SikaGrout 214

SikaGrout 214


Product Data Sheet

Edition 2011-10_1



Multi-purpose dual shrinkage compensated cementitious grout





SikaGrout-214 is a dual-shrinkage compensated self-levelling, premixed

cementitious grout with extended working time to suit local ambient temperatures.

SikaGrout-214 is suitable for the following grouting works with clearance of 10

mm or more:

Machine foundations

Columns in precast constructions

Concrete anchors

Bridge bearings




Rail beds

SikaGrout®-214 is an economical and easy to use material requiring the simple

addition of water. Other beneficial properties are:

Easy to mix and apply

Good flow characteristics

Rapid strength development

High ultimate strength

Impact resistant



Iron and chloride free

Dense and non-shrink (2-step expansion)

Extended working time

®®Characteristics /


Product Data


Appearance / Colour


Grey premixed powder

25 kg bags

®1 1/4

SikaGrout-214 Storage

Storage Conditions /

Shelf Life

6 months from the date of production if stored properly in original, unopened and

undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions. Protect from direct sunlight.

Technical Data


Aggregate Size

Layer Thickness

~ 2.2 kg/ltr (depending on consistency and temperature)

3.3 mm max.

100 mm max. per pour / 10 mm min. per pour

Mechanical / Physical


Compressive Strength

Typical Results

~ 60 N/mm2 (at +25°C / 28 days)

Tests carried out at +25°C

Mix Designs Flowable

(Water content

4.2 ltr/25 kg)


(Water content

3.8 ltr/25 kg)

270 mm

17 seconds

3 h : 40 m

0 %

0.30 %


(Water content

3.2 ltr/25 kg)

180* mm


3 h : 00 m

0 %

0.07 %

Flow BS Cone 300 mm

JA Cone 15 seconds

Initial setting time

Bleeding at 24 hours

Expansion at 24 hours

4 h : 30 m

0 %

0.70 %

Compressive strength 1 day~25 N/mm

2 3 days~40 N/mm

2 7 days~50 N/mm

2 28 days~60 N/mm

Flexural strength 7 days~6.2 N/mm

2 28 days~7.4 N/mm

* after 15 strokes

2~32 N/mm

2~42 N/mm

2~53 N/mm

2~70 N/mm

~6.5 N/mm

2~8.1 N/mm

22~35 N/mm

2~45 N/mm

2~58 N/mm

2~75 N/mm

~7.3 N/mm

2~8.5 N/mm

22The above tests were conducted under laboratory conditions in accordance with

the following standards:

 Initial setting ASTM C 191

 Bleeding & Expansion ASTM C 940

 Compressive strength ASTM C 109

 Flexural strength BS 4551

The results above are typical data and given as a guide only. Site results may

differ according to mixing process, placing, curing, etc. Preliminary tests are

always recommended.

Fire Resistance Fire rating, Classified A1 - SikaGrout-214 will not contribute in any state of the

fire including the fully developed fire. (EN 13501-1)®System Information

Application Details

Typical Yield

Flowable consistency



®1.80 kg

0.30 ltr

1 ltr

25 kg

4.2 ltr

13.9 ltr

72 x 25 kg bag

302 ltr

1 m


Volume Mortar

2 2/4


Pourable consistency



®1.90 kg

0.3 ltr

1 ltr

25 kg

4.0 ltr

13.2 ltr

76 x 25 kg bag

303 ltr

1 m


Substrate Quality

Volume Mortar

Concrete, mortar and stone

Surfaces must be sound, clean, and free from frost, oils, grease, standing water

and all loosely adhering particles and other surface contaminants.

Metal surfaces (iron and steel)

Surfaces should be clean, free from scale, rust, oil and grease.

Substrate Preparation

The substrate should be prepared by suitable mechanical preparation techniques

such as high pressure water, breakers, grit blasting, scabblers, etc.

All absorbent surfaces must be well saturated with clean water, but be free of any

®surface water or puddles prior to the application of SikaGrout-214.

Application Conditions /


Application Temperature +10°C min. / +40°C max.

Application Instruction

Mix Ratio





Water (ltr) per 25 kg of Grout

4.0 – 4.4

3.6 – 4.0

3.0 – 3.4 for special application such as anchoring starter bars

Mixing Place 70% - 80% of the premeasured clean water (depending on consistency

required – refer to “Mix Ratio”) into a clean container and gradually add the whole

bag of SikaGrout®-214 into it while continuously mixing. Add the remaining water

until the desired consistency is obtained.

Mix for 2 – 3 minutes with a low speed drill (500 rpm max.).

Use SikaGrout®-214 for grouting only.

After mixing, stir lightly with a spatula for a few seconds to release any entrapped

air. The grout is then poured immediately into the prepared formwork.

When carrying out baseplate grouting, ensure sufficient pressure head it

maintained for uninterrupted mortar flow. For formwork repair, the prepared

formwork must be firmly in place and kept watertight.

When placing grout over a large area, it is important to maintain a continuous flow

throughout. Work sequence must be properly organised to ensure an

uninterrupted flow.

For sections thicker than 100 mm or for grouting large areas, it is necessary to

®mix SikaGrout-214 with graded 10 mm silt free aggregates to minimise

temperature rise generated during curing stage. The quantity of aggregates

should not exceed 1 part aggregates to 1 part SikaGrout-®214 by weight. Other

precautions such as the use of chilled water, insulation of the formwork or

baseplate may be required. Please consult our Technical Service Department for


To further ensure that air entrapped during mixing is allowed to fully escape, it

may be necessary to make breather holes. Use steel rods or chains to assist the

flow of grout where necessary.

Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use.

Hardened and/or cured material can only be mechanically removed.

Mixing Time

Application Method /


Cleaning of Tools

3 3/4

SikaGrout-214® Notes on Application /


At temperatures +20°C and below, setting time and strength development will be


Non-shrink grout contains additives which expand either during the plastic stage

and / or the hardening stage to compensate for the shrinkage of the cementitious

matrix. However, this ‘non-shrink’ property will be effective only if the material is

not subjected to water loss.

This is confirmed by a note in the ASTM C 1107 Standard Specification for

packaged dry, hydraulic cement grout (non-shrinkable), which clarifies the

behaviour of the non-shrink grout when subjected to some drying:

“Note 1: Since all conditions of use cannot be anticipated, this specification

requires non-shrink grout to exhibit no shrinkage when tested in a laboratory-controlled moist-cured environment, and requires only the reporting of the

observed height change, usually shrinkage, when test specimens are subject to

some degree of drying.”


Curing Details


If formwork type repair is used, leave the formwork in place for at least 3 days.

Upon removal of the formwork, cure the exposed surfaces immediately with

Antisol®-E curing compound or use other approved curing methods.

Value Base

Health and Safety


All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests.

Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical

products, users shall refer to the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet

(available on request) containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other

safety-related data.

The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the

application and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's

current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled

and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommendations.

In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are

such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular

purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be

inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from

any other advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s

suitability for the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to

change the properties of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must

be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and

delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product

Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on


Legal Notes

Sika Singapore Pte Ltd

200 Pandan Loop, 06-02 Pantech 21Singapore 128388


Phone: +65 6777 2811

Fax: +65 6779 6200

e-mail: info@

Phone: +606-7991762

Fax: +606-7991980

e-mail: info@


Sika Kimia Sdn Bhd

Lot 689 Nilai Industrial Estate

71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan DK


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