Smart DoorbellUser Manual
1. Smart Doorbell OverviewLensAmbient Light SensorMicPIR SensorWhite and Blue
Breathing LEDMain ButtonPower ButtonReset ButtonAC/DC PowerConnectorsRed (Charging) LEDMicro USB Slot and
Battery Compartment(Removable)SpeakerSecurity Screw Hole1.1 Sync ModuleSpeakerGreen (Power) LEDRed (Link) LEDUSB PlugReset Button1.2 Smart Doorbell SpecificationsCamera SensorCamera LensImage ResolutionVideo Bit rateWi-FiBatteryPower SupplyDimensionsWeight1/2.7” 1080P CMOS138° Field of View1920x1080Auto AdapterIEEE802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz2 x 18650 Lithium ion rechargeable batteries5V (Micro USB) or 12~24V (AC/DC)74mm x 30.5mm x 151mm188gPacking List:
Smart DoorbellSync ModuleScrew pack for mountingUser ManualWarranty Card*Note: Rechargeable batteries
not included.
2. Getting Started with Your Smart DoorbellSmart Doorbell supports Android and iPhone. It can easily connects to a home Wi-Fi network
and enables quick and easy setup with its user-friendly mobile app.2.1 Powering On, Off and RechargingTurn On: Press the power button for 2 seconds until you hear “Power up”, then release, your
Smart Doorbell is on. You can also press the main button to turn it on. During the boot process,
the speaker of the doorbell will sound and the blue LED light will rotate clockwise.*Note: The main button does not support shutdown.*Note: The first time the Smart Doorbell is turned on, its camera will automatically scan for a
connection, indicated by a flashing white LED light and a sound will play “Scan QR code”.
Please use the VPai Home app to configure the Smart Doorbell network. For details, refer to
section 2.2 “Using Your Smart Doorbell with a Phone”.Turn Off: Press and hold the power button for 2 seconds until hearing “Power down”, then
the Battery: If the Smart Doorbell’s batteries are low on power, the battery icon on the
VPai Home app screen will flash. To charge the Smart Doorbell’s batteries, insert the provided
Micro USB to USB charging cable to a 5V/1.5A adapter and your Smart Doorbell. When
charging, the red LED light will turn on. When it is fully charged, the red LED light will turn off.*Note: When the batteries are too low, a sound will play “Low battery, system will shut down”
after about 15 seconds. If not charged, the doorbell will be shut down automatically.2.2 Using Your Smart Doorbell with a PhoneThe Smart Doorbell connects with Android phones and iPhones. In order to use your Smart
Doorbell, the official VPai Home app must be installed. You can scan the QR code below
to download and install the VPai Home app. The Android app can also be found on the
VPai website ( /en/apps/ ), Google Play Store, Baidu App assistant, Tencent
mobile assistant, Peasecod platform and on other similar platforms.*Note: Android 5.0 and iOS 9.0 above is required.
The Smart Doorbell must be connected to a Sync Sync Module is the central hub of the Smart Doorbell with loud speaker. This connects to
your Wi-Fi network and to your Smart t Sync Module to Wireless Router: Once the VPai Home app has been installed on your
phone, open the app and choose to log in with either your Email, WeChat, Facebook or LINE
Tap the add device “+” button on the app and select “Sync Module” in “Choose Device”
interface. The screen prompts will show as follows:
Connect the Sync Module to the power supply. Tap “Start Config” button after hearing the
sound “Pairing mode” and when the red LED light on the sync module starts flashing.*Note: It takes around 20 seconds before the sound will play “Pairing mode” and the red LED
light starts the “Config Wi-Fi” button and select the Wi-Fi hotspot named VPaiHome_xxxx. The
password is: 12345678. After the connection is established, the “Config exist Wi-Fi” button
becomes clickable when you return to “Config Sync Module” interface. The screen prompts
will show as follows:
Once connected to the Sync Module, tap “Config exist Wi-Fi” button to access the next page.
You can change the Wi-Fi name and password by clicking “Change name and password”.
Tap “Next” to connect the Sync Module to the Internet.
