several common english figures of speech and their
translating in literature
author: liu baijing
abstract: english figures of speech are the artistic
nature of language. as special signs of the language, they
are widely used in literary works; as unique contexts of mind,
they are widely used in different cultural backgrounds. by
briefly analyzing several common english figures of speech,
this paper makes readers understand what figures of speech
are and how to apply them, and suggests some methods of
translating them.
key words: figures of speech, translation, method
different countries and different cultures carry
different histories, but it makes us get together at the same
time. language is a tool for people to convey their feelings
and thoughts. in order to improve the effects of expression
and strengthen the persuasion, people apply many varieties
of methods. m.a.k halliday said: “each language has its own
logic, own figures of speech, and own value of aesthetics.”
so we find, figures of speech are the artistic nature of
as special signs of the language, figures of speech are
widely used in literary works; as unique contexts of mind,
they are widely used in different cultural backgrounds. the
categories of english figures of speech (feng cuihua. english
figures of speech): simile, metaphor, analogy,
personification, hyperbole, understatement, euphemism,
metonymy, synecdoche, antonomasia, pun, zeugma, irony,
innuendo, sarcasm, paradox, oxymoron, antithesis, epigram,
climax, anti-climax, apostrophe, transferred-epithet,
alliteration, onomatopoeia, and repetition.
the charm of figures of speech in literature lies in its
beauty of relation, beauty of change, beauty of harmony, and
beauty of sound and color. now, let us analyze several common
english figures of speech in literature, and try to summarize
the methods of translating them.
1. simile
it is a figure of speech, which makes a comparison between
two unlike elements having at least one quality or
characteristic in common. to make the comparison words like
as ,as…as, as if, and like are used to transfer the quality
we associate with one to the other.
e.g. ①sore-eyed children clouds cluster of everywhere in
unbelievable numbers, like clouds of flies.(“marrakech” ae1)
②it was his voice, jiajie’s voice, so endearing, so gentle,
and so far away, as if, from another world.(《人到中年》)
好似从九天之外的另一个世界飘来。(trans. wang meijie)
comparison, one is comparison between objects, this is
called comparison in terms of images; the other is comparison
between logics, this is called comparison in terms of logic.
example① compares “sore-eyed children in unbelievable
numbers” with “clouds of flies”, this is comparison in terms
of images. example② compares “jiajie’s voice” with “one
from another world”, this is comparison in terms of logic.
english famous scholar ivor armstrong richards divided
comparison into two parts: ⑴the tenor, i.e. the idea being
expressed or the subject of the comparison, such as
“sore-eyed children” and “jiajie’s voice”; ⑵the vehicle,
i.e. the image of which this idea is conveyed or the subject
communicated, such as “clouds of flies” and “one from
another world”; ⑶indicator of resemblance, links the tenor
and vehicle, such as “like, as, as if”.
every nation has its own methods in expression, and every
comparison has its own feathers. to the same images, because
of different region, different society and different culture
background, different nation may have different association
that forms some distance and difference in their languages.
for examples, there are distinctly national features in the
simile vehicles. although there are many vehicle equivalences
in english and chinese, the number is limited. in fact, there
are a lot of equivalent methods in which the same meaning of
comparisons has different vehicles. so when we meet the
comparisons that are not translated literally, we must change
their images or vehicles. e.g. (hu wenchong culture and
① diamond cut diamond. 棋逢对手
② you are putting all your eggs in one basket. 你这是
macroscopically, there are many common characters in the
whole human culture; microcosmically, there are also
individualities in each national culture. especially, idioms
and proverbs are the fruits of the national cultures, which
fully reflect the national features. e.g. (xu chaoxi《英谚
① a rat in a hole 瓮中捉鳖
② like a drowned rat 像落汤鸡
these translations achieve the likeness in spirit but not
in forms. this also follows american famous translation
scholar eugere a. nida “functional equivalence”. when we
change images and vehicles, we defer to its national features,
national culture and language features, and we also must think
about the degree of readers’ acceptance.
