


音译法 transliteration is a transcription from one alphabet to another. It can be

replied to the translation of proper nouns and nouns which have national

characteristics or have no equivalence.

Advantage: by adopting transliteration, those nouns become catchy. And this

method can compensate the semantic vacancy.

Disadvantage: transliteration may lead the reader to take the words too

literally. For instance, some people translate AIDS as “爱滋病”, actually “艾滋病”

音译加注法annotated transliteration is transliteration followed by explanatory


There are many differences between Chinese and foreign culture. And it

means that there are some semantic vacancy, to put it another way, some Chinese

words don’t have equivalence in English and verse visa. To deal with the dilemma,

translators often adopt the method of annotated transliteration. And the

annotation is used to complement the background, origination for readers’

better understanding.

Its advantage lies in that it can compensate the semantic gaps and it can help

the readers better understand the cultural difference. However, it has disadvantage.

For example, some annotation may be long, which makes the version look


Clone 克隆(一种无性繁殖的方法)

El Nino 厄尔尼诺(指严重影响全球气候的太平洋热带海域的大风及海水的大规模移


AIDS 艾滋病(一种性免疫缺损综合症)

改译法adoption refers to translating passive voice in English articles into active

voice in Chinese. In English, especially in scientific writing, passive voice is mostly

used while active voice is frequently used in Chinese, which is exactly the

difference of the expression of the two languages of English and Chinese.

There are three situations we should adopt this method.

1. The performer of the action needn't be pointed out

2. When translated into active voice, the version still expresses the passive


3. The passive voice which has the active meaning must be translated into the

active voice.

Advantages and Disadvantages: The method is mainly used in translating

passive voice into active voice. Due to the differences of culture, the exit of

transformation is meaningful. It can deal with the difficulties in translation. So the

version can be in line with our Chinese expression. Its disadvantage is that the

function of method is single. It can only guide the passive voice, and cannot guide

other aspects of the translation. Many problems in the translation are not solved

by the translation method, so we should also master other translation methods,

and then adopt various methods to solve the problems encountered in translation.

顺译法Sequential translation is a method which is often used in interpretation.

It refers to dividing the whole sentence into several meaningful units or units of

information in the order of the original sentences. Then we adopt other means to

make these units a sentence. There are also some needed methods to achieve the

linear translation, such as division, supplement and words conversion.

It has been twenty years /since I first came to Shanghai on my first visit to

China, /when I stayed in JinJiang hotel.



Advantage: Sequential translation can reduce the burden of memory, to

handle the information as soon as possible, so it is good choice for interpreters.

And it makes the translator express the source text more exact and accurate, and it

fully respects the author's narration, description, and the idea reflects in the


Disadvantage: this method is often applied in interpreting, but it is not that

suitable to translation. English sentences with inanimate subjects are a typical

pattern in formal written English. So when translating such text, we should

consider whether we can adopt sequential translation.

前置法proceeding position method, In Chinese, attributive and adverbial

modifiers are often located before the modified language; In English, many

modifiers are often located after the modified terms. So when translating, the

modifiers should be reversed.

Advantage: this translation method is mainly used in English-Chinese

translation, in order to make the translation readable to Chinese readers and make

it easier to the spread of the translation works.

Disadvantage: This method is focused on the translation of English attributive

clauses. When encountered the sentences that are not that catalogue, this method

doesn’t work.

重译法: Repetition is a literary device that repeats the same words or phrases a

few times to make an idea clearer. They are commonly used in both prose and


As a rhetorical device, it could be a word, a phrase or a full sentence or a

poetical line repeated to emphasize its significance in the entire text. Repetition is

not distinguished solely as a figure of speech but more as a rhetorical device.

Repetition as a literary term can be used both constructively and destructively.

The constructive usage encompasses functions such as, putting emphasis on a

point, confirming a fact or an idea, cohesion, mimesis, transition, showing

impartiality and or describing a notion. The same literary device when used

destructively can disintegrate the entire piece of writing. Erasure, redundancy,

continuous present, fragmentation, copying and habitual misuse of the literary

device are among the destructive effects.

Furthermore, repetition should be used correctly and necessarily in order to

avoid verbosity.

套译法corresponding translation is to use English slangs or proverbs to

express the meaning of Chinese slangs or proverbs.

Advantage: This translation can vividly express the meaning and make

translated texts be featured with Chinese characteristics.

Disadvantage: it is very limited. Only when the English proverbs have

equivalence in Chinese proverbs, we can adopt this method. And if the author

don’t know well about the cultures, they may use wrongly. And the readers may

misunderstand. For example, in china, the bull is a good helper with farming while

the horses serve as a helper in Britain. So if the readers don’t learn about it, they

may misunderstand.

创译法creative translation

Creative translation refers to conducting translation with some kind of

creativity to reach the equivalence on function and effect between SL and TL, not

constrained by the meaning and pronunciation of SL. However, creative translation

is not a sheer or fantastical work. based on the source language, it makes

appropriate extensions on translation, endowing the translators with some place

for "creative thinking" .Therefore, the utilization of creative translation requires

translators to have enriched knowledge, bold imagination and extensive creative

thinking so that translators could dig out the hidden connotation beyond

superficial denotation and add their bold creativity.

Advantage:In the aspect of information transformation, creative translation

fully and accurately expresses the original meaning of the SL. Besides, it

contributes to cultural communication with creativity to express original meanings

conforming to the expression style of TL readers, deepening the culture

communication in an effective way and making the TL readers understand the

purpose of SL authors. In addition, this translation also exerts new energy to

translation methods, which can be used for reference.

Disadvantage:However, there is no need for us to use this method when we

could translate faithfully and accurately in literal translation or other simple

methods. Thus, in translation, we should combine many different translation

methods---structure borrowing, literal translation, liberal translation,

transliteration, zero translation as well as creative translation, without overdoing of

each one of them.

增补翻译法addition means supplying necessary words in translation, making

the version grammatically correct, semantically clear, rhetorically sound, logically

acceptable, and culturally appropriate. As a matter of principle, a translator is not

supposed to add or subtract any meaning from the original work. These doses not

mean that a translator should refrain from supplying necessary words to make the

version accurate and idiomatic in the target language.

Advantage: the method makes the translated text more accurate and smooth.

Disadvantage: if the translators don’t understand difference, they can’t

supply the right and necessary words.

倒置翻译法:Inversion is the reversal of the normal order of words in order to

make the versions to conform to the habits of target language,a common way

that is widely used in English sentences. Inversion is a technique closely connected

with grammar, rhetoric, logic, usage, and thinking style.

The inversion includes the following aspects, such as the word order in

translating word-groups, phrases or attributes, the position of adjective clauses,

adverbials, position of adverbial clauses and sentence structure.

Advantages: the inverted sentences can be used to emphases on some

important points. And the method can make your version in conformity with

linguistic habits of the target language.






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