Tap “Change name and password” button, enter a name and password, and then tap “Next”
to complete the setup. After that, you need to reconnect to the Sync Module’s Wi-Fi you just
set up. Change the name and password settings as shown below:
In the “Config exist Wi-Fi” interface, you can tap “Next” to connect your Sync Module to the
Internet. Tap the Wi-Fi name drop-down arrow (iPhones require manual input), select the Wi-Fi
hotspot and enter the password. The Sync Module will restart after you tap “Next”. When the
Sync Module is connected to the Internet, the red LED light will stop flashing.*Note: 5G network is not supported.*Note: To reset the Sync Module, press the reset button on the module for 8 seconds until the
red LED light flashes Sync Module’s Wi-Fi can be used as a normal wireless network after the Internet
configuration of the Sync Module is complete. You can connect the Smart Doorbell to the
Internet through the Sync Module.
Connect Smart Doorbell to Sync Module’s Wi-Fi: Tap the add device “+” button on the app
screen to enter the “Choose Device” interface. The screen prompts will show as follows:
Select “Doorbell” to enter the “Config Doorbell” interface, and then tap the “Start Config”
button when the white LED flashes to enter the “Config Wi-Fi” the Wi-Fi name drop-down arrow and select the sync module’s Wi-Fi (iPhone require
manual input), and enter the Wi-Fi password. The Wi-Fi configuration will show as follows:
Tap “Next” and then use your Smart Doorbell’s camera to scan the QR code on the app. Aim the
camera to the QR code from a distance of about 15 to 25cm for a few seconds. Please follow the
on-screen instruction as shown below.*Note: When rebinding to the device, you have to press the Power button twice to start
scanning the QR code.*Note: After the QR code has been successfully scanned, you will hear “Scan finished” and the
Smart Doorbell will start to connect to the Sync Module. The white LED light below the main
button will flash until the Wi-Fi connection is established. You will hear “Wi-Fi connected” when
the connection is successful. The Wi-Fi connection information will be automatically saved. The
next time the Smart Doorbell is switched on, the Wi-Fi will connect automatically. If the Wi-Fi
disconnects, a white LED light below the main button will flash.
After the Smart Doorbell has been successfully added to the VPai Home app, you can modify
its name. Tap “OK” to return to the app home page. The modified name will be displayed on
the home page. Tap the Smart Doorbell’s camera preview to enter the camera operation
interface. You can view the camera’s real-time image, take photos, record videos, send voice
messages and etc. The Smart Doorbell operation interface will show as follows:*Note: To wake up the device, tap on the camera preview full app instructions please visit the official website. Instructions for Android: /en/apps/home/android/; Instructions for iOS: /en/apps/home/apple/.3. Smart Doorbell Firmware UpdateYou can update the Smart Doorbell firmware by either manual update or auto update. For
manual update, you can check the latest firmware in the Device Settings page of VPai Home
app. For auto update, when you connect your Smart Doorbell to your phone through the VPai
Home app, it will automatically detect the latest firmware and prompt you when a new firm-ware update is available. If you choose to accept the update, the white LED light will keep
turning and the device will simultaneously play “Upgrading”. When the firmware update is
complete, the white LED light will stop turning and the device will play “Upgrading finished”. The
device will restart after the update has finished.
*Note: Make sure that your Smart Doorbell is fully charged or connected to a power supply
before upgrading the firmware. Do not turn off the device during the update.
4. Precautions and Warnings• Check the user agreement before using the device.• The device is limited to a USB charging adapter with an output power of 5V/1.5A. Please
use the correct adapter for charging.• Do not drop or beat your device, so as not to damage the device or scratch the camera
lenses.• During operation the device will become a little hot, this is normal behavior.
