apple tv设置_如何将Apple TV恢复出厂设置

apple tv设置 There may come a time when you want to sell your Apple TV or give it to someone else. Or maybe a failed syste

apple tv设置

There may come a time when you want to sell your Apple TV or give it to someone else. Or maybe a failed system update ended up bricking the device. In any event, it’s good to know how to factory reset your Apple TV.

有时候您想出售Apple TV或将其出售给他人。 也许失败的系统更新最终使设备变砖了。 无论如何,最好知道如何将Apple TV恢复出厂设置。

There are two ways to factory reset an Apple TV. The first method is by just going into the settings on the Apple TV and resetting it, which assumes you’re able to boot the device up and click through the menus.

有两种方法可以将Apple TV恢复出厂设置。 第一种方法是仅进入Apple TV上的设置并将其重置,这假定您能够启动设备并单击菜单。

The other method can be used when something goes awry, like the power going out during an update and bricking your Apple TV. That way, you can factory reset it even if you can’t properly boot up the device and navigate through the menus.

当出现问题时,可以使用另一种方法,例如在更新期间断电并且使Apple TV变砖。 这样,即使您无法正确启动设备并浏览菜单,也可以将其恢复出厂设置。

对于更新的第四代Apple TV (For the Newer, 4th-Generation Apple TV)

From the home screen, click on “Settings”.


Scroll down and select “System”.


Near the bottom, click on “Reset”.


From there, you can select either “Reset” or “Reset and Update”. Both will factory reset your Apple TV, but the latter option will also install the latest software update if one is available (and if you have an internet connection).

从那里,您可以选择“重置”或“重置并更新”。 两者都将在出厂时重置Apple TV,但是如果有可用的话(并且如果您具有互联网连接),后一种选择还将安装最新的软件更新。

对于较旧的Apple TV型号 (For Older Apple TV Models)

To factory reset an older Apple TV (3rd generation and older), you first want to click on “Settings” on the home screen.

要恢复旧版Apple TV(第3代及更早版本)的出厂设置,您首先要在主屏幕上单击“设置”。

On the next screen, select “General”.


Next, scroll all the way to the bottom and click on “Reset”.


From there, you can select either “Reset” or “Reset and Update”. Both will factory reset your Apple TV, but the latter option will also install the latest software update if one is available (and only if you have an internet connection).

从那里,您可以选择“重置”或“重置并更新”。 两者都将在出厂时重置Apple TV,但如果有后者(并且只有在具有Internet连接的情况下),后者也将安装最新的软件更新。

使用iTunes将Apple TV恢复出厂设置 (Factory Reset Your Apple TV Using iTunes)

If, by chance, your Apple TV will not boot up properly, or something has gone wrong and the unit isn’t operating properly, you can restore it by connecting it to your computer and using iTunes to factory reset it.

如果偶然您的Apple TV无法正常启动,或者出了点问题并且本机无法正常运行,则可以通过将其连接到计算机并使用iTunes恢复出厂设置来还原它。

First, unplug your Apple TV. You still need to power it back up (except for the 2nd-gen model), but before you do that, plug a microUSB cable into the back of your Apple TV (right below the HDMI port) on the 3rd-gen Apple TV. If you have a 4th-gen model, you’ll need a USB-C cable and the port will be right above the HDMI port. After that, connect the other end to a USB port on your computer.

首先,拔下Apple TV的电源。 您仍然需要备份电源(第二代型号除外),但是在执行此操作之前,请将microUSB电缆插入第三代Apple TV上Apple TV的背面(HDMI端口正下方)。 如果您使用的是第四代型号,则需要USB-C电缆,并且该端口将在HDMI端口的正上方。 之后,将另一端连接到计算机上的USB端口。

Above: The microUSB port on the 3rd-gen Apple TV.
上图:第三代Apple TV上的microUSB端口。

Once your Apple TV is connected, plug it back into power (again, except for the 2nd-gen model). iTunes should open (if it’s not already running) and recognize the Apple TV. From there, select “Restore Apple TV”.

连接Apple TV后,将其重新插入电源(同样,第二代型号除外)。 iTunes应该打开(如果尚未运行)并识别Apple TV。 从那里选择“还原Apple TV”。

Confirm the action by clicking on “Restore and Update”. Once you do this, the latest version of the Apple TV software will be download and installed, thus restoring it to a minty fresh condition.

单击“还原和更新”确认操作。 完成此操作后,将下载并安装最新版本的Apple TV软件,从而将其恢复到清新的状态。

Once the process is complete, you can safely eject the Apple TV from your computer, and it should now boot up after you reconnect it to your television.

该过程完成后,您可以安全地从计算机中弹出Apple TV,并且在将其重新连接到电视之后,它现在应该可以启动。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/214243/how-to-factory-reset-or-reboot-an-apple-tv/

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