1. Read the question carefully (仔细阅读问题)
Understand what the question is asking before looking at the
answer choices.
2. Predict the answer (预测答案)
Try to come up with an answer in your mind before looking at
the options.
3. Eliminate wrong answers (排除错误答案)
Look at each answer choice and cross out the ones that you know
are definitely incorrect.
4. Use clues in the question (利用问题中的线索)
Look for any clues or keywords in the question that can help you
identify the correct answer.
5. Read all answer choices (阅读所有选项)
Even if you think you know the correct answer, read all the
options to make sure you haven't missed any important details.
6. Compare answer choices (比较选项)
Carefully compare the remaining answer choices to determine
which one is the best fit.
7. Trust your instincts (相信直觉)
If you're not completely sure about the answer, go with your gut
feeling or your initial prediction.
8. Check for grammar and logic (检查语法和逻辑)
Make sure the answer choice is grammatically correct and
logically makes sense in the context of the question.
9. Avoid extreme or absolute choices (避免极端或绝对的选项)
Be cautious of answer choices that use extreme language, such as
"never," "always," or "completely."
10. Double-check your answer (再次检查答案)
Before moving on to the next question, review your answer to
ensure you haven't made any careless mistakes.