


Unit 7 Scripts & Notes

Unit 7 Health


Lesson A Health Myths or Facts?

Liste ning


Track 7-1

1: A lot of people think going outside with wet hair will make you sick. But, in fact, ill nesses

like a cold or the flu are caused by a virus, not going outside with a wet head.

2: An apple a day keeps the doctor away,

says the saying, and yes, apples are high in

vitamins and they


e low in fat. But there are over four teaspoons of sugar in every apple, so eating too many can be

bad for your teeth. Eating different types of fruit and vegetables every day is what really keeps the doctor away.

3: Eat ing food cooked in oil isn 'tbad for your skin

uni ess you eat too much of it. In fact, the

right type of oil is good for your health. For example, research shows that olive oil may preve nt dan gerous diseases

like can cer, i ncludi ng skin cancer.

4: Many of us spe nd a lot of time look ing at computer, pho ne, and TV scree ns every day. For

most people, looking at these devices doesn


make their eyesight worse , but it can cause headaches. To avoid this

problem, research shows it


good to look away from the screen every few minu tes.

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away


Eat an apple on going to bed, and



keep the doctor from earning his bread

2. olive oil

:橄榄油,在地中海沿岸国家有几千年的历史,在西方被誉为“液体黄金” 、


3. make one


s eyesight worse


Conv ersati on

Track 7-2

A: Hey, are you okay?

B: No, I think I


m getting sick. I have a sore throat.

A: You ought to go home and rest.

B: Yeah, I think I will.

A: And try drinking hot tea with honey.

B: Will that really help?

A: It always works for me, and in fact, research shows that honey can relieve a sore throat

1. relieve a sore throat



Unit 7 Scripts & Notes

Less on B Forever Young —and Healthy

Liste ning 1


Track 7-3

How long can huma ns live? In most developed coun tries, people are now livi ng an average of 75 years. But scie ntists

are trying to find ways to len gthe n our lives — perhaps to 120 years or older

and to help us rema in young as we age.

To do this, scie ntists are study ing special groups of people around the world. These people seem to be immune to

certa in diseases that shorte n our lives. Some Ecuadoria ns, for example, have a gene that seems to prevent dangerous

diseases like cancer and diabetes. Japanese

American men also seem to have a special gene that lowers their chanee of getting cancer and heart disease. Learning how

these genes work could help extend life for us all and keep us healthier, too.

1. lengthen our lives

perhaps to 120 years or older

:科学家普遍认为人类的 "天年”是



2. as we age:


3. be immune to certain diseases


4. gene


5. diabetes


6. extend life



Liste ning 2


Track 7-4

F: Listen to this:

Living to one hundred twenty or older seenrt


ibe possible in the future.

A rece nt study done in the U.S. says that by 2050 almost half a millio n people in the U.S alone will be over one hun

dred years old.

M: Wow, almost half a million? That 'samazing.

F: Yes, it


s impressive, but do you really think living to one hundred twenty is a good idea?

M: Why not? We


lhave more time in our lives to do things. How can that be bad?

F: Well, I just don



Livi ng Ion ger does n't n ecessarily mean livi ng better, does it? You'll live most of your

life as an older person. And many older people have health problems .

M: Yes, but scientists are working all the time to cure diseases like cancer and to slow the aging process, so we'll be

healthier and we


age better.

F: I know what you mean, but I thi nk that livi ng to one hun dred twenty isn 'tgood for our pla net. We already have over

seve n billi on people on Earth. If more people are going to live Ion ger, will we have eno ugh n atural resources?

M: That


s a good point, but I still think living to one hundred twenty sounds good to me.


Unit 7 Scripts & Notes

1. by 2050 almost half a milli on people in the U.S alone will be over one hun dred years old




2. does n


n ecessarily mean

: 并不一定意味着

3. health problems





Track 7 -5 done in the U.S. says that by 2050 almost half a milli on people in the U.S. alone will be over 100 years old.

F: Liste n to this:

Livi ng to 120 or older seems like it


nb lstUdyhe future. A

ll be

M: Wow, almost half a million? That


s amazing.

F: Yes, it


s impressive, but do you really think living to 120 is a good idea?

M: Why not? We


ll have more time in our lives to do things. How can that be bad?

F: Well, I just don


t know •…Liv ing Ion ger does n


t n ecessarily meachoesiiit? better,



live most of your life as an older pers on. And many older people have health problems.

M: Yes, but scientists are working all the time to cure diseases like cancer and to slow the aging process, so we


ll be

healthier and we


ll age better.


WgcabreOotychuavea net. F: I know what you mean, but I thi nk that livi ng to 120 isn

over 7 billi on people on Earth. If more people are going to live Ion ger, will we have eno ugh n atural resources?

M: That


s a good point, but I still think living to 120 sounds good to me.

1. by 2050 almost half a milli on people in the U.S alone will be over one hun dred years old

: 据报道,美国的全球



2. does n


n ecessarily mean

: 并不一定意味着

3. health problems




Questio ns:

1. Which statement is true according to the recent study done in the U.S.?

2. Why is the woma n so pessimistic about the prospect of a much Ion ger huma n life spa n?

3. Which one is not among the reasons why living a long life is a good idea for the man?



Now Hear This


A team at Massachusetts General Hospital is working on growing an ear in a lab to help patie nts n eedi ng tran spla


Katheri ne Kulig:

What we


re looking at is our mouse with a hafzed human ear on its back.


The ear that was grow n in the lab is put onto the back of a mouse.


Unit 7 Scripts & Notes

Katheri ne Kulig:


It does look a little bizarre. But, the whole purpose of this is to see if it maintains its shape, it maintains, um,

its structure. It


s our first step into essentially what we would be putting into a


Theseears are the adult-sized ears, and these will be used for the next stage of experime ntati on.

The nice thing about engineering ears first, out of any other organ in the body, is that they don


t require all

of the blood vessels that the rest of the organs in the human body require. So, therefore the ear is one of the easier organs

to start with .


But from this man 's point of view , ears are not so simple. He is making the metal support structure for a scaffold.

It is made of special wire.

Ears have a complicated shape. So the first step is to create a shape that looks real. Also, it 's importa nt to create

the inner part of the ear correctly so that heari ng will be possible.

This is a digital model of an ear. It is exactly the size and shape of a human ear that the doctors n eed.

Next, different types of living ear cells and food for the cells are added to the scaffold. Then the scaffold is put

into a mach ine called a bioreactor. The in side of the bioreactor is similar to the huma n body. The ear cells will grow and

survive here, like they were attached to a real huma n body.

It takes approximately two weeks to grow a livi ng ear in the bioreactor.

The ear grown in the lab is the first step to human transplantation.

1. work on


2. patients needing transplants





3. to start with


4. point of view


5. be attached to:







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