test 24

test 24


Test 24

I. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below.

Column A Column B

1. 你对…有什么看法?

2. 在…的对面

3. 反对某事

4. 有次序

5. 订购

6. 无序;出故障

7. 参加

8. 换言之

9. 除了

10. 没有更好的

11. 前几天

12. (两者中)一个…另一个

13. 抓住机会


15. 由于
















other than

What's your ?

in other words

owing to

on the opposite side of

participate in

the others

be opposed to

none the best

be in good order

take the opportunity

place orders for

the other day

be out of order

the other

Column A

16. 带头

17. 通向,导致

18. 匆匆翻阅

19. 作关于…的讲演

20. 给某人教训

21. 给…帮忙

22. …的长度

23. 更不用说

24. 驾驶执照

25. 显露出来

26. 提供线索,帮助弄清

27. 点燃的蜡烛

28. 把…限制在

29. 排列成行

30. 购物单

Column B

a . the outer world

b. in panic

c . ought to have done

d . run parallel to

e-. to

f . outdoor activities

g . in particular

h . on one's own

i . play outdoors

j , take pains to do

k . the point of view outlined


I . be particular about

m. keep pace with the time

n . observe the rules

o .

II. Put the following words into Chinese.

1. nuclear _ 11. overtake _

2. numerous 12. passive__

3. nutrient _ 13. participant

4. obstacle _ 14. parade__

5. odd____ 15. orphanage

6. omit____ 16. oral_____

7. opponent. 17. output___

8. orchestra. 18. overall___

9. outcome _ 19. paragraph.

10. outline__ 20. passion__

Ⅲ. Choose the right word from the table to fill in the blank of each sentence with

correct forms.

number, object, observation, occasion, nutrient, order, nurse, object, occupy,

offend, omission, operate, oppress, organization, out

1. On ___________occasions, I have emphasized the importance of the problem.

2. When she was young, she made up her mind to take up a ___________career.

3. Nutrients provided our bodies with all kinds of___________.

4. He has strong ___________to getting up so early.

5. A jury's decision in a court case must be absolutely___________.

6. He ___________keenly, but says little.

7. I read the ___________book, but mostly just magazines.

8. Their four-year ___________of that country brought great sufferings to the


9. I'm sorry; I intended no ___________when I said so.

10. This chapter may be___________.

11. I can use the word processor, but I don't understand its___________.

12. The oppressed of the world will unite and fight against the___________.

13. The stadium was in good order because the spectators are an ___________crowd.

14. The ___________crime is the most dangerous crime of all.

15. The prices of the houses in ___________suburbs are lower than those in the


IV. Choices.

1. He has _______friends, but no one helped him when he was in need.

A. numerous B. variety C. a variety D. various

2. Plants draw minerals and other _______from the soil.

A. nutrition B. nutrient C. nutrients D. nutritions

3. It is hard for nurses to be _______about their patients, if they become too

emotionally involved with them.

A. objective B. objection C. obliged D. obligation

4. His principal _______was international fame as a scientist.

A. objection B. objective C. aim D. target

5. The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous_______.

A. watching B. noticing C. observing D. observation

6. A wedding is an _______for celebration and reunion of the two families.

A, opportunity B. chance C. occasion D. occupation

7. Skin disorder is a common _______disease among workers who work in a shoe


A. occasional B. professional C. occupational D. local

8. Divorce has become an everyday_______.

A. event B. occurrence C. affair D, incident

9. Take a boat trip, and you will be attracted by the _______peaks along the river

and their reflections in the clear water.

A. odd B. old C. special D. particular

10. Obviously, what the man has described _______the lady.

A. offends B. offence C. harms D. interruption

11. We must increase our _______by 20 percent to meet the demands of the people.

A. products B. produces C. output D. outcome

12. Having _______his main objection to the proposal-, he started to introduce his

own plan.

A. outline B. summed C. survey D. outlined

13. The girl who won the grand prize was _______Jane whose father was a professor.

A. other than B. rather than C. none other than D. no other than

14. The surgeon removed the infected _______after three hours' operation.

A. organ B. organization C. organize D. organic

15. It is a translation. The _______ is in French.

A. origin B. original C. originated D. originality

16. The Indians were the _______inhabitants of North America.

A. original B. object C. orphan D. order

17. The terrorists are searching for some _______weapons to make another attack.

A. dependent B. offensive C. oppressive D. defensive

18. Though the taxi-drivers are on strike, they are an _______get-together.

A. order B. orderly C. widely D. irregular

19. They checked in the hotel rooms with their_______.

A. objectives B. subjects C. initials D. prehistorically

20. The president is making an _______statement to protect the victims.

A. official B. office C. document D. secretary

V. Put the following sentences into English. (要求运用非谓语表达)

1. 既然他们已经注意到了我们的错误,我们最好立即采取行动去弥补。(Now;notice)

2. 中国对于原子能的研究与战争无关。(nothing)

3. 我们不反对你用一种新的方式跨越这一障碍。(objection;obstacle)

4. 他被迫放弃了他最喜欢的职业。(oblige;occupation)

5. 我很感谢你帮我获得了操作这台机器的技术。(oblige;obtain)

6. 如果省略50个字,我们可以把这篇文章放在一个页面上。(omit)

7. 你对他关于人类起源的片面的观点有何看法?(opinion;origin)

8. 受压迫者总是统治者的对立面。(oppress)

9. 凡是敌人反对的我们都要坚持。(oppose)

10. 是你们而不是别人应该对结果负责。(other than;outcome)





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