either tolerance or immunity.
【名解】cross presention: APC can capturingprocessing exogenous antigen and presenting to CD8 T cell by MHC1
【名解】Positive selection:DP cells that bind, with moderate affinity, to MHC-Ag on thymic stroma cells
survive----MHC restriction MHC I----CD8+ T cells MHC II----CD4+ T cells
Negative selection:Cells that bind to MHC-Ag on thymic stroma cells (or auto-reactive T cells, ART) with high affinity will
undergo apoptosis----Formation of central immune tolerance
【名解】ALLELIC EXCLUSION:Expression of a gene on one chromosome prevents expression of the allele on the second
chromosome,Ensures only one specificty of Ab expressed per cell.
WHY:Allelic exclusion prevents unwanted responses;Allelic exclusion is needed for efficient clonal selection;Allelic
exclusion is needed to prevent holes in the repertoire
【名解】Affinity maturation :Affinity maturation is the process by which the affinity of Abs produced in response to a protein
Ag increases with prolonged and repeated exposure to that Ag.
【名解】Treg: Down-regulation of immune response by inhibiting the activation and proliferation of CD4+ or CD8+ T cells.
【名解】FoxP3+ :is the transcription factor that program the development of Tregs (IPEX综合症)【名解】Immune
tolerance :is the process by which the Immune system does not attack an antigen. Is an active process which is different from
immunodeficiency or immunosuppression.
【名解】AICD:Activation-induced Cell Death,recognition and deletion of T lymphocytes that have been
induced to proliferate by receptor-mediated activation, preventing their overgrowth.
【名解】AIRE(autoimmune regulator): transcription factor that enables ectopic expression in the thymus of
genes usually considered tissue-specific.
【名解】Immuno-labeling techniques:Specific Abs (or Ags ) labelled with fluorescein, enzymes or radioisotopes are used
as probes for the detection of Ags (or Abs).
【简答】Functions of V regions:Recognition and binding to antigen by HVR (CDR)
- neutralization of toxins (e.g. diphtheria,
- immobilization of microorganisms;
- neutralization of viral activity
Function of C regions (Fc portion)
1. Activation of complement: IgM, IgG
Ab( IgM、IgG )+Ag--- C1q----补体经典途径
2. Binding to Fc receptor of cells
Opsonization: enhancement of Ag uptake by macrophages (M?)
Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC): NK cells.
Participation in type I hypersensitivity: IgE
3. Passage through the placenta (IgG, CH2)
and mucosa (sIgA)