Salary, wages, pay, allowance这四个词之间的区别
与之搭配的介词有on, for, at, against, in, with, without等。
e.g. 1. Will he accept the appointment on that salary?
wouldn't accept this office for such a small salary.
3. She holds an office with a good salary.
你可以记住以下有用词组噢:fix the salary at… "确定薪水为……";a raise in salary "加薪";live on
a small salary "靠微薄的薪水生活"。
"wage (s)"――"工资"、"工钱",通常指给予体力劳动者的短期工作的报酬, 通常按周计算。与"pay" 和
"salary"相比,"wage (s)"在西方国家由指地位低下的、手工的和机械工人所得的工资, 常用复数,也可有
单数形式,如a living wage "用以维持生活的工资"。与之搭配的介词有at, by, for, in, of, on等。
e.g. 1. He works at a wage of 10 dollars a week.
2. He got a sudden rise in his wage.
3. I'm afraid he can not get along on his little wages.
常见的词组有:at a wage of $20 a week "每周工资20美元";a rise in wages "提薪";demand for
higher wages "要求涨工资"。
名词。与之搭配的介词有:for, in, at, on, under, with, without 等。
e.g. 1. He wonders why he is not on full pay this month.
2. The workers went on strike for higher pay.
3. How much tax do they take out of your pay?
要记住的有用词组有:at full pay "以全薪";on half pay "领半薪";pay for weekend work "周末加
班工资";equal pay for equal work "同工同?quot;。
度或慈善心愿而定期给予的附加费用。可数名词。与之搭配的介词有of, from等。
e.g. 1. She will be given an allowance of 10 dollars a month.
2. He has a yearly allowance of 2,000 pounds.
3. Mr. Smith will have an allowance from the government for this special trip.
要记住的词组很简单:give an allowance of "给$…津贴";have an allowance of "有$…津贴";a
monthly allowance "月津贴"