



The English composition is an important part of the high school entrance

examination. It not only tests the students' language ability, but also evaluates their

logical thinking, expression skills and creativity. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the

grading criteria for the English composition in order to achieve a good score. In this

article, we will discuss the grading standards for the high school English composition,

and provide some tips for students to improve their writing skills.

First and foremost, the content of the composition is the most important factor in the

grading process. The composition should be relevant to the topic given, and the ideas

should be well-developed and coherent. It is essential to express clear and logical

thoughts, and provide relevant examples and evidence to support the arguments. The

composition should also demonstrate the student's ability to think critically and creatively,

and show a good understanding of the topic.

Secondly, the language use and organization of the composition are also crucial for

the grading. The composition should demonstrate a good command of vocabulary,

grammar and sentence structure. The language should be appropriate and accurate, and

the sentences should be varied and well-constructed. In addition, the composition should

be well-organized, with a clear introduction, body and conclusion. The paragraphs should

be coherent and connected, and the transitions between the ideas should be smooth and


Furthermore, the coherence and cohesion of the composition are important for the

grading. The ideas should be logically connected, and the composition should flow

smoothly from one point to the next. The use of cohesive devices such as conjunctions,

transition words and pronouns is essential to maintain the coherence of the composition.

In addition, the composition should have a clear and consistent tone, and the style should

be appropriate for the topic and audience.

Moreover, the overall impression of the composition is also taken into consideration

during the grading process. The composition should be well-presented, with neat

handwriting or clear typing. The length of the composition should be appropriate, and the

student should use the given time effectively to develop the ideas and arguments. In

addition, the composition should be free from major errors in spelling, punctuation and

word choice.

In conclusion, the high school English composition is graded based on the content,

language use, organization, coherence and cohesion, and overall impression. It is

important for students to understand these grading criteria and strive to improve their

writing skills accordingly. By practicing writing regularly, expanding vocabulary, and

paying attention to grammar and sentence structure, students can enhance their ability to

write a high-quality English composition and achieve a good score in the high school

entrance examination.





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