3. metonymy
it is a figure of speech that has to do with the
substitution of the name of one thing for that of another.
e.g. ①let’s have a chat over a bottle. 咱们边喝酒边聊
②he chose a gun instead of a cap and gown. 他选择了当
③on the 14th of march, at a quarter to three in the
afternoon, the greatest living thinker ceased to think.
(frederick engels. speech at the graveside of karl marx) 3
the types of metonymy and their functions:
⑴ names of containers instead of things in them.
example①,“bottle” instead of “the wine in the bottle”.
⑵ tools or organs instead of the tenors:
example②,“gun” instead of “soldier”, “cap and gown”
instead of “entering the university”.
⑶ reasons and results instead of each other:
example③,“ceased to think” instead of “died”.
methods of translation:
according to the features of the above types, we can apply
literal translation, liberal translation and addition
translation in metonymy.
e.g. ①lawrence became the mouthpiece for the orsatti
family, and when the timing was right, orsatti had him
elevated to a judgeship. (sidne sheldon. if tomorrow comes.)
“mouthpiece”: literal translation, this method retains
the original images which makes the translation have more
appeal to readers.
4. personification
one kind of rhetoric is poetic; one kind of rhetoric is
vivid; one kind of rhetoric is clear. this is the daffodil
in the figures of speech―personification: it gives human
form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attribute
to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions.
e.g. the mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills
and brings out surprises of beauty. (r. tagore. stray birds)
personification in english and chinese is different in
approach but equally satisfactory in result. the use of it
is also similar to each other. in the following part, the
author will introduce the usage of personification briefly.
⑴ personification of inanimate objects
e.g. the ancient mansion spoke to me of by gone days. 古
⑵ personification of animate objects (chiefly used in
literature and art, especially used in conversations.)
e.g. the lion laughed scornfully at this, but he lifted
his paw and let his brave prisoner go free.
⑶ personification of flowers, grass and trees
e.g. the flowers smile at every visitor. 鲜花向所有来宾
⑷ personification of natural phenomenon
e.g. the gentle breeze caresses my cheeks and soothed my
anger. 和风轻抚我的脸颊,平息了我的怒气。
it is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration
to achieve emphasis.
the roles of hyperbole:
first, it must be based on the objective cases and life
foundations, which make people, believe.
second, the use of hyperbole must be clear, which makes
people know it is hyperbole not only describing.
third, the use of hyperbole must be novel not vulgar.
fourth, translators must pay attention to the range of
the translation of hyperbole is relative easier which is
similar to chinese hyperbole. when we translate it, we can
apply literal translation.
e.g. his eloquence would split rocks. 他的雄辩之威力,
sometimes, we can also apply liberal translation.
e.g. it’s a crime to stay on such a beautiful day. 今
while translating hyperbole, we should notice the language
appeal and inspiration which can give readers pleasure,
imaginations, and deep impressions.
we have talked about figures of speech so much. in fact,
the translation of rhetoric is a process of recreation. it
reproduces the original ideas and context of situation. as
mao dun said: “…the literary translation is that translators
convey the original thoughts and context of mind to readers
as if they are reading the original works, which gives them
the inspiration and enjoyment of beauty.” therefore, if we
want to improve the abilities to do the translation, we must
study figures of speech first. however, in our english
teaching, people always pay much attention to the grammar and
vocabulary, and ignore figures of speech. in the fields of
linguistics and foreign language teaching, scholars who study
rhetoric are so few that this subject is still a weak part
in the foreign language studying. in my opinion, nowadays,
some people think it is unnecessary to go deep into it, or
some people think it is unattainable to study it. many people
consider figures of speech are hidden in the famous masters’
works; however, in fact, they are in our daily lives. we should
do a feasibility to change our backward ideas. in the meantime,
we must improve the teaching and studying of rhetoric.
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