


Nobody else here baby

No-one else here to blame

No-one to point the finger




只有你知,我知,天知地知It's just you and me and the rain.

Nobody made you do it

Nobody here taking orders

When love took a train

It's the stuff, it's the







No one put words in your mouth.

heading south. 就是爱泯灭的时候(注释

It's the blind leading the blond

stuff of country songs. 乡村歌曲里唱的就是这些东西(注释

(注释1)When love took a train heading south.

The expression "to head south" or "to go south" is an American idiomatic expression

meaning to fail, lose value, or go wrong. The expression originates from a combination of

visual conventions involving graphs and maps. The term is frequently use in business and

technical discussion.

The first recorded use of the expression "to head south" appeared in 1974, but in a

context that makes it clear that the expression was already a well-known one in financial

circles to indicate a decline in the stock market. Use of the term seems to have spread

from business into technical discourse, and it began to become very common in the early

1990s, perhaps as part of the general spread of computer jargon into everyday speech.

"Head south" was used to describe any failure or collapse, whether in a computer system,

a business model, or even a social situation. "Things were going fine until his ex-girlfriend

turned up," a speaker might say, "and that's when everything started to head south."

The origin of the phrase "head south" seems to lie in the traditions of visual representation.

In a chart or graph, a decrease or decline is often represented by a downward trend. For

instance, if sales of a product decrease, the line showing sales will begin to move

downward. This practice ties in with traditional symbolic systems which associate

downward movement with negative experiences: consider, for instance, the symbolic

directions in the expression the "rise and fall" of someone or something.

In cartography, south is traditionally represented as down relative to the orientation of the

reader. As a result, "south" became a slang term for "down." Since "down" was associated

with negative experiences, the same applied to "south." The result was that "to head

south" or "to go south" became a term for declines in market figures, and from there

developed into a term for any kind of catastrophe.

(注释2)It's the blind leading the blond

There's a common phrase "the blind leading the blind", to describe a hopeless situation.

Like when my computer illiterate father tries to teach my mother how to use email.

Now there's also a common stereotype that blondes are dumb.

So basically he's just playing with the phrase a little.

波诺在这里玩了一个文字游戏,圣经里面有The blind leading the blind(瞎子领着瞎子)





being pretty



17集,其中的一个女主角有这样一句台词:Well, me

stupid, I forgot.(因为我人长得漂亮,所以很傻,我忘了。)


and therefore

The blind leading the blind

Meaning 含义

Uninformed and incompetent people leading others who are similarly incapable.

Origin 来源

This appears in the Bible,

they fall both i ye diche.

Biblical citations of commonly used English phrases usually tend to be earlier than those

from other sources. In this case the thought was probably inherited from the

translated into English between 1816-19. From Katha Upanishad we have:

wise and learned, fools go

Upanishads -

the sacred Hindu treatises, which were written between 800BC and 200 BC and first

Abiding in the midst of ignorance, thinking themselves

aimlessly hither and thither, like blind led by the blind.

(注释3)It's the stuff, it's the stuff of country songs.

Matthew 15:14 - from Miles Coverdale's Bible, 1535:

Let they go, they are ye blynde leaders of ye blynde. Wha one blinde leadeth another,

基本特征;特质;根本;基础If you say that one thing is the stuff of another, you mean that

the first thing is a very important feature or characteristic of the second thing, or that the

second thing can be based or built on the first thing.

The idea that we can be whatever we want has become the stuff of television



Hey, if God will send his angels如果上帝会派遣天使下凡

And if God will send a sign如果上帝会显灵

And if God will send his angels 如果上帝会派遣天使下凡

Would everything be alright? 世事会有所改观吗?

God's got his phone off the hook, babe 上帝的电话听筒没挂好(注释

Would he even pick up if he could? 他听到了会接吗?

