And we have liftoff. 灯 亮起来
Yello? House of the future. 哈罗 欢迎致电未来之家
Phil, you have two whole days to yourself. 菲尔 你有两整天时间可自由支配
Please tell me you're not gonna spend them 别告诉我你想把全部时间都用来
trying to wire the house to your ipad. 将家里的装置都连接到ipad上
Nope, 'cause I've already done it. 不会 因为我早已完成了
I think when you get home, 我觉得等你到家的时候
you're gonna be very surprised to see that this house 你会惊讶地发现我们家
has an actual functioning brain in it. 有个能控制一切的大脑中枢
Great. Great. 真棒 太棒了
Now go out and see some friends. 现在出去会会朋友吧
I'm headed out now. 我这就出去
I have a third showing at that colonial. 我要在殖民健身房进行第三次形体展示
Cam gave me a free pass to his gym. 小卡给了我一张免费入场券去他的健身房
I am--not too bright. 我 不要太亮[脑子不灵光]
I am-- 我...
Dim! 暗下来[很笨]
Honey, if you could hear yourself. 亲爱的 听听你自己在胡说些什么
Promise me you'll go outside and play. 答应我 你会出去玩玩的
Miss you, too. 我也想你哦
Phil Dunphy, this is the year 2025. 菲尔·邓菲 当前时间为2025年
Welcome. You're the first one here. 欢迎 你是第一个踏入未来世界的人
Shall we hit the waterslide first? 我们先去玩滑水道吧
I may just sit in the room for a bit. 我就待在房里好了
Ugh! Stop moping! 拜托 别郁闷了
So you didn't get a date to one stupid dance. 你不就是没找到舞伴去参加一场傻逼舞会嘛
It's not one stupid dance. 那才不是傻逼舞会
It's the kickoff to the whole dance season. 那是整个舞蹈季的开场舞
It's like you've never heard boys talk. 你是没听到过那些男生们的评价吧
Hi. We are here for the academic challenge. 嗨 我们是来参加知识竞赛的
It's under "Dunphy." 登记名是邓菲
or it could be under "Returning champion." 或者也可以称为"冠军归来"
Not sure how they file these things. 不知道他们会不会为这类东西建档
Alex wins things, which is great. 艾丽克斯总是获胜 那很好
But she puts so much pressure on herself. 但她一直给自己太大的压力
I... I almost wish she would lose this year. 我 我都有点希望她今年能输掉
Plus, that way, I could go on the waterslide. 再说 那样我就可以去玩滑水道
It's got a corkscrew, 2-second freefall, 那里有螺旋状水道 2秒的自由落体
And a radar gun at the bottom. 在底部还有个雷达枪
I'm Phil. 我成了菲尔了
Nothing from the minibar, and no pay-per-view. 不准喝小酒柜里的东西 不准看付费电视
Can we at least-- 我们能不能至少...
No, you may not send things out for pressing. 不 你不能把衣服送出去烫
Honey, we have an hour until the competition. 宝贝 比赛要1小时后才开始
Do you want to go to the contestants mixer? 你想不想去一下参赛者交谊会
No, I don't want to humanize them. 不 我才懒得去教化他们
Can you believe this is my first bar mitzvah? 你敢相信这是我第一次参加犹太男孩成年礼吗
You'll love it. I heard the gift bags have smartphones. 你会喜欢的
Jewish people are so awesome. 犹太人出手实在太阔绰了
Oh, my god. Did you see that? She smiled at me. 天啊 你看到了吗 她对我回眸一笑
People get that way in dance season. 在舞蹈季 那样很正常啦
No girl's ever smiled at me like that. 从来没有女孩像那样对我笑过