



【《太平广记》】Extensive Records Compiled in theTaiping Years;The Extensive

Anthologies of Taiping Period

【《太阳照在桑乾河上》】The Sun Shines Over River Sanggan

【台阁体】secretariat style

【《谈艺录》】Notes on Literature and Art

【《唐诗三百首》】Three hundred Tang Poems

【唐宋八大家】Eight Great Men of Letters of theTang and Song Dynasties (Han

Yu, Liu

Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Ansh, Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, and Zeng Gong)

【《桃花扇》】The Peach Blossom Fan

【《桃花源记》】The Story of the Peach BlossomValley

【《陶庵梦忆》】Recollections of Taoan's PastDreams

【特写】feature article

【《天安门诗抄》】The Tian'anmen Poems

【田园诗】bucolic poem; pastoral poem; idyll

【田园浪漫小说】pastoral romance

【《铁道游击队》】Railway Guerrillas

【通俗小说】popular novel


【童话】nursery tales

【童谣】children's folk rhymes


【《万首唐人绝句》】Ten Thousand Quatrains from theTang

【《望江亭》】River-Watching Pavilion


【唯物史观】materialistic conception ofhistory

【《围城》】A Town Besieged

【为艺术而艺术】art for art sake

【为人生而艺术】art for life's sake

【《伪自由书》】False Liberty

【文笔】style of writing

【文化遗产】cultural heritage

【文人墨客】poets and literary men

【《文心雕龙》】Carving a Dragon at the Core ofLiterature

【《文选》】The selections of RefinedLiterature

【文学革命】literature revolution

【文学批评史】history of literary critiques

【文学社会学】sociology in literature

【文学史】history of literature

【文学思想史】history of literary thought

【文学心理学】psychology in literature

【文学研究会】the Society for Literary Research

【文学遗产】literary heritage

【文艺创作】literary and artistic creation

【文艺队伍】ranks of writers and artists

【文艺革命】revolution in literature and art

【文艺工作者】literary and art workers

【文艺民俗学】folklore in literature

【文艺批评】literary and art criticism

【文言】classical Chinese

【文言文】writings in classical Chinese

【《文苑英华》】Wenyuan Yinghua; Best LiteraryWorks

【问题小说】problem novel

【五经】The Five Classics

【五言诗】a poem with five characters in aline

【无产阶级文学】proletarican literature

【无产阶级小说】proletarian novel

【无题诗】untitled poems

【吴中四杰】Four Outstanding Men of Wu ( thefour renowned young poets of

the early

Ming, namely , Gao Qi, Zhang Yu, Yu Ben and Jang Ji )

【武侠小说】chivalry novel and novelettes;gongfu novel


【西方马克思主义文艺批评】Western Marxist criticism

【《西湖佳话》】Memorable Stories of the West Lake

【《西厢记》】West Chamber; The Western Chamber

【《西游记》】Pilgrimage to the West; Monkey;Story of a Journey to the West;


