The process of replacing the tape for a tracheostomy tube
patient involves a series of carefully executed steps to ensure
the safety andfort of the patient. First and foremost, it is
essential to assemble all necessary supplies, including clean
gloves, tracheostomy ties or a securement device, and clean
gauze. Prior tomencing the procedure, it is of utmost
importance to thoroughly explain the process to the patient and
obtain their informed consent. Additionally, ensuring that the
patient is positioned in afortable and stable manner, with their
head and neck adequately supported, is crucial.
保患者的安全和堡垒。 必须组装一切必要的用品,包括干净的手套、
气管切除带或安全装置以及干净的纱布。 在启动该程序之前,最重要
的是向患者彻底解释程序并获得其知情同意。 确保患者的定位良好和
Once the patient is ready, carefully take off the old tape or
device holding the tracheostomy tube. Make sure to support
the tube with one hand while gently removing the tape to avoid
accidentally pulling out the tube. After getting rid of the old
tape, check the skin around the stoma for any redness or
irritation. Clean the skin with mild soap and water, then gently
pat it dry with clean gauze. Make sure the skin is totally dry
before putting on new tape or a new device to prevent irritation
or infection.
病人准备好后,小心地摘下握住气管切除管的旧磁带或装置。 确保用
一只手支撑管子,同时轻轻地去掉胶带,以避免意外地拉出管子。 将
用温和的肥皂和水清洗皮肤,然后用干净的纱布轻轻拍干。 在安装新
When applying the new tape or securement device, it is
imperative to employ gentle yet firm pressure to securely hold
the tracheostomy tube in place. It is of utmost importance to
refrain from applying excessive pressure, as this may hinder the
patient's ability to respirefortably. Following the application of
the new tape, it is essential to conduct a thorough assessment
of the patient'sfort and breathing, and make any requisite
adjustments. Ultimately, the procedure must be meticulously
documented in the patient's medical record, epassing the
condition of the skin, the specific type of tape or securement
device utilized, and the patient's tolerance of the procedure.
地把气管切除管固定在原位。 必须避免施加过度的压力,因为这可能
会妨碍病人呼吸能力。 应用新磁带后,必须彻底评估患者的堡垒和呼
吸,并做出任何必要的调整。 归根结底,该程序必须详细记录在患者