Section 1
Former two pictures tell us that assuming our own gender roles is very
important of all ,we must know what it is. Gender roles are the roles
that society assigns to men and women based on their gender. For example,men are
known to be rational and women are known to be weak, moody,
method lead to different ways men and women live, especially their
's share a video at first.
That day ,the dogs and cats rain in the sky. A woman run into a coffee resturant ,
water on her pretty face, we can‟t distinguish whether it is rain or tear. When she
want to take her order , a man sit opposite her.
A: Hi,B. What a surprise to meet you here!
B:So luck to meet you here. But my mood is blue.
A: What „s wrong with you?
B: I think my interview is great but they didn‟t hire me finally as the result of I‟m
only a woman, that‟s so crazy. Why man is different from woman? Why man
could take high salary position? I don‟t reckon all human being is equal. Tonight I
wanna cry.
A:B. Be calm. This company might only hire people who could stay up, you know,
staying up is bad to people, especially pretty girl.
B: (smiling) You are kidding me.
A: There is no denying that woman take more and more important part in our society.
Those days when Males are superior, while females are inferior have gone. For
example, I am respecting you now. Come on, it‟s over. Let‟s face it.
B: After listening your words. I feel the clouds in my heart has gone away. Let‟s
take something to drink. Waiter.
Aside:Gender discrimination which is a extreme expression way of gender roles is no
excepted when you search a job. This thought can date back 5000 years ago. In acient
China , old people often said “Men mind the external affairs and women the internal
affairs”, “Males are superior; females are inferior”
For example, If the woman chose to
have instinct", and her partner was often considered inadequate, as it was assumed he was not
a "good provider" women were supposed to get married and stay home to raise a family. The
man was expected to go out to work to support his family. a career, she was considered
"barren" or "lacking in maternalalong with the rapid development of modern economic and
social labor the changes to the way, further open society, more adult women to participate
in social activities, engaged in the past men traditional profession, While men Shared
by some of the women scored all the housework. Not only that, in fashion, clothing and habits,
etc also played a significant change.
Let‟s share a video again.
Section 2
Aside:Believing is just
B:I'm so hungry now. How come you cook dinnner so late?Don't you know I work
for our family all the day?
A:Darling,wait for a of my best freinds will drop in I spent more
time preparing a delicious dish.
After A While
(sound of knocking door)
A:Come in,please..
C:Ha Ha.A,you have totally become a don't you assume man
roles?You should be a real man just like what you were in the Jilin University.
A:It's difficult to not chat while eating?
C:So I have to say though you can cook well,you shouldn't stay at
B:That's enough.I can't bear any women can't work as thought
are out of can even do better than men.
C: I just can‟t stand a woman who is better than me become my wife.
B: Didn‟t you hear that “a woman stand behind a successful man.”
C: What stand behind a successful woman?
A pile of men.
A:Come on. She like me even when I look like shit
B: Ah, that‟s just how you naturally look
Gender roles have been changing in Western society in recent decades,
and generally have become more flexible. However, traditional gender roles still have
some many people like C still believe that women shouldn't be more
excellent than their only can stay in home and be housewives.
American feminist movement "second wave" leader, Betty Friedan depicted a
woman's life in industrial society and the role of the state, especially in full-time
housewives in this dull and highly confined role. She pointed out that these women
are not satisfied with family life wife, mother, but public opinion has been suppressed
women's needs and self-confidence. I also believe that women and men, as have the
ability to make progress in any career field and achievements, encourage women to
leave their homes to receive more education and seek career success in the economic,
emotional and intellectual dependence on men to get rid of.
Changing gender roles is happening every is a double-edged
we can do is keeping the positive attributes of flash, while removing the
being ? or ?.And change our confined method.