It's been a while since we saw that child 好久都没见到那个孩子

Hangin' round this neighbourhood. 在小区溜达了


See his mother dealing in a doorway 只见他母亲挨家挨户推销商品

See Father Christmas with a begging bowl. 只见圣诞老人在挨家挨户行乞(注释

And Jesus' sister's eyes are a blister 基督妹妹的双眼就像一个水泡

The High Street never looked so low. 光鲜的步行街从未显得如此低俗(注释6)


(注释4)God's got his phone off the hook, babe 上帝的电话听筒没挂好

A synomym for "busy". Taken from a phone reference; when you leave a phone off the

hook, you get a "busy" signal. The phrase is used to convey that there were a lot of people

attending a particular event.

Hey, the club last nite was "off the hook!"

出現「Phone Off Hook (電話沒有掛上)」訊息並不是錯誤。這只是代表電話聽筒


(已拿起聽筒) 導致電話線路佔線。

(注释5)See Father Christmas with a begging bowl. 只见圣诞老人在挨家挨户行乞



(注释6)The High Street never looked so low. 光鲜的步行街从未显得如此低俗

这里应该是双关,high street 可以表示街道两边的高楼大厦,想象一下各地的步行街就知

道了。Low, 既可以表示实物(这里是高楼)

如前文说的When love took a train


只为追求物质,所以导致精神危机, 这句话的意思应该是日益商业化的社会变得越来越低俗,

heading south.

High Street (or the High Street) is a metonym for the generic name of the primary

business street of towns or cities, especially in the United Kingdom. It is usually a focal

point for shops and shopkeepers in city centers, and is most often used in reference to


High Street(或the High Street)是城镇主要商业街通用的一个转喻说法,可以直接称

为“商业街”,在英国尤为常用。High Street通常是市中心商店和商家最集中的地方,也经


The equivalent in the United States, Canada and Ireland is Main Street, a term also

used in smaller towns and villages in Scotland and parts of rural Australia. In Jamaica,

North East England and some sections of Canada and the United States, the main

commercial district is Front Street. (Source: Wikipedia)

在美国、加拿大和爱尔兰则多用Main Street来指代商铺集中的商业街,苏格兰一些小


地区,主要的商业区则用Front Street表示。

It's the blind leading the blond 现在是瞎子领着傻子

It's the cops collecting for the cons. 警匪一家(注释7)

So where is the hope and 那希望到哪儿去了?

Where is the faith and the love? 信仰和爱都到哪儿去了?

What's that you say to me 你跟我说什么来着?

Does love light up your Christmas tree? 爱可以照亮你的圣诞树?

The next minute you're blowing a fuse 话音刚落,你就把保险丝烧坏了(注释8)

And the cartoon network turns into the news. 卡通频道也被换成了新闻播报(注释9)

(注释7)It's the cops collecting for the cons. 警匪一家






(注释8)The next minute you're blowing a fuse 话音刚落,你就把保险丝烧坏了(注释8)






(注释9)And the cartoon network turns into the news.

Sunday Bloody Sunday也有一句类似的歌词:



(当事实When fact is fiction and TV reality



Why Do People Watch Anime? 人们为何要看动漫卡通?

Well for me, while living in the real world we often run into daily troubles, obstacles and

sometimes I got my own dreams to escape my harsh life. So, it will never happen

lol. However when I read manga or watch anime. My heart and my soul

immediately altered to the fantasy worlds

Here is my list of top ten reason why we all love cartoons.

1. Cartoons have great moments- there by we treasure them. It may be a cartoon we

know in our childhood (such as The Angry Beavers or the Real Ghostbusters).


2. No matter what the show is about, all cartoons have great humorous moments. They

would not call it a cartoon if it had no humor.


4. People may say that a lot of cartoons are so little kids. But when it comes to remebering

the times when "we" were kids, it's no harm to try to watch them over and over again.


