How to improve R&D productivity:
the pharmaceutical industry’s grand
Steven M. Paul, Daniel S. Mytelka, Christopher T. Dunwiddie, Charles C. Persinger,
Bernard H. Munos, Stacy R. Lindborg and Aaron L. Schacht
Abstract | The pharmaceutical industry is under growing pressure from a range of
environmental issues, including major losses of revenue owing to patent expirations,
increasingly cost-constrained healthcare systems and more demanding regulatory
requirements. In our view, the key to tackling the challenges such issues pose to both the
future viability of the pharmaceutical industry and advances in healthcare is to substantially
increase the number and quality of innovative, cost-effective new medicines, without
incurring unsustainable R&D costs. However, it is widely acknowledged that trends in
industry R&D productivity have been moving in the opposite direction for a number of years.
Here, we present a detailed analysis based on comprehensive, recent, industry-wide data
to identify the relative contributions of each of the steps in the drug discovery and
development process to overall R&D productivity. We then propose specific strategies
that could have the most substantial impact in improving R&D productivity.
New molecular entity
(NME). A medication
containing an active ingredient
that has not been previously
approved for marketing in any
form in the United States. NME
is conventionally used to refer
only to small-molecule drugs,
but in this article we use the
term as a shorthand to refer to
both new chemical entities and
new biologic entities.
Lilly Research Laboratories,
Eli Lilly and Company,
Lilly Corporate Center,
Indianapolis, Indiana
46285, USA.
Correspondence to: S.M.P.
Published online
19 February 2010
The pharmaceutical industry is facing unprecedented
challenges to its business model. Experienced observers
and industry analysts have even predicted its imminent
. Over the past decade, serious concerns about
the industry’s integrity and transparency — for example,
around drug safety and efficacy — have been raised,
compromising the industry’s image, and resulting in
increased regulatory scrutiny
. This erosion in confi-
dence in the industry and its products has resonated
poorly with patients, health-care professionals, payers
and shareholders. Indeed, the industry’s price/earnings
ratio, a measure of the current valuation of the industry,
has decreased below that of the S&P 500 index and has
remained more or less flat, as have share prices for the
past 7 years.
The industry’s profitability and growth prospects
are also under pressure as healthcare budgets become
increasingly strained. Generic drugs, although clearly
helping to keep drug prices in check, are currently
approaching 70% of all prescriptions written in the
United States
. Moreover, key patent expirations between
2010–2014 have been estimated to put more than US$209
billion in annual drug sales at risk, resulting in $113
billion of sales being lost to generic substitution. Indeed,
for every dollar lost in declining product revenues due
to patent expirations by 2012, it has been estimated
that large-cap pharmaceutical companies will only be
able to replace on average 26 cents with new product
Simply stated, without a dramatic increase in R&D
productivity, today’s pharmaceutical industry cannot
sustain sufficient innovation to replace the loss of rev-
enues due to patent expirations for successful products.
A key aspect of this problem is the decreasing number
of truly innovative new medicines approved by the
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other
major regulatory bodies around the world over the
past 5 years (in which 50% fewer
new molecular entities
(NMEs) were approved compared with the previous
5 years)
. In 2007, for example, only 19 NMEs (including
biologics) were approved by the FDA, the fewest
number of NMEs approved since 1983, and the number
rose only slightly to 21 in 2008. Of the 21 new drugs
approved by the FDA in 2008, only 6 were developed by
the 15 largest pharmaceutical companies and only 29%
would be considered ‘first-in-class’ medicines. In 2009,
24 new drugs were approved, 10 of which were devel-
oped by large pharmaceutical companies and only 17%
of which could be considered first-in-class. Some have
argued that the number of approved ‘mechanistically
MARCH 2010
© 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
innovative’ and first-in-class NMEs have remained
stable at about 5–6 per year. However, the number of
potential revenue-generating drugs (innovative or
other wise) as a percentage of R&D expenditures has
undeniably fallen sharply.
