Direction: read the following sentences and their translation. Try to figure out the difference
between them.
The Great Wall crosses a series of mountains and gullies, stretching 12,70
0 li, or 6,350 kilometres.
To the left is another rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters
Yun Wai Liu Chun ( beyond clouds flows spring) written by Su Dongpo
(1037--1101), the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty
In the early 1920s, Beijing became the cradle of China' s new democratic
revolution. The historic May Fourth Movement, a massive student moveme
nt against imperialism and feudalism, began here in 1919.
Near the forest is the White Dragon Cave which is said to be the very pla
ce where Lady White, the legendary heroine of The Story of the White Sna
ke, cultivated herself according to Buddhist doctrine.
Legend has it that some 4,000 years ago, when great floods threatened the
people of central China, Yu the Great resolved to tame the mighty rivers. He
journeyed inland in a boat, but was soon stopped by the torrent current.
Fortunately, a yellow dragon appeared and bore the boat upstream as far as it
could go. Yu succeeded in controlling the flood and went on to found the
Tourists may bathe in the warm mineral water in Huaqing Hot Springs, the
site of the private baths for Lady Yang, a favourite concubine of the Tang
2. 这一部分练习目的有三。一、专有名词的译法;二、向城市翻译过渡;三,强调译者
1) Please read and improve version A and then compare your version with Version B. If there is
anything you can learn from it, try to state the reasons.
2)Pay attention to the translation of proper nouns, such as “南方”, “有锡”, “无锡”, “京杭大运河”,
Wuxi is a small city in Jiangsu Province of the South, situated between Nanjing and
Shanghai. As early as 6,000 years ago, there had been a primitive tribe settled here. Tod
ay’s Wuxi began to be built in the second century B.C. At that time tin ore was excavated
from Xishan southwest of the city. After the discovery of tin, people started to call this pla
ce"Youxi". As time passed by, the tin mine ran out and "Youxi" was changed to "Wuxi".
Wuxi is a small city in South China’ s Jiangsu Province, located mid-way between N
anjing and Shanghai. Established as early as 6,000 years ago by a primitive tribe, the pre
sent city was first built in the second century B.C. when tin was mined from a hill in the so
uthwest named Xishan. (合句)
After tin was discovered there, the place began to be called Youxi, literally "has tin", and
with the pas-sage of time, the tin was mined out and the name was changed to Wuxi, me
aning"no tin"(绿体字部分为注释性增译).
Wuxi faces the Taihu Lake in the south and leans against the Huishan Mountain in t
he west, both of which are the major local scenic spots. Besides, the old Jing-Hang Gran
d Canal and the Jing-Hu Railway pass through here.
Wuxi is bordered by Taihu Lake on the south, and Huishan Hill in the west. They are
the major scenic spots there. In addition, the ancient Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangz
hou was dug to run through the city, as was the Beijing-Shanghai Railway(A译文这里采
As one of the five large freshwater lakes in China, the Taihu Lake has a water area
of 36,000 square hectares, with about 100 small islands and 72 mountain peaks along its
shore. (句式不如B
好)Several thousand years ago, here used to be a shallow water bend. Later on the Chan
gjiang Delta gradually expanded and connected with the dikes and dams in the gulf, thus
forming an interior lake and turning the original isles into mountain peaks. With its misty
water, the Taihu Lake is surrounded by grotesque peaks. This nature-made scenery of la
kes and mountains is so beautiful that one simply cannot take them all in.
The Taihu Lake is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China. Covering a wate
r area of 36,000 hectares, it has scores of islets,and 72 peaks along its banks. Thousand
s of years ago, the lake was a shallow bay. Later the gradually expanding Yangtse Delta l
inked with the dykes in the bay and turned it into an inland lake and the original islets into