r sheet not lasted under insole(港宝没有拉邦至中底之下)
ed counter caused either by poor lasting or by wrinkled chemical
chemical sheet due to wrong materials or wrong primer
d chemical sheet(港宝位置歪斜)
positioned chemical sheet(港宝位置过低)
rs on counter(后套部位有气泡现象)
height not uniform within pair by 2 mm or more
(后套高度不一致达2mm 或超过更多)
counter defects (其他港宝瑕疵)
二.Crooked Upper Defects (鞋面弯斜瑕疵)
e crooked or wavy(鞋领口歪曲或成波浪状)
seam off center, twisted or not vertical to heel seat, by 2mm
heights not uniform within pair (左脚后套高度不一致)
ent vamp length of left and right foot over 2 mm
crooked upper defect (其他鞋面弯斜瑕疵)
三.Color Variation defect(色差瑕疵)
antique treatment ( 锈色处理不良 )
variation between different piece of upper(鞋面不同部位的色差)
of stitching and upper material not matching (as per confirmation
sample) 车线材料与鞋面材料颜色不对(参照确认样品)
color on ornaments and lace(装饰物与鞋带色差)