1. 智能门铃产品概况镜头环境光传感器麦克风远红外传感器白色&蓝色 LED灯主按钮电源键复位键AC/DC 供电连接器红色LED灯Micro USB 接口和电池盖(可拆卸)扬声器防拆螺丝孔1.1 接收盒扬声器LED绿灯LED红灯USB接口复位按钮1.2 产品规格项目传感器类型镜头图像尺寸视频码率无线标准电池电源供应尺寸重量规格1/2.7" 1080P CMOS**************,视角:138°最大 1920x1080自适应IEEE802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz2 x 18650 锂离子充电电池5V (Micro USB) 或12~24V(AC/DC)74mm x 30.5mm x 151mm188g包装清单:
2. 开始使用智能门铃支持Android手机和iPhone连接。通过VPai Home App快速简单的设置,可以轻松的将智能门铃连接到家庭Wi-Fi网络。2.1 开关机与电池充电开机:长按电源键2s,听到“Power up”后松开,门铃启动完成。您也可以短按主按钮开机,按下时,门铃响起,蓝色LED点亮并顺时针转动。*注意:主按钮不支持关机 。*注意:门铃初次开机会自动进入扫码连接状态,LED白灯会持续闪烁,同时播放“Scan QR code”。请使用VPai Home App配置门铃网络,详见章节2.2“手机与门铃连接使用”。关机:长按电源键2s,听到“Power down”松开电源键,门铃关机完成。电池充电:如果已经安装电池,当电池电量低时,VPai Home App的直播界面上的门铃电池图标会闪烁,请打开电池盖,使用Micro USB线插入5V/1.5A充电适配器给门铃充电,充电时,红色LED灯长亮,充满电后,红色LED指示灯将熄灭。*注意:电池电量过低时,将播放“Low battery, system will shut down”,15秒左右后,如果不接入充电器,门铃将自动关机。2.2 手机与门铃连接使用智能门铃支持与安卓和iPhone连接使用。初次使用前,请用手机扫描以下二维码并根据提示下载及安装VPai Home App。安卓端的App也可通过访问VPai官网(/cn/apps-cn/)、Google Play Store、百度App助手、腾讯手机助手、豌豆荚等平台下载。手机系统要求:Android 5.0或者iOS 9.0及以上系统。
智能门铃必须要连接接收盒网络。接收盒是您的摄像系统的中心枢纽,它可以与您的智能门铃和无线网络连接。连接接收盒到无线路由器:在你的手机安裝了VPai Home App后,打开App,选择以邮箱,微信,
将接收盒连接到电源。当红色LED灯开始闪烁,并听到“Pairing mode”后,点击“开始配置”按钮。*注意:红色LED灯开始闪烁并播放 “Pairing mode”之前大约需要等待20秒。点击“前往配置Wi-Fi”按钮,选择名称为VPaiHome_xxxx的Wi-Fi热点,默认密码为:12345678。连接成功后返回配置接收盒界面,“配置已有网络”按钮变为可点击状态。如下图:
点击下一步,用门铃扫描App上的二维码。将二维码对准门铃的镜头,距离15至25㎝左右,等待几秒钟。请参考下图。*注意:重新绑定设备,请双击设备电源按钮启动扫码功能。*注意:扫码成功后门铃将会语音提示“Scan finished”,门铃开始连接接收盒网络。连接过程中主按钮下方的白色LED灯闪烁,连接成功后,白色LED灯熄灭并提示“Wi-Fi connected”。Wi-Fi连接信息会自动保存,下次开机时会自动连接。使用过程中若门铃的Wi-Fi断开连接,主按钮下方的白色LED灯将会闪烁。
完整的App使用说明请访问VPai官网。安卓App使用说明: /cn/apps-cn/home/android/;
iOS App使用说明: /cn/apps-cn/home/apple/.3. 智能门铃固件升级您可以通过手动或者自动检测的方式检测门铃的固件新版本。对于手动检测,您可以在VPai Home
App设备设置中, 手动检查更新固件版本。对于自动检测,当你通过VPai Home App连接你的门铃时,它会自动检测你的门铃是否有可用的新固件。有可用的新固件时将弹出升级确认提示。如果您确定升级,LED白灯连续转动,同时门铃提示“Upgrading”;固件升级完成时,LED白灯停止转圈并熄灭,且门铃提示“Upgrading finished”。固件升级完毕后,门铃会自动重启。*注意:固件升级前请确保您的智能门铃电量充足或已连接电源适配器,升级过程请勿断电。4. 注意事项和警告• 使用智能门铃前请先查阅了解用户协议。• 智能门铃仅限使用输出电力标示为5V/1.5A的USB充电适配器,请使用正确的适配器进行充电。• 使用过程中,请注意保护您的智能门铃,不要摔落或敲打,以免损坏或者划伤镜头。• 智能门铃在使用过程中会有轻微发热,属于正常现象。
