会议讲话 Conference Address
概述 General Terms
达成共识 reach common ground
代表全体委员 on behalf of all the committee members
防患于未然 take preventative measures
随意聊聊 chat freely
担起责任 shoulder the responsibility
高层次、全方位的对话 high-level and all-directional dialogue
相比;比得上;敌得过 stack up (against with)
唤起舆论的注意 call out the media hounds
交换意见 exchange views
揭开序幕;开始 get the show started
聚集一堂 get together
口头详细说明 lay sth. out
老生常谈;陈词滥调 cliche
盲目尝试 shoot in the dark
冒失行动 jump the gun
扭转乾坤 turn things around
破产;倒闭 go bankrupt; go belly up
欺骗 pull the wool over sb.’s eyes
全力投入 be all in for
伤害控制 damage control
使上涨;提高 jack up
损失惨重 suffer a heavy loss
特别提到 make a special mention of
向法院控诉 take sb. to court
消除误解 clear up misunderstandings
心安理得 live in peace with oneself
咬紧牙关硬撑 bite the bullet
以非官方身份 in an unofficial capacity