sensitive 体贴 造句 -回复
1. She is very sensitive towards other people's feelings.
2. The teacher showed a sensitive approach when dealing with the
student's personal issues.
3. He always listens and responds in a sensitive manner when his
friends share their problems.
4. The sensitive girl easily gets emotionally affected by the harsh
5. Her sensitive nature makes her a great listener and friend.
6. The doctor's sensitive handling of the patient's concerns helped
ease their anxieties.
7. The sensitive poet's words touched the hearts of many readers.
8. A sensitive parent understands the importance of a supportive
and caring environment for their child.
9. The therapist offered a sensitive and non-judgmental space for
the patient to express their emotions.
10. Their sensitive remarks uplifted the spirits of the grieving family.
11. A sensitive leader takes into consideration the needs and
opinions of their team members.
12. The sensitive artist's work reflects their deep understanding of
human emotions.
13. She showed a sensitive response by comforting her friend
during a difficult time.
14. The sensitive dog immediately sensed his owner's sadness and
stayed by their side.
15. The organization's sensitive handling of the sensitive topic won
praise from the public.