[转]LLC,LLP,Inc,Corp 区别
话题:公司 法人 有限责任
司, 财团法人)Inc是Incorporation的缩写,(结合, 合并, 形
成法人组织, 组成公司(或社团).是Limited company的
缩写,叫做有限责任公司LLC是Limited Liability Company
的缩写,叫做有限责任公司LLP 是Limited Liability
Corporation (INC)定义Definition:是一个州政府注册组织最
C-Corporation和S-Corporation两种。This state chartered
organization acts as a separate legal entity and is the most
structured business entity. Business activities are restricted to
thoselisted in the corporate charter. Corporations may elect to
file as a C-Corporation or S-Corporation.C-corporation –根据收
次需付收入税。双重克税为其最大缺点。pays federal and state
income taxes on earnings. When the earnings are distributed to
the shareholders as dividends, the earnings are taxed again.
Doubletaxation is a big drawback of
C-corporations.S-corporation -法律特色如同C-Corporation,但
不需直接付税,只要申报收入付个人税即可。have the same
legal attributes as the C-corporation, however, the corporation
does not pay income taxes on earnings, rather, the shareholder
pays income taxon dividends on their personal income tax
return.S corporation需另符合下列几项条件:S corporation
owners (shareholders) must meet the following criteria:拥有人
(股东)少于100人Number fewer than 100拥有人(股东)
不可是非永久居民外国人Cannot be non-resident aliens拥有
或信托Cannot be C corporations, other S corporations, limited
liability companies (LLCs),partnerships or certain trusts.优点
公司可拥有财产、告人、或被告。Liability is limited to the
amount owners have paid into their share of stock, and the
corporation’s continuity is unaffected by the death or transfer
ofshares by any of the owners. Corporations have perpetual
continuity unless otherwise specified in Certificate of
Incorporation. As a separate legal entity,corporations may own
property, sue, and be sued in corporate name.缺点
record keeping, close regulation, and double taxations.有限责任
公司Limited Liability Company (LLC)定义Definition:是一个
为成员。 A separate legal entity, the LLC is ahybrid between a
partnership and a corporation, combining the limited liability
advantage of a corporation with the tax status of a sole
proprietor orpartnership. Owners of the LLC are called members.
有限责任公司可由一位或更多成员组成。Similar to the
partnership entities, the LLC is governed by an operating
LLC may be formed by one or more members.因
As a separate legal entity, LLC’s may own property, sue, and be
sued in LLC’s name.由有限责任公司成员所选出之管理人可
以是个人或其他法人。Managers of an LLC as elected by the
members may be in the form of a person or other entity.除公司
Unless otherwise specified by the Articles of Organization,
LLC’s enjoy perpetual continuity similarly as in a corporation.
合伙公司或个人公司需更多法律文件。Since a LLC is a legal
entity, the formation of a LLC requires more legal
documentation than in a general partnership or sole
proprietorship有限责任合伙公司Limited Liability Partnership
伙公司一样不需直接付公司税。A separate legal entity, an LLP
provides liability protection for all general partners as well as
management rights in the business. Most commonly used
inprofessional practices, an LLP offers, in most cases, the same
limited liability enjoyed by a corporation, but at the same time it
is a flow-through entity.优点Advantages:一个独立法人,且有
所得之公司利润可直接申报个人税。LLP’s provide a legal
structure to the establishment of the business. From a capital
investment standpoint, limited partners are shielded from the
liabilityin that their liability is dependent upon the amount of
capital invested. In addition, dividends distributed to all partners
are reported on the partners’personal income tax return.有限责
任合伙公司协议不需注明到期日期。As in any partnership, a
LLP must draft a partnership agreement, which governs how the
business is operated. There is no requirement to set a
terminationdate of the partnership agreement.因是一个独立法
人,有限合伙公司可拥有财产、告人、或被告。As a separate
legal entity, LLP’s may own property, sue, and be sued in LLP’
s name.缺点Disadvantages:因是一个独立法人,有限责任合伙
公司比一般合伙公司需更多法律文件。Since a LLP is a legal
entity, the formation of a LLP requires more legal
documentation than in a general partnership.公司随拥有任何一
合伙人离开而自动结束。If a LLP drops or loses a partner, the
business is automatically deemed dissolved.