Assignment5 题库
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
__T__ 1. An emerging characteristic of purchasing, logistics, and support activities is that they nee
d to be flexible.
__F__ 2. Direct materials that companies buy on a recurring basis are MRO supplies.
__T__ 3. FedEx and UPS have freight-tracking Web pages available to their customers.
__T__ 4. Online Benefits is a firm that duplicates its clients' human resource functions on a passw
ord-protected Web site that is accessible to clients' employees.
__T__ 5. In 1999, Ericsson launched a Web site to facilitate knowledge management.
__F__ 6. Most B2C electronic commerce is an adaptation of EDI.
__T__ 7. The ASC X12 organization and the UN/EDIFACT group agreed in late 2000 to develop
one common set of international standards.
__F__ 8. One of the major advantages of VANs is cost.
__T__ 9. GPAS and IBM Global Services are companies that provide VAN services.
__F__ 10. The up-front cost of implementing indirect connection EDI, including software, VAN e
nrollment fee, and hardware, typically exceeds $500,000.
__F__ 11. Ventro opened its first industry marketplace, Chemdex, in early 1987.
__T__ 12. A purchasing or logistics strategy that works this year may not work next year.
__T__ 13. Businesses make a distinction between direct and indirect materials.
__T__ 14. Governments perform many functions for their stakeholders.
__F__ 15. Because of advances in computer technology, most businesses do not need to buy office
supplies or the services of freight and transportation companies.
__T__ 16. By coordinating the efforts of supply chain participants, firms that engage in supply cha
in management are reaching beyond the limits of their own organization's hierarchical structure an
d creating a new network form of organization among the members of the supply chain.
__F__ 17. By engaging competitors in cooperative, long-term relationships, companies have foun
d that they can work together with these competitors to identify new ways to provide their own cu
stomers with faster, cheaper, and better services.
__F__ 18. In many companies, procurement staff need not have high levels of product knowledge
to identify and evaluate appropriate suppliers.
__T__ 19. A passive RFID tag does not need a power source.
__T__ 20. Many industry value chains no longer consist of a single sequence of companies linked
in a single line but include many parallel lines that are interconnected in a web or network configu
__F__ 21. Large companies usually assign responsibility for purchasing direct and indirect materi
als to the same department.
__T__ 22. EDI was the first form of electronic commerce to be widely used in business.
__F__ 23. EDI increases the paper flow and streamlines the interchange of information among dep
artments within a company.
__F__ 24. Most VANs do not require an enrollment fee.
__T__ 25. Using VANs can become cumbersome and expensive for companies that want to do bus
iness with a number of trading partners, each using different VANs.
__T__ 26. EDI and XML are both used in many businesses to handle the electronic exchange of tr
ansaction information.
__F__ 27. Many companies are willing to use the Internet to transmit FEDI transaction sets.
__T__ 28. The ultimate goal of supply chain management is to achieve a higher-quality or lower c
ost product at the end of the chain.
__F__ 29. FEDI transaction sets are not negotiable instruments.
__F__ 30. When EFTs involve two banks, they are executed using a VAN.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
__a__ 31. The term ____ generally includes all purchasing activities, plus the monitoring of all ele
ments of purchase transactions.
a. procurement c. distribution