Unit 8 汉英对比与翻译(一)
教学目的要求: 掌握句子翻译中的基本元素的翻译,主要掌握主语和谓语的正确确立。
教学重点: 汉英翻译中句子主语和谓语的确立。
教学难点: 如何使译文的主语和谓语符合语法和语言使用规范。
(一) 主语的确立:英语主语的严格性,只能由名词(或)代词,例如 We can solve the problem. This
problem can be solved in many ways). 或具有名词语法功能 的语言单位(如动词不定式、动名词、
名词性从句 >一般指主语从句,例如 To solve this problem n eeds patie nee. Worki ng ingenio
usly >ad有 独创性的,具有 创」造才能的 adv. working ingeniously 有才能地,巧干 > may help you
learn En glish well. It is not known yet whether they will retur n today.) 来充当。试找 出下列句子
1) 如果不适当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。
Exhaust from boilers and vehieles, unless properly treated, eauses air pollution in eities.
2) 如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。
If voeabulary is the “building materials ”for language, sentenees are the “fundamental partsof
1) 鲁迅的骨头是最硬的,他没有丝毫的奴颜和媚骨,这是殖民地半殖民地 人民最可宝贵的性格。
Lu Hsun was a man of uny ield ing in tegrity, free from all sycopha ncy-拍马屁, 奉承 or obsequious
ness 谄媚;this quality is in valuable among colonial and semi-colonial people.
Lu Hsun'sbones were the hardest; he was free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness; this is
invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial people.
2) 胎又瘪了。
We've got another flat tire.
The tire turns flat again?
3) 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。
It is impossible to judge people from their appearance, and impossible to measure the ocean by
We can't judge people from their appearance, just as we can
by pints.
1) 在历史上,由于长江不断改道,在武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。
The constant change of the course of the Changjiang Riveirn history helped form
a great many lakes in the areas around Wuhan-a city in central China.
Because of the constant change of the course of the Changjiang River in history,
there have formed
vi形成 a great many lakes( “ there be ” , “ a great many lakes ” )
in the areas around Wuhan-a city in central China.
't measure the oce
2) 健康不佳就无法有效工作。 (表示条件的主语用抽象的英语名词短语表
Poor health may causeone's inefficiency at work.
One' ^oor health will in capacitate
使不能胜任 him for efficie nt work (from efficient work).
You cannot work efficiently if you are in poor health.
3) 北京地区由于近些年加强了植树造林,在一些地方飞来了稀有的鸟类。
The expansion of woods in some places around Beijing these years attracts quite
a few rare birds.
Quite a few rare birds come to settle down in some places around Beijing thanks
to the expansion of woods there these years.
4) 世纪交替,千年更迭,人类社会的发展正在揭开新的篇章。
The turn of the century has opened a new chapter in the development of human society.
5) 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。
The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena.
At the turn of the century, China is most active in its diplomatic activities.
1) 你做这事不费吹灰之力。
It is very easy for you to do such a thing.
2) 决定把这问题提到下次会上讨论。
It was decided to bring the matter up at the next meeting.
3) 这时我激动得说不出话来。
Words fail me here.
I am too excited/stirred/agitated 前( 一表示激动人心的那种, 后两个表示焦躁, 不安产生的激动
等 ) to utter any words.
1) 成都新改建的府南河两岸将修建许多草坪和居民大楼。
Plenty of lawns and apartment houses will be built along both the banks of the newly-renovated Funan
2) 公共场所禁止吸烟。
Smoking is forbidden in public places.
3) 这件事至今还没有得出正确的结论。
So far no correct conclusion has been drawn on the matter.
4) 有明显的迹象表明,一些古老的传统和价值观不再为年轻人所珍藏。
Obvious signs show that some old traditions and values are not cherished by youth any more.
5) 收音机的成本降低了 80%。
The cost of radio sets was reduced by 80%.
6) 可以预见,在一个不太长的时间内,中国必在科学技术方面赶上世界最先进 的国家。
It can be predicted that China will certainly catch up with the most advanced nations in the world in
science and technology in not too long a time.
There be 专练
1) 好像有点不大对头。
There seems something wrong about it.
2) 古今中外,在商贸市场上历来都是大鱼吃小鱼。
There exists a law ( “ therbee”t,he logical subject to be “alaw ”l,atent in the context) at all
times and in all countries that the great fish eat up the small in the world of business.
3) 古今中外,这种情况概莫能外。
There is no exception to this in modern or ancient times, in China or elsewhere.
无主句-增补主语 到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂杨,比那江南风景, 觉得更具为有
趣。 When he reached Jinan and entered the city, there were flowing streams by every house and willow
trees by every door, which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south. 刘( 鹗《老残游记》,
杨宪益、戴乃迭译 )
(二 ) 谓语的确立
谓语只能由动词(系动词或实义动词)或动词短语担当 。
Beijing is a great city to have fun.
2)北京外来人口逐年增多。 The number of people from other places in Beijing increases year by year.
It takes more than ten hours to ride by train from Beijing to Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province
near Beijing.
4) 总统明天准备乘专机前往上海参观访问。
The president prepares to go to Shanghai by his special plane for a visit tomorrow.
5) 晚上过来跟我们一块打保龄球如何?
Would you come to join us for playing bowling this evening?
1)中央政府不干预香港特别行政区的事务。 The central government has never intervened in the affairs
of the HKSAR. (refrain from doing sth>克制自己不去干预,intervene>不干预也不想干预之意思
The economy of Chi na will conv erge with that of the world. (merge in to> 意为消没 在。。之中,不
The emerge nee of one new sce nic spot after ano ther and the in flux of more and more tourists have
also boosted the economy.
1) 本文所讲的内容对通讯工程来说是很有趣的。
a. The content that this paper talks about is of great in terest to com muni cati on engin eers.
b. What this paper discusses is of great in terest to com muni cati on engin eers.
2) 在零售和烹调行业方面,家办企业的买卖完全超过了国家办的。
a. In the retail and catering sectors, household operations have completely outmarketed the state.
b. In the retail and cateri ng sectors, household operati ons have surpassed that of the state.
3) 和古庙正好隔河相对的那坐宝塔据说是明代的建筑。
a. The pagoda that stands facing the ancient temple and is separated from each other by the river is
said to have bee n built in the Ming Dyn asty.
b. It is said that the pagoda just across the river from the ancient temple was built in the Ming Dyn asty.
4) 我们大为惊奇的是,那幢经受强烈地震而幸存下来的惟一建筑物竟是砖木结
a. To our great surprise, the only buildi ng that survived the viole nt earthquake was one of brick and
wood structure.
b. To our great surprise, the only build ing that fortun ately existed after the viole nt earthquake was one
of brick and wood structure.