If you found yourself in a cocktail bar with a Neanderthal man, what
would he say? A good conversation is one of the great joys of being human,
but it is not clear just how far back in the hominid lineage the ability
to use language stretches. The question of when grunts and yelps turned
into words and phrases is a tricky one. One way of trying to answer it
is to look in the fossil record for evidence about what modern humanity's
closest relatives could do.
Svante Pääbo, of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
Anthropology in Leipzig, and his colleagues have done just that. Dr Pääbo
is an expert in extracting and interpreting the DNA of fossils. As he
reports in the latest issue of Current Biology, he and his team have worked
their magic on a gene called FOXP2 found in Neanderthal remains from
northern Spain. The reason for picking this particular gene is that it
is the only one known so far to have a direct connection with speech. In
1990, a family with an inherited speech disorder known as verbal dyspraxia
drew the attention of genetics researchers. Those researchers identified
a mutation in FOXP2 as the cause of the dyspraxia.
Since then FOXP2 has been the subject of intensive study. It has been
linked to the production of birdsong and the ultrasonic musings of mice.
It is a conservative type, not changing much from species to species. But
it has undergone two changes since humans split from chimpanzees 6m years
ago, and some researchers believe these changes played a crucial role in
the development of speech and language.
If these changes are common to modern humans and Neanderthals, they
must predate the separation of the line leading to Homo sapiens from the
one leading to Homo neanderthalensis. Dr Pääbo's research suggests
precisely that: the FOXP2 genes from modern humans and Neanderthals are
essentially the same. To the extent that the gene enables language, it
enables it in both species.
There has been much speculation about Neanderthals' ability to speak.
They were endowed with a hyoid bone, which anchors the tongue and allows
a wide variety of movements of the larynx. Neanderthal skulls also show
evidence of a large hypoglossal canal. This is the route taken by the
nerves that supply the tongue. As such, it is a requisite for the
exquisitely complex movements of speech. Moreover, the inner-ear
structure of Homo heidelbergensis, an ancestor of Neanderthals, shows
that this species was highly sensitive to the frequencies of sound that
are associated with speech.
That Neanderthals also shared with moderns the single known genetic
component of speech is another clue that they possessed the necessary
apparatus for having a good natter. But suggestive as that is, the question
remains open. FOXP2 is almost certainly not “the language gene”. Without
doubt, it is involved in the control and regulation of the motions of
speech, but whether it plays a role in the cognitive processes that must