a hero's aspiration课文写作风格
● A hero’s aspiration( Title)
aspiration: n. [C, U]a strong desire to have or achieve sth. 强烈愿望;志向;抱
The large gap between aspiration and reality eventually broke his spirit. 愿望与
● Officer Jonda’s pulse quickened. Road conditions were dangerous on that
cold, dark wintery night.(Para.1)
Meaning: Police officer Jonda's heart beat more quickly. On such a cold, dark
night in winter, road conditions were dangerous.
* wintery: a. (also wintry)
1) cold or typical of winter 寒冷的;冬天似的
It was one wintery morning, and everyone was still sleeping.
2) a wintery smile or expression is not very friendly (笑容或表情) 冷漠的;冷冰
She gave a wintery smile when he promised never to cheat her again.
● It was swaying. It was not swaying violently, and was still barely within the
lane, but on the winding road in the fierce November rain, it was enough. (Para. 1)
Meaning: The car was moving from one side to another. It was not swaying
violently, and the driver still managed to keep it within the lane, but it was clear
that the driver did so with great difficulty. With the road having a lot of turns and
the heavy rain in November , an accident was likely to happen.
* barely
1. ) only with great difficulty or effort
His voice was barely loud enough to be heart at the back of the classroom.
2.)almost not
Afraid of darkness, Nina barely walks out of the house at night.
Usage: barely, bare
They barely earn enough to maintain themselves and their four children.
He was so drunk that he could barely stand,
She was barely15 when she won her first championship,
bare为形容词,表示 “赤裸的;光秃秃的;无覆盖物的;仅有的;勉强的;最低限
We used to do silly things, like running bare foot through the park.
Gusts of cold wind shook the trees' bare branches.
The patient stood uneasily on the bare floor.
Our profit margin is a bare 1%. 我们的利润仅有1%。
barely为否定词,不应与not 或其他否定词连用,例如
(×) The temperature was not barely above freezing. (
(√) The temperature was barely above freezing. 气温接近冰点。
4. barely和hardly,scarcely一样,可以表示 “刚...就...”。在正式文体中,这些词可
Barely had I said my name before he led me to the interview room. 我刚报上我
wind: if a road, river, etc. winds somewhere, it has many smooth bends and is
usu. very long (河流、道路等)蜿蜒,曲折前进
I enjoy walking along the narrow and winding streets in my hometown. 我喜欢
Vt. turn or twist sth. several times around sth. else 缠绕;卷绕
He started winding the string in to bring the kite out of the sky. 他开始往回收
● Jonda had a sixth sense for accidents and lived n terror of them ever since
that awful night so many years ago. (Para. 1)