Master 38#
1、Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for a proper lookout?
Radar,binoculars,AIS equipment,
2、How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally?
By bearing and distance of the target,can also use radar to assess risk of collision.
3、Besides the collision risks, what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?
Fog signal, Keep Safe speed, monitor depth of water, display right navigation light and shape
4、Apart from those for navigation safety, what else should you do on an anchor watch?
display right anchor light and shape, monitor the position of the ship and the vessel in the vicinity.
5、How should you try to stop bleeding at first?
Bandage to stop bleeding. You can use hemostatic cloth, gauze, or cotton cloth. Wrap the wound a
few times, apply pressure to the wound with appropriate strength, and then bind it with a bandage.
6、What is your purpose to prepare the confirmation of collision occurrence to the captain of the
other vessels?
To confirm the responsibility of the vessel, to be an evidence of the court.
7、When there is a muster for an emergency there are several things that must be closed. Give
three examples.
Fire Damper, water tight-door, power supply ,A/C
8、How often is a fire drill required to be carried out on cargo ships?
At least once a month
9、What is meant by starving a fire?
Remove fuel oil from the fire.
10、What does RCC stand for?
(Rescue Coordinated Center)搜索救助协调中心
11、What is INMASAT short for?
International Maritime Satellite system
12、What does SAR stand for?
SAR (Search And Rescue) 搜索和救助,SART (Search And Rescue Transponder) 搜索救助应
13、What does “initial course” mean in search and rescue operation?
It means the course directed by OSC or CSS to be steered at the beginning of a search
14、A ship is signaling you with his Aldis Lamp (morse lamp) the letter U, what is the message for
You are running into danger.
15、What are the main difference between a flag state and a port state inspection?
The flag state inspection is for domestic ships and the port state inspection is for foreign ships.
16、What are the key items to be checked within your duties onboard?
The bridge equipment, such as Radar, ARPA and so on.
17、Can you list some items to be checked for load line requirements in PSC inspection?
Yes, I can. For example, the valid of the load line certificate, load line mark is clear and correct.
18、What would happen to ships if they do not comply with the ISPS code requirement?
The ships will be inspected, delayed, detained or expelled from port.
19、What is your attitude in implementation of port state control inspection?
Positive and serious
20、What anti-stowaway precautions whould you take before the vessel sails from a port?
Patrol the ship from stern to stern.
21、What does CSR stand for?
It stands for Continuous Synopsis Record.
22、What measures have been adopted in the security communication field?
The GMDSS, VHF, SSAS have been adopted in the security communication field
23、What does SSP stand for?
It stands for Ship Security Plan.
24、Can you list some information relating to security that AIS can receive or transmit?
Yes, the ship’s location, the ship’s speed, and course.
25、What will you first do if you see a person fall overboard?
keep in sight of the person and report to bridge.
26、What does SOPEP mean?
SOPEP---Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan 船上油污应急计划
SMPEP ---Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan 船上海洋污染应急计划