sip. 你已经大到可以抿第一口了
She dumped me, Jay. 她甩了我 杰
Okay, we're gonna do this. 咱们来说说
She was just using me to make her old boyfriend jealous. 她只是利用我让她年长的男友嫉妒
Now they're back together. 现在他们复合了
Don't tell mom, okay? 不要告诉妈妈 好吗
I had a sense she didn't like Sam. 我感觉到她不喜欢萨姆
Really? She didn't say anything. 是吗 她什么也没说
My first girlfriend. 我的初恋女友
She was perfect. 她好完美
Eh, a little wide in the can. 屁股有点大
- Jay. - I'm sorry. -杰 -对不起
You ask me, you're lucky. 要我说 你很幸运
She dumped me by text 她发短信甩我的
while making out with her old boyfriend. 当时还在和她年长的男友热吻
I broke down crying. My charcoal ran like mascara. 我崩溃哭泣 炭笔条花得跟睫毛膏一样
I had to be comforted by the other team's mascot. 来得靠另一队的吉利物安慰我来着
- Lucky? - Think about it. -这是幸运吗 -好好想想
How many guys your age would kill 你这个年纪有多少男生
to be used by a girl like Sam? 愿意付出一切让萨姆利用
She picked you. 她选了你
She used you. 她利用了你
I was a body, Jay. 我就是个泄欲工具 杰
Come on. If she had picked an average guy, 拜托 如果她选了个普通男生
that boyfriend never would have got jealous. 那个男友根本不会嫉妒
She had to pick a guy on his level. 她得选一个和那个男友一个水平的
Yeah. Maybe. 是 可能吧
Oh, I'm not gonna lie to you. 我不会骗你
It sucks, and sometimes 这很糟糕 有时候糟糕的感觉
it's got to suck for a while. 还会持续一阵子
I just wish I could say some magic words 我真希望我可以说出什么咒语
or give you a hug -- make it all go away. 或是拥抱你 就让这感觉烟消云散
Can I still have a sip of that scotch like you said? 你说我可以抿一口威士忌 还算话吗
Okay, I just opened a bottle, 我刚开了一瓶
A beautiful 18-year-old, 18年[岁]陈酿
full-bodied. 味道醇厚[身材好]
Sam! 萨姆
Okay. Okay. 好啦 好啦
Marco! 马可
Marco! 马可
Polo? 波罗
Marco! 马可
Marco! 马可
Polo! Polo! Polo! 波罗 波罗 波罗
Who rings the bell in the middle of the night? 大半夜的谁会按门铃啊
It is the creepiest thing. 真令人毛骨悚然
I'm sure it's just, I don't know, 我不知道 我肯定只是
Some guy's car broke down and he wants to use our phone. 某人车坏了 想借我家电话
Have you ever seen a movie? 你没看过恐怖片吗
Okay, do you remember how sad I was 你还记得你们离开旅馆房间时
when you guys left the hotel room? 我有多伤心吗
Phil, what is on the other side of that door? 菲尔 门外是什么人
- Hi, Marco. - Hey, guys. -你好 马可 -各位好
It's possible they misunderstood me 我说"你们应该来我家玩"
when I said, "You guys should stop by." 他们有可能误会了
Yeah, "You guys should stop by." 你们应该来我家玩
Marco! 马可
All right. 这下可好
What is happening?! 什么情况