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Unit 10
The Transaction
William Zinsser
1 About ten years ago a school in Connecticut held “a day devoted to the arts,” and I
was asked if I would come and talk about writing as a vocation. When I arrived I found
that a second speaker had been invited — Dr. Brock (as I’ll call him), a surgeon who had
recently begun to write and had sold some stories to national magazines. He was going to
talk about writing as an avocation. That made us a panel, and we sat down to face a crowd
of student newspaper editors, English teachers and parents, all eager to learn the secrets
of our glamorous work.
2 Dr. Brock was dressed in a bright red jacket, looking vaguely bohemian, as authors
are supposed to look, and the first question went to him. What was it like to be a writer?
3 He said it was tremendous fun. Coming home from an arduous day at the hospital,
he would go straight to his yellow pad and write his tensions away. The words just flowed.
It was easy.
4 I then said that writing wasn’t easy and it wasn’t fun. It was hard and lonely, and
the words seldom just flowed.
5 Next Dr. Brock was asked if it was important to rewrite. “Absolutely not,” he said.
“Let it all hang out, and whatever form the sentences take will reflect the writer at his
most natural.”
6 I then said that rewriting is the essence of writing. I pointed out that professional
writers rewrite their sentences repeatedly and then rewrite what they have rewritten. I
mentioned that E. B. White and James Thurber rewrote their pieces eight or nine times.
7 “What do you do on days when it isn’t going well?” Dr. Brock was asked. He said he
just stopped writing and put the work aside for a day when it would go better.
8 I then said that the professional writer must establish a daily schedule and stick to
it. I said that writing is a craft, not an art, and that the man who runs away from his craft
because he lacks inspiration is fooling himself. He is also going broke.
9 “What if you’re feeling depressed or unhappy?” a student asked. “Won’t that affect
your writing?”
10 Probably it will, Dr. Brock replied. Go fishing. Take a walk.
11 Probably it won’t, I said. If your job is to write every day, you learn to do it like any
other job.
12 A student asked if we found it useful to circulate in the literary world. Dr. Brock said
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that he was greatly enjoying his new life as a man of letters, and he told several stories of
being taken to lunch by his publisher and his agent at chic Manhattan restaurants where
writers and editors gather. I said that professional writers are solitary drudges who
seldom see other writers.
13 “Do you put symbolism in your writing?” a student asked me.
14 “Not if I can help it,” I replied. I have an unbroken record of missing the deeper
meaning in any story, play or movie, and as for dance and mime, I have never had even a
remote notion of what is being conveyed.
15 “I love symbols!” Dr. Brock exclaimed, and he described with gusto the joys of
weaving them through his work.
16 So the morning went, and it was a revelation to all of us. At the end Dr. Brock told
me he was enormously interested in my answers — it had never occurred to him that
writing could be hard. I told him I was just as interested in his answers — it had never
occurred to me that writing could be easy. (Maybe I should take up surgery on the side.)
17 As for the students, anyone might think we left them bewildered. But in fact we
probably gave them a broader glimpse of the writing process than if only one of us had
talked. For of course there isn’t any “right” way to do such intensely personal work. There
are all kinds of writers and all kinds of methods, and any method that helps people to say
what they want to say is the right method for them.
18 Some people write by day, others by night. Some people need silence, others turn
on the radio. Some write by hand, some by typewriter or word processor, some by talking
into a tape recorder. Some people write their first draft in one long burst and then revise;
others can’t write the second paragraph until they have fiddled endlessly with the first.
19 But all of them are vulnerable and all of them are tense. They are driven by a
compulsion to put some part of themselves on paper, and yet they don’t just write what
comes naturally. They sit down to commit an act of literature, and the self who emerges
on paper is a far stiffer person than the one who sat down. The problem is to find the real
man or woman behind all the tension.
20 For ultimately the product that any writer has to sell is not the subject being written
about, but who he or she is. I often find myself reading with interest about a topic I never
thought would interest me — some unusual scientific quest, for instance. What holds me
is the enthusiasm of the writer for his field. How was he drawn into it? What emotional
baggage did he bring along? How did it change his life? It’s not necessary to want to
spend a year alone at Walden Pond to become deeply involved with a writer who did.
21 This is the personal transaction that’s at the heart of good nonfiction writing. Out of
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it come two of the most important qualities that this book will go in search of: humanity
and warmth. Good writing has an aliveness that keeps the reader reading from one
paragraph to the next, and it’s not a question of gimmicks to “personalize” the author. It’s
a question of using the English language in a way that will achieve the greatest strength
and the least clutter.
22 Can such principles be taught? Maybe not. But most of them can be learned.
1. 大约十年前,康涅狄格州有所学校举办了一次“艺术日”活动,他们问我是否愿意去谈谈
2. 布罗克医生穿着一件鲜红的上衣,看上去略微有点豪放不羁,一副作家该有的派头。第
3. 他说其乐无穷。从医院忙了一天回家后,他会直接打开他的黄色笔记本,写着写着就轻
4. 然后我说写作不容易,而且不好玩。这是件艰苦而又孤独的事,词句很少自然流出。
5. 接着有人问布罗克医生修改是否重要。“绝对没必要,”他回答道,“想到什么就写什么,
6. 然后我说修改是写作的本质所在。我指出,职业作家常常反复修改他们写出来的句子,
7. “写作不顺利的日子里你做些什么?”有人问布罗克医生。他说他就暂时放手,把作品搁
8. 接着,我说职业作家应该定好每天的日程表严格执行。我说写作是技艺,而不是艺术,
9. “要是你情绪低落或不开心呢?”一个学生问道。“那不会影响你的写作吗?”
10. 很可能会,布罗克医生回答。那就去钓鱼。或去散步。
11. 很可能不会,我说。如果你的职业就是每天写作,你就会学着像从事其他职业一样来对
12. 一个学生问我俩觉得在文学圈子里与别人打交道有没有帮助。布罗克医生说他非常喜欢
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13. “你在作品里使用象征手法吗?”有个学生问我。
14. “能不用就不用,”我回答。我拥有一项没有人打破的纪录,那就是每本小说、剧作或电
15. “我热爱象征!”布罗克医生叫道,随后兴致勃勃地描绘了将象征融入作品的乐趣。
16. 那个上午就是这样过去的,我们都受到很大启迪。结束时布罗克医生对我说,他对我的
17. 至于学生们,谁都会觉得我们把他们给弄糊涂了。可事实上我们这样或许让他们对写作
18. 有些人在白天写作,另一些人在夜里写。有些人写作时需要安静,另一些人则开着收音
19. 不过,他们全都很脆弱,他们全都很紧张。一种强烈的冲动驱使他们把自己的一部分写
20. 因为从根本上来说任何一个作家所要兜售的产品并不是作品所写的主题,而是他或她的
21. 这就是汇通,优秀写实作品的核心所在。从中可衍生出本书将致力探讨的两个最为重要
22. 这类原则教得会吗?也许不行。但大多数是可以学会的。