民事合伙 civil partnership
隐名合伙 sleeping partnership; dormant partnership
私营企业 private enterprise; proprietorship
法人 legal person
企业法人 legal body of enterprise
企业集团 group of enterprise
关联企业 affiliate enterprise
个人独资企业 individual business establishment
国有独资企业 solely state-owned enterprise
中外合资企业 Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise
中外合作企业 Sino-foreign contractual enterprise
社团法人 legal body of mass organization
财团法人 legal body of financial group
联营 joint venture
法人型联营 association of legal persons
合伙型联营 coordinated management in partnership
协作型联营 cooperation-type coordinated management
合作社 cooperative
民事法律行为 civil legal act
单方民事法律行为 unilateral civil legal act
双方民事法律行为 bilateral civil legal act
多方民事法律行为 joint act civil legal act
有偿民事法律行为 civil legal act with consideration
无偿民事法律行为 civil legal act without consideration; civil legal act without
实践性民事法律行为 practical civil legal act