With an estimated $50 billion in collective annual
R&D spending by the large pharmaceutical companies,
and appropriate allocation over time to the successful
discovery and development of NMEs, the average cost
for these companies to bring an NME to market is now
estimated to be approximately $1.8 billion (see below for
details underlying this estimate), and is rising rapidly.
Moreover, there is little evidence that the average costs
of successfully launching an NME vary significantly
between large pharmaceutical or small biotechnology
Although R&D productivity has been declining
for a number of years
, the unprecedented combina-
tion of reduced R&D output in the form of success-
fully launched truly innovative NMEs, coupled with
diminishing market exclusivity for recently launched
new medicines and the huge loss of revenues owing to
generic competition over the next decade, suggest that
we may be moving closer to a pharmaceutical ‘ice age’
and the potential extinction of the industry, at least as it
exists today
. Although this might be welcomed by the
industry’s critics, the impact on the health and well-being
of patients owing to delayed or even lost opportunities
to introduce the next generation of innovative medicines
could be devastating. In this regard, we underscore the
findings of Lichtenberg
on the effects of medical inno-
vation (including controls for the impact of obesity and
income), which indicate that ~40% of the 2-year increase
in life expectancy measured from 1986–2000 can be
attributed to the introduction and use of new drugs. It
took approximately 3 years for NME launches to have
their maximal impact on longevity — this effect was
not observed for non-NME (older) drugs. One can only
speculate as to the impact on longevity and quality of life
that new drugs now in clinical development for cancer
and Alzheimer’s disease might have. Without these new
medicines, and given the rise in diseases such as diabetes
and childhood obesity, it is possible that life expectancy
may actually decrease over time
Among all the challenges faced by the pharmaceutical
industry, we argue that improving R&D productivity
remains the most important. The environmental factors
that are reducing the industry’s profitability can only
be mitigated by substantially and sustainably increas-
ing the number and quality of innovative, as well as
cost-effective, new medicines; but only if accomplished
at reasonable R&D costs. So, the key questions are
where, how and by how much can R&D productivity
be improved? Here, we present a detailed analysis of
R&D productivity by first defining and modelling the
essential elements of contemporary drug discovery
and development that account for the current cost of
a new medicine, and discuss the rate-limiting steps of
the R&D process that are contributing to reduced R&D
productivity. We then propose, and illustrate, ways to
improve these factors.
MARCH 2010
© 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
How do we define R&D productivity?
R&D productivity can be simply defined as the relation-
ship between the value (medical and commercial) created
by a new medicine (considered here to be an NME)
and the investments required to generate that medicine.
However, R&D productivity can in our view best be
elaborated in two important dimensions: inputs leading
to outputs, or R&D efficiency; and outputs leading to
outcomes, or R&D effectiveness
(FIG. 1)
R&D efficiency represents the ability of an R&D
system to translate inputs (for example, ideas, invest-
ments, effort) into defined outputs (for example, inter-
nal milestones that represent resolved uncertainty for
a given project or product launches), generally over a
defined period of time. If launching (gaining regulatory
approval and commercializing) an NME is the desired
output, how can this be achieved with greater efficiency
(that is, at a lower cost)?
R&D effectiveness can be defined as the ability of the
R&D system to produce outputs with certain intended
and desired qualities (for example, medical value to
patients, physicians and payers, and substantial com-
mercial value). Thus, R&D productivity can be viewed
as an aggregate representation of both the efficiency and
effectiveness of the drug discovery and development
process; the goal of a highly productive R&D system is
to efficiently translate inputs into the most desired and
valuable outputs. For a more detailed description of these
definitions, see Supplementary information S1 (box).
With this definition of R&D productivity in mind, we
have further adapted a productivity relationship or
‘pharmaceutical value equation’, which includes the key
elements that determine both the efficiency and effec-
tiveness of the drug discovery and development process
for any given pipeline (see equation 1).