下面这段是一个外国人所写的博客:That little quote, from U2’s song "If God Would Send

His Angels" feels entirely appropriate right now. I could not sleep last night, so I just sat

there in bed, switching between CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. That is when I really

became aware of the absurdity of this “modern age” that we find ourselves in; I was falling

asleep to a War, broadcasted Live and in Real Time all over the world. Military Analysts,

Wolf Blitzers, gas masks, and air raid sirens filled the screen, and I slept to the sounds of

a city beginning to fall. When I woke up, the screen was painted with the familiar green of

the night scope that became so popular during the first Gulf War, and I opened my eyes

just in time to see tiny white tracers going from Earth to sky, and again from sky to Earth. I

felt like I was watching a video game, or a cartoon movie, but this is reality, and that fact

frightens me. The line following the quote in the title of this blog is, “If God will send his

Angels/And if God would send a sign…” and I think now, more than ever, the world needs

to re-evaluate, and start to wonder what God is thinking up there, when so many horrible

things are done in His name. I shudder to think how many have died, “In the name of

God.”"…And the cartoon network turns into the news-U2- …" 这句引语来自U2的歌曲If

God Would Send His Angels,用它来描述现在再适合不过。我昨晚失眠了,所以我就干脆

坐在床上,不是看CNN, 就是看MSNBC,或福克斯新闻。也就是在这个时候我才真正意识


事分析家,Wolf Blitzers, 防毒面具,空袭警报充斥了电视屏幕,我在城市的倒塌中渐渐入






If God will send his angels

And if God will send a sign



Well if God will send his angels 如果上帝会派遣天使下凡

Where do we go? 我们的归宿在哪里?

Where do we go? 我们的归宿在哪里?

Jesus never let me down 基督从未让我失望

You know Jesus used to show me the score. 基督向我展示过他的丰功伟绩

Then they put Jesus in show business 此后娱乐圈便出现了基督的身影(注释

Now it's hard to get in the door. 现在的娱乐圈可不好进

It's the stuff, it's the stuff of country songs

But I guess it was something to go on.




Hey, if God will send his angels 如果上帝会派遣天使下凡

I sure could use them here right now 她们肯定能在这里帮上大忙

Well, if God will send

Where do we go?

Where do we go?




(注释10)Then they put Jesus in show business 此后娱乐圈便出现了基督的身影














My interpretation is that the singer is lost in terms of faith, speaking to himself that there is

no-one to blame, no-one put words in his mouth. "love took a train heading south" refers

to a love of god i think; it's a very country sounding metaphor.

Then: the blind leading the blond. Again, some lyrical humor, and the suggestion that

everyone is lost, leaders and followers alike.

Then the kicker: "it's the stuff of country songs". Here I think he acknowledges his

previous homage to country style lyrics while it references country music's stereotypical

theme of tragedy/tragic love.

So it appears that love (love of God/love amongst humankind) is on a path (train) towards

tragedy, and no-one has the "vision" to avoid the inevitable outcome.

So the singer desperately pleas for "God to send his angels", asking for some kind of

divine intervention, some help. Or a sign. A light to inspire, to lift people up, something to

give hope.

The singer is desperately hoping that there is "method to the madness". He hopes that

somewhere, sometime, somehow there will be justice. He is begging for God to reveal his

plan, implement his plan, or at least give the desperate a sign that indeed there is a plan,

that there is cause for hope.



quotations about Jesus Christ

Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?

The Blood of Jesus whispers peace within.


Jesus never let me down

You know Jesus used to show me the score

Then they put Jesus in show business

Now it's hard to get in the door.

BONO, "If God Will Send His Angels"

There's not a child so small and weak

But has his little cross to take,

His little work of love and praise

That he may do for Jesus' sake.

CECIL FRANCES ALEXANDER, We are but Little Children Weak

The greatest need in the world is the transformation of human nature. We need a new

heart that will not have lust and greed and hate in it. We need a heart filled with love and

peace and joy, and that is why Jesus came into the world.






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