1. Perseverance 毅力
As a graduate student, it is important to have strong
perseverance. Graduate studies are often challenging and
require a lot of dedication and hard work.
2. Responsibility 责任心
Graduate students must take responsibility for their own
academic progress and research projects. They must also be
accountable for their actions and decisions.
3. Curiosity 好奇心
Graduate students should have a strong desire to learn and
explore new ideas. Curiosity helps them to discover new
research questions and solutions.
4. Creativity 创造力
Graduate students need to be creative in their thinking and
problem-solving. They must be able to come up with new and
innovative ideas for their research projects.
5. Time management 时间管理
Graduate students must be able to manage their time
effectively. They need to balance coursework, research,
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teaching, and personal life.
6. Teamwork 合作能力
Graduate students often work in teams, whether it’s in
research groups, classroom discussions, or group projects.
They need to be able to collaborate effectively with others.
7. Communication skills 沟通能力
Graduate students must be able to communicate clearly and
effectively with their peers, advisors, and other
professionals. This includes written and oral communication,
as well as active listening skills.
8. Professionalism 专业素养
Graduate students are expected to behave professionally in
all aspects of their academic and research work. This includes
maintaining ethical standards, respecting others, and adhering
to professional codes of conduct.
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