丝路情长 农圣家园
Shandong’s Agricultural History and Foreign Communication
Long-Standing Farming Civilization
Hometown of Agricultural Saint
he farming civilization in Shandong has a long history, and its
agriculture has been flourishing ever since. In the period of the Qin
and Han dynasties, the present-day Shandong area was honored as
having a “thousand li of fertile farmlands”; in the Western Han dynasty, the
population in Shandong area was over 17 million, accounting for 30% of
the national population at that time, with the largest population intensity
nationwide; in the Warring States period, the state of Qi was honored as
“having the most luxurious and fashionable silk and embroidery products
Shandong exhibition project,
across China”. Linzi, Dingtao, Kangfu (the present-day Jining) were three
The Manual of Important Arts for the People
“Qimin Yaoshu” mostrato nello Shandong
weaving centers in Han dynasty, producing the silk products with the largest
quantity and best quality, which were traded incessantly through the “silk road” to the Western Regions and other
places. Three of the four most significant agricultural books in ancient China come from Shandong. The Manual of
Important Arts for the People by Jia Sixie, the honorable saint of agriculture, has exerted profound influence over
science, technology and grain production and other fields all over the globe.
The Manual of Important Arts for the People
is the earliest existing and most complete comprehensive agricultural
work in China, as well as one of the earliest and most valuable monographs. In the periods of the Tang and Song
dynasty, its influence spread to Japan. Some time in the 19th century, it was further passed on to Europe. Darwin
(1809—1882), the English scholar mentioned having referred to this “Chinese ancient encyclopedia” in his great works
The Origin of Species
Variationof Plants and Animals under Domestication
. Also, he referred to these relevant
cases as evidence to support his famous theory--the theory of evolution.
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丝路情长 农圣家园
Via lunga della seta San paese agricolo
Lunga storia agricoa
San paese agricolo
Agricultural Saint, Jia Sixie
Santo dell’agricoltura Jia Sixie
a provincia di Shandong ha una storia agricola lunghissima. Nelle dinastie Qin e Han, Shandong fu
nota come “UN terreno adatto per migliaia di chilometri”; nell’Han, questa provincia ebbe già una
popolazione di oltre 17 milioni occupando il 30% della popolazione totale della Cina e con la densità
più alta . Nella dinastia Zhanguo, il Regno Qi fu noto come“Il mondo degli abbigliamento e calzature”. Linzi,
Dingtao e Kangfu (oggi di Jining) furono i tre centri dell’industria Tessile nella dinastia Han, che esportò una
grande quantità di seta con alta qualità verso le regioni ’antica Cina,tra I Quattro Libri di
Agricoltura, tre furono nati in Shandong. Il “Qimin Yaoshu” ,compilato da Jia Sixie, conosciuto come “il Santo
dell’Agricoltura” ha avuto un profondo impatto sulla Tecnologia Agricola e La produzione del mondo.
“Qimin Yaoshu”
è il primo e più completo fino ad oggi in Cina, ed anche è uno dei più importanti
Monografie nella storia dell' libro fu presentato in Giappone nelle dinastie Tang e Song , e
nell’800 è stato presentato in Europa. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) dichiarò di essere riferitosi a questo libro
durante le scritture dei suoi capolavori
“L'origine delle specie”
“La variazione degli animali e delle piante
allo stato domestico"
citando i diversi casi documentati in questa “enciclopedia dell’antica Cina” per provare
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