of a Journey to the West

【戏剧冲突】dramatic conflict

【戏剧性手法】the dramatic method

【《闲情偶寄》】Sketches of Idle Pleasure

【险韵】obscure rhymes

【现代文学】contemporary literature

【现代戏剧】modern drama

【现代主义与后现代主义】modernism and post-modernism

【现实主义小说】realistic novel

【乡村小说】rural novel

【乡土文学】local literature; nativeliterature

【象征派诗】Symoblist poetry

【《湘西散记》】Recollections of West Hunan

【小剧场运动】little theater movement

【小品文】familiar essay; essay

【小说美学】aesthetics of fiction

【《小说月刊》】The Short Story Monthly

【小小说】short-short story

【消遣小说】light fiction

【《笑府》】Treasury of Jokes


【《笑林广记》】Jest Books

【楔子】prologue in some modern novels

【写光明】writing about the bright

【写黑暗】writing about the dark

【心理描写】inside description

【心理现实主义】psychological realism

【心理小说】psychological novel

【《新儿女英雄传》】New Story of Heroic Sons andDaughters

【新青年】New Youth

【新月社】the Crescent Moon Society

【形象思维】thinking in terms of images

【《醒世恒言》】Lasting Words to Awaken the World;The Common Saying

Moralizing People

【《醒世烟缘传》】Marriage that Awakens the World

【性的描写】sextual description

【性格喜剧】comedy of humours

【《性格组合论》】On the Composition of Character

【修辞手段】figures of speech

【绣像小说】illustrated fiction

【叙事诗】narrative poem

【叙事小说】narrative novel

【序跋】preface and postscript

【序幕】prologue; prelude


【宣传文学】porpaganda literature

【宣传小说】propaganda novel

【渲染】apply colours to a drawing; playup

【悬念】audience involvement in a film orplay; reader involvement in a piece of


【学院戏剧】academic drama

【延安文艺座谈会】the Yan'an Forum on Literature andArt

【演义】historical novel; historicalrommance

【《艳阳天》】Radiant Skies

【《阳春白雪》】The Spring Snow

【《野草》】Wild Grass

【《野叟曝言》】A Rustic's Idle Talk

【《易经》】The Book of Changes

【艺术标准】artistic criterion

【艺术成就】artistic merit

【艺术的起源】origin of art


【艺术借鉴】reference in art

【艺术效果】effect of art

【艺术性】artistic quality

【艺术至上论】art eorart

【《艺文类聚》】Yi Wen Lei Ju; Classified Excerptsfrom Ancient Writers; A


Collection of Literary Writing

【意识流】stream of consciousness

【印象主义批评】impressionistic criticism

【因材施教】individualized method ofinstruction; case by case

【《永乐大典》】Yong Le Da Dian ; GreatEncyclopaedia of the Yongle Reign; The


Encyclopaedia in the Reign of Emperor Yongle

【用民族风格表现新的内容】presenting new ideological contentwith a national


【语义重叠】multiple meaning

【《喻世明言》】Illustrious Words to Instruct theWorld

【寓教于乐】delight and instruction


【元曲】Yuan verse

【元杂剧】Yuan-Dynasty zaju plays

【原型批评】archetypal criticism

【圆形人物】round character

【鸳鸯蝴蝶派】Mandarin Duck and ButterflySchool; Love Birds and Butterfly


【乐府】folk rhyme; folk songs and balladsin the Han style

【《乐府诗集》】The Collection of Folk Songs andBallads in the Han Style

【《岳阳楼记》】On Yueyang Tower

【《阅微草堂笔记》】Jottings from the Thatched Abodeof Close Observations

【杂剧】zaju (poetic drama set to music,flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty, usu.

consisting of four acts called zhe, with a character having the singing role in

each zhe )

【《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》】Talks at the Yan'an Forum ofLiterature and Art

【《再别康桥》】Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again

【《战国策》】Strategies of the Warring StatesPeriod;

Intrigues of the Warring States

【章回小说】Traditional Chinese novels (witheach chapter headed by a couplet


the list of its content)

【《朝华夕拾》】Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk

【《浙西六家词》】The Ci Poetry by Six Poets fromthe Westen Part of Zhejiang


【真相大白的情节或场面】recognition plot or scene

【侦探小说】detective story

【正面人物】positive character

【《正气歌》】A Song of the Moral Sense

【政治标准】political criterion

【政治和艺术的统一】unity of politics and art

【政治小说】political novel

【志怪小说】mythical stories

【中国诗歌会】the China Poetry Society

【《中国俗文学史》】History of Chinese PopularLiterature

【《中国通俗小说书目》】A Bibliography of Popular ChineseFiction

【《中国文学批评史》】History of Chinese LiteraryCriticism

【中国文学艺术界联合会】All China Federation of Literaryand Art Circles

【《中国小说史略》】A Short History of Chinese Fiction

【中国左翼作家联盟】China League of Left-Wing Writers

【中国作家协会】Association of Chinese Writers

【中华全国文学工作者协会】All-China Federation of Writers

【《中庸》】The Doctrine of the Mean

【主情文学】literature of sensibility

【主题明确】(with) a clear-cut theme

【竹枝词】1. ancient folk songs with love astheir main theme

2. occasional poems in the classical style devoted to local topics

【《庄子》】Zhuang Zi; Book of Master Zhuang

【《资治通鉴》】Comprehensive Mirror for AidGovernment

【《子不语》】What the Master Would Not Talk of




【自由恋爱】free love

【自由诗】free verse

【姊妹篇】companion piece

【《组织部来了个年轻人》】A Young Newcomer in theOrganization Department

【《醉翁亭记》】Record of the Old Tippler'sPavalion

【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; MasterZuo's Spring and Autumn


【作品基调】mood and ambience

【作品评价】evaluation of literary works

【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works

【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; MasterZuo's Spring and Autumn


【作品基调】mood and ambience

【作品评价】evaluation of literary works

【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works





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