1. 產品概況鏡頭環境光感測器麥克風遠紅外線感測器白色&藍色 LED燈主按鈕電源鍵復原鍵AC / DC供電連接器紅色(充電) LED 指示燈電池和Micro USB 連接口(可掀)喇叭防拆螺絲孔1.1 接收盒喇叭LED綠燈LED紅燈USB連接口復原按鈕1.2 產品規格項目相機感測器鏡頭圖像解析度影片傳輸率無線網路電池要求充電器要求尺寸重量規格1/2.7" 1080P CMOS138°視角1920x1080自動IEEE802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz2 x 18650 鋰離子充電電池5V (Micro USB)或12~24V(AC/DC)74mm x 30.5mm x 151mm188g包裝清單:•
2. 開始使用智慧門鈴支援Android手機和iPhone連接。透過VPai Home App快速簡單的設置,可以輕鬆的將智慧門鈴連接到家庭Wi-Fi網路。2.1 開關機與電池充電開機:長按電源鍵2s,聽到“Power up”後鬆開,門鈴啟動完成。您也可以按主按鈕開機;按下時,門鈴響起,藍色LED點亮並順時針轉動。*注意:主按鈕不支援關機 。*注意:智慧門鈴初次開機時,會自動進入偵測連接狀態,LED白燈會連續閃爍,同時播放“Scan QR
code”。請使用VPai Home App配置智慧門鈴網路,請詳見“2.2 手機與門鈴連接使用”。關機:長按電源鍵2s,聽到“Power down”鬆開電源鍵,門鈴關機完成。電池充電:當電池電量低時,VPai Home App介面上的門鈴電池圖示會閃爍。使用Micro USB線連接5V/1.5A充電器為智慧門鈴充電。充電時,紅色LED燈長亮;充滿電後,紅色LED指示燈將關閉。*注意:電池電量過低時,將播放“Low battery, system will shut down”,15秒左右後,如果不連接充電器,門鈴將自動關機。2.2 手機與智慧門鈴連接使用智慧門鈴支援與安卓手機和iPhone連接使用。初次使用前,請用手機掃描以下二維碼並根據提示下載及安裝VPai Home App。安卓端的App也可以透過VPai官網(/tw/apps-tw/)、Google Play Store、百度App助手,騰訊手機助手,豌豆莢等平台下載。手機系統要求:Android 5.0及以上系統或者iOS 9.0及以上系統。
智慧門鈴必須要連接到接收盒網路。接收盒是您的攝影系統的中心樞紐,它可以與您的智慧門鈴和無線網路連接。連接接收盒至無線路由器:你的手機在安裝VPai Home App後,打開App,選擇以電子信箱,微信 ,
將接收盒連接電源。當紅色LED燈開始閃爍,並聽到“Pairing mode”後,點擊“開始配置”按鈕。*注意:紅色LED燈開始閃爍並播放 “Pairing mode”之前大約需要等待20秒。點擊“前往配置Wi-Fi”按鈕,選擇名稱為VPaiHome_xxxx的Wi-Fi熱點,預設密碼為:12345678。連接成功後返回配置接收盒介面,“配置已有網絡”按鈕變為可點擊狀態。如下圖:
點擊下一步,使用智慧門鈴上的鏡頭掃描App上的二維碼。將二維碼對準相機,距離15至25公分左右,等待幾秒鐘。請參考下圖。*注意:當重新綁定設備,請按兩下門鈴電源按鈕啟動掃描功能。*注意:掃描成功後,門鈴提示“Scan finished",門鈴開始連接接收盒。連接過程中主按鈕下方的白色LED 閃爍,連接成功後,主按鈕下方的白色LED燈熄滅並提示“Wi-Fi connected”。 Wi-Fi連接資訊會自動保存,下次開機時會自動連接。使用過程中若Wi-Fi中斷連接,智能門鈴主按鈕下方的白色LED將會閃爍。
有關完整Android應用程式的說明,請瀏覽官方網站: /tw/apps-tw/home/android/;
關於iOS應用程式的說明: /tw/apps-tw/home/apple/.3. 軟體升級您可以通過手動或自動更新來更新門鈴軟體。對於手動更新,您可以在VPai Home App設備設置中,
手動檢查更新軟體版本。關於自動更新,當你通過VPai Home App連接你的門鈴時,它會自動檢測你的門鈴是否有可用的新軟體。有可用的新軟體時將彈出升級確認提示。如果您確定升級,LED白燈持續點亮,同時門鈴提示“Upgrading”; 軟體升級完成時,LED白燈關閉,且門鈴提示“Upgrading
finished”。軟體升級完畢後,門鈴會自動重啟。*注意:軟體更新前請確保您的智能門鈴電量充足或已連接電源充電器,更新過程請勿斷電。4. 注意事項和警告• 使用智慧門鈴前請先查閱了解用戶協議。• 智慧門鈴僅限使用輸出電力標示為5V/1.5A的USB充電器,請使用正確的充電器進行充電。• 使用過程中,請注意保護您的智慧門鈴,不要摔落或敲打,以免損壞或者劃傷鏡頭。• 智慧門鈴在使用過程中會有輕微發熱,屬於正常現象。