PartⅡ 汉译英
Unit 1
1. His brother’s knowledge in French Literature is far superior to his.
2. English isn’t a subject that can be picked up in a month. One can master the language only after
he works hard at it for years.
3. He never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his principles.
4. Tom is weak, so much so that he can’t walk without help.
5. I consider it worthwhile trying to summarize our experience in learning English.
6. As I sat waiting outside the office, the more I though about the coming interview, the more
nervous I got.
7. The serious problems of air pollution deserve a careful consideration.
8. If you try to cheat in the exam, you will never get away with it.
9. I still hold to the belief that parents should allow their children to fully develop their talents by
George laid down a reward system to encourage workers to work hard.
Unit 2
The doctor insisted that the patient be admitted to hospital for the treatment immediately.
Mary is crazy to go out in such a snowy weather.
You should know better than to go swimming right after lunch.
A frank reply is much more appreciated than beating about the bush.
Xiao Li has narrowed down his choice of MBA programs to three American universities in the
When the passenger woke up he found himself lying in the ward of a hospital.
In today’s job market, basic skills in computer science and foreign languages are of great
The ability to communicate with others is a very important social skill that contributes to
Professor Smith finds it difficult to keep up with the development of science and technology
even in his own field.
His forgetfulness may be a symptom of brain trouble.
Unit 3
1) it is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.
2) each time it is shown, this program starts a nationwide debate on the project.
3) The new music was built out of materials already in existence.
4) It is because the birthrate fell that our society has grown so old.
5) He is compelled to take a job which is of no interest to himself.
6. It was last night that Tom’s wife had a severe heart attack.
7. Wherever you go, you’ll see the great changes that have taken place in the city.
8. It was generally believed that the sun went around the earth.
9. My question is how information is stored in the long-term memory.
10. There are some words that we don’t know until we grow up.
Unit 4
1. The water pipes have burst and the kitchen is full of water.
2. Some town children never saw grass or trees and could play only in the small yards.
3. After the campaign a special medal was rewarded to all of them.
4. Every month you can get 20 dollars’ extra income in addition to your salary.
5. The President addressed the nation on the subject of war and peace.
6. He has promised to help you and I’m sure he will keep his word.
7. You’d better give up smoking for the sake of your health.
8. The John’s set aside 800 dollars every month for the children’s education.
9.When it comes to English learning, he is full of confidence.
10.Air, food and water are indispensable to life.
Unit 5
had better go to see the doctor right away.
2.--Will there be a football match tomorrow afternoon?
--That will depend on the weather.
e has brought about many changes in our lives.
4.I don't know whether he is still interested in coin collection.
should not have blamed her. She had done her best.(We should not have blamed her, for she
had done her best.)
6.Few people can afford these consumer goods only on salary.
7.We must do as the operating instructions tell us.
8.It is very natural that they two fall in love.
9.A lot of heavy work is done by machines now.
10. People should travel not only to find out about the present but to find out about the future.
Unit 6
1. This is the most exciting moment of his career.
2. Will you look through my essay, please, to find out whether I’ve made any mistakes?
3. He revealed this secret to his friend.
4. I ran into an old friend of mine at the airport.
5. People stood there, gazing upon that beautiful painting.
6. She required me to quit smoking because she objected to smoking.
7. It was in this small room that they worked hard and dreamed of the future.
8. We play football on every Saturday whether it rains or not.
9.He has suffered a lot.
10. This ticket will entitle you to enjoy a free lunch.
Unit 7
1. 我知道他是唯一可以信任的人。
I know he is the only who is reliable.
毫无疑问, 科学技术的发展对人类进步起着至关重要的作用。
It is without doubt that the development of science and technology is of vital importance to human
According to my observation, those who are successful in life have a strong will doing everything.
4. 如果你乐意,我们就饭后去看一场电影。
If you feel like, let’s go to see a film after meal.
5. 只要你努力学习,毕业后是能找到一份合适工作的。
So long as you work hard, you are surely to find a decent job after graduation.
6. 西方很多妇女不能同工同酬,这是不公平的。
It’s unfair that many women in western countries do not earn equal pay for equal work.
7. 根据所看到的一切,他得出结论:这里发生了车祸。
Based on what he saw, he came to the conclusion that there was a motor-car accident here.
8. 有迹象表明,这个国家的经济在复苏。
There is some evidence that the economy is recovering in this country.
