——改编自The world just failed its annual health checkup
The climate crisis intensified in 2022, resulting in a heavy
toll on the world's climate indicators. These indicators
illustrate how the planet is responding to climate change and
the impact it has on both people and nature. The World
Meteorological Organization's annual State of the Climate
Report, released ahead of Earth Day, consists of an analysis of
global climate indicators such as sea level rise, ocean heat, and
pollution levels.
A significant number of climate records were broken in
2022. For instance, oceans experienced record high
temperatures with almost 60% experiencing at least one
marine heatwave. Due to melting glaciers and warming
oceans, global sea levels climbed to their highest record.
Antarctica also recorded the lowest ever sea ice extent of 1.92
million square kilometers in February 2022, a record that has
been broken again this year. Furthermore, the European Alps
saw a glacier melt record, with Switzerland severely affected as
it lost 6% of its glacier volume between 2021 and 2022. The
latest global data shows record high levels of planet-warming
pollution, including methane and carbon dioxide in 2021.
These records demonstrate the severity and urgency of
the climate crisis globally. Rising temperatures result in
extreme weather conditions such as droughts, floods, and
heatwaves. This puts wildlife, plants, and coastal communities
at risk. Additionally, the aftermath of these extreme climate
events results in human migration challenges, food
insecurities, and damaged infrastructure.
It is crucial for nations to come together to address the
issue of climate change by accelerating efforts towards
renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
promoting sustainable land use practices, and supporting
those who are already feeling the impacts of climate change.
In conclusion, the state of the climate report highlights
the impact of the climate crisis worldwide, which is taking a
serious toll on the planet's climate indicators, nature, and
people. The increasing frequency of extreme weather
conditions is results from the rising temperatures, which is
why it is crucial to take action towards mitigating the effects of
climate change. It is our responsibility to safeguard the planet
for future generations by implementing measures that move
us towards a sustainable and equitable future.
1. climate /ˈklaɪmət/ n. 气候
2. crisis /ˈkraɪsɪs/ n. 危机
3. intensified /ɪnˈtensəfaɪd/ v. 加强
4. toll /toʊl/ n. 伤害
5. indicators /ˈɪndɪkeɪtərz/ n. 指标
6. illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/ v. 说明