nor/shipper 发货人
nee 收货人
er 出口人;importer 进口人
g list 装箱单
cial invoice 商业发票
of lading 海运提单
ng advice 装船通知
nce policy保险单 / insurance certificate 保险凭证
ciary's certificate 受益人证明
icate of origin 原产地证
icate of quality 质量证书
tion certificate of commodity 商检证书
tion certificate 检验证书 .
ct number 合同号码
of credit number 信用证号码
nce number 参考号码
s 地址
ner number 集装箱号码
ity number 商品编号
ng marks 运输标志
ption of goods 货物描述
of Goods/commodity 品名
weight 毛重
weight 净重
for net 以毛作净
of issue 签发地
of issue 签发日
amount 总金额
of invoice 发票日期
y of origin 原产地
price 单价
ements/cube 体积
and conditions 条款和条件
=piece 件;pcs = pieces 件(复数)
=carton 纸箱
=cubic meter 立方米
41.S/C=sale contract 销售合同;
S/C=sale confirmation 销售确认书
=package 包装
=kilogram 千克
=quantity 数量
=full container load 整箱货
46.L/C=letter of credit 信用证
47.$253,629.00=253,629.00美元=US Dollars two hundred and fifty three thousand
six hundred and twenty nine
conformity with the stipulations in contract;
Conforming to the stipulations in contract;
49.装运:(1)not later than 不迟于
(2)not early than 不早于
10 days after shipment装运后十天内
51. port of shipment 装运港
of destination 目的港
l shipment 分批装运
hipment 转运
sb. of sth. 通知某人某事
e value 发票金额
=expected time of arrival 预计到达时间
=expected time of departure 预计离开时间
g date 启航日
and issue by seller 由卖方签发并签字
t 支付
tion 检验
majeure 不可抗力
ng 投保
risk 战争险
s risk 罢工险
from particular average 平安险
particular average 水渍险
on board ocean bills of lading 清洁已装船提单
party 被通知方
duplicate 一式两份
triplicate 一式三份
use to warehouse 仓至仓
indication of / indicating / marking标明,显示
t prepaid 运费已付
m prepaid 保费议付
g conditions 贸易条件
ance 承兑
80. negotiation 议付
cable documentary letter of credit 不可撤销的跟单信用证
ant 申请人
ating bank 议付行
ng bank 通知行
bank 付款行