9. 经过多次的失败之后,他终于找到了解决这个难题的方法。
After many failures, he finally found the solution to the problem.
10. 我确实相信,机会属于时刻准备着的人。
I know for sure that the chances are in favor of those who are always ready.
Unit 8
1.就能力而言, 汤母是胜任此项工作的合适人选。
So far as ability is concerned, Tom is the right person for the job.
2. 医生建议马里完全康复后再出院。
The doctor advised Mary to stay in the hospital until she was fully recovered.
3. 是他指出了我的缺点并鼓励我加以改正。
It is he who has pointed out my shortcomings and encouraged me to get rid of them.
4. 他们似乎不太可能信守诺言。
It didn’t seem likely that they would ever keep their promise.
5. 我认为跟他讨论这个问题没有多大的意义。
I don’t think it is meaningful to talk with about the problem.
6. 凡不属于当地居民者,不能参加竞选市长的活动。
All those who are not the local residents cannot take part in the election campaign for mayoralty.
7. 要是你不断努力,你迟早会找到一份称心如意的工作的。
If you keep trying, you will be able to find a satisfactory job sooner or later.
8. 既然你不愿和我们去那里,至少也应该告诉我们怎么去吧。
Since you are not willing to go with us, you should at least tell us how to get there.
9. 经过仔细的调查,警方得出结论:昨天的交通事故该由出租车司机负全责。
Having investigated carefully, the police arrived at the conclusion that the taxi-driver should take
full responsibility for yesterday’s traffic accident.
10. 不言而喻,用训练有素的运动员代替没有受过训练的运动员是明智的。
It is self-evident that it is wise to substitute well- trained sportsmen for untrained sportsmen.
Unit 9
The key to master English well is to practice often..
A new English-Chinese phrases dictionary that I bought here yesterday and placed on the shelf is
very useful for translation.
Everything used must be ready before dark.
He urged all concerned to take an active part in the movement.
China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite in April 1970.
He has a promising future.
The new students were working at the physics laboratory from 8 to 12 this morning.
The receiver is indeed cheap and fine.
冬天来了 ,春天还会远吗 ?
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
动物离不开氧气 ,为了生存需要吸氧。
An animal is dependent on the oxygen which he inhales for his very existence.
Unit 10
1.Living in Europe for a year , he gained some exposure to western culture。
2.The new government of the country has to bear the burden of rebuilding the economy。
3.The new tax law seems to be in favour of the low income families.
4.She tried in vain to shut all those unpleasant memories out Of her mind.
5.As far as I can see, he is a man you can trust and turn to when you are in difficulty。
librarian asked the students to replace the magazines after reading.
police have taken a detailed and comprehensive investigation into the case.
's up to you whether you will withdraw all your money form the bank.
took no notice of his wife's threat to leave him.
you persist in ignoring what I (have) said , I will punish you.
Unit 11
1. She looks pale from her long illness; there was not a trace of color in her cheeks.
2. Scientists hope to break through soon in their fight against heart disease.
3. A foreign language is a useful tool in scientific studies.
4. I asked my teacher’s advice about going to university.
5. He has been to America, but it does not follow that he understands the Americans.
6. He made a regular visit to his aunt each week.
7. A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick.
8. He draws on his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.
9. It was in that small room that they worked hard and dreamed of the future.
10. As unemployment was widespread, the discontent of the people was felt everywhere.
Unit 12
The student on duty helped the lecturer hang up a diagram of the human body on the blackboard.
2. 由于恶劣的天气条件,一些区域几乎不能居住。
Some areas, due to their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated.
3. 今天早上我比往常早去办公室, 以免堵车。
I left for the office earlier than usual this morning in case of traffic jam.
4请勿在公共场所抽烟和吐痰, 因为法律禁止如此。
Please refrain yourself from smoking and spitting in public places since the law forbids them.
5. 由于他时常被他的同事忽视,他很少地有机会展示他的能力。
Since he is often ignored by his colleagues, he rarely has the opportunity to demonstrate his
6. 这座桥以为人民的事业而牺牲的英雄命名.
The bridge was named after the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
7. 他那拙劣的表现足以证明不让他参加下星期的比赛是正确的。
His poor standard of play fully justifies his exclusion from the team for the match next Sunday.
8. 由于受溺爱和懒惰,他把失败怪罪于他人
Being both spoiled and lazy he blamed everyone else for his lack of success.
Hard up families may receive financial support from the welfare fund.
One advantage of this job is that it is near where I live.