M. S. CHEUNG (張慕聖)
BSc Chu Hai Coll; MSc, PhD Calgary
Chair Professor, Head of Department, Co-Director of Institute for the
Environment, and Director of Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure
Research Center
Research Interests:
Finite element and finite strip methods; static and dynamic analysis of
bridges and buildings; composite materials and fibre-reinforced
polymers; reliability-based structural assessments; and durability of
concrete structures.
Wilson H. TANG (鄧漢忠)
BSc, MS Massachusetts Inst of Tech; PhD Stanford
Chair Professor
Research Interests:
Risk, reliability and decision analysis of engineering systems;
uncertainty modeling.
Tony R. EASTHAM (易東萊)
BSc London; PhD Surrey
Professor, Associate Vice-President for Research and Development,
and President/CEO of HKUST R and D Corporation Ltd
Research Interests:
Advanced ground transportation; research and development policy
Mohamed S. GHIDAOUI (招捷達)
BEng, MASc, PhD Toronto
Research Interests:
Hydraulics, water resources and environmental fluid mechanics: shallow
flows; wall shear and flow turbulence in unsteady flows; flow stability
and its applications in pipe and surface water flows; numerical modeling
of surface and closed conduit flows; leakage detection in pipes; sewer
surcharging; Boltzman theory and hydraulics.
Kenny Chung-Sau KWOK (郭中秀)
BE, PhD Monash
Professor, and Director of CLP Power Wind/Wave Tunnel Facility
Research Interests:
Wind effects on building and structures; wind tunnel modeling; structural
dynamics; vibration control; environmental fluid mechanics.
Christopher K. Y. LEUNG (梁堅凝)
BSc Hong Kong; MS Univ of California, Berkeley; PhD Massachusetts
Inst of Tech
Professor, and Director of Advanced Engineering Materials Facility
Research Interests:
Construction materials; fiber-reinforced concrete; composite in civil
engineering; composite micro-mechanics; fracture mechanics; optical
fiber sensors.
Xiang-Song LI (李相崧)
BS Tsinghua; MS, PhD Univ of California, Davis
Research Interests:
Soil mechanics; soil dynamics; geotechnical earthquake engineering;
constitutive modeling; computational mechanics; signal processing;
instrumentation and control systems.
Zongjin LI (李宗津)
BE Zhejiang; MS, PhD Northwestern
Professor, and Associate Dean of Engineering
Research Interests:
Fiber-reinforced cementitious composites; durability of concrete; non-
destructive test of infrastructure; using extrusion technique to develop
new building products; functional material development; sustainable
construction materials.
Charles W. W. NG (吳宏偉)
MSc Southampton; PhD Bristol
Professor, and Director of Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility
Research Interests:
Centrifuge modeling; numerical analysis and constitutive models; slope
stability; soil-structure interaction problems such as piles, retaining
walls, excavations and tunnels; unsaturated soils.
Yeou-Koung TUNG (湯有光)
BS Tamkang; MS, PhD Univ of Texas, Austin
Research Interests:
Water resources systems analysis; reliability and uncertainty analyses
applied to hydrosystems engineering; stochastic modeling of rainfall-
runoff process.