the first visit…. boy appeared fretful…. s
project disintegrated …..A. btoke up latest setback……
tools that … moste cases,…. aring
patients derive…. ng these days are…ned with money
dumped our bags… down only sounds were …y
children will…. A. hold tightly to eye is one of the…. e
ers came from…. train departs ….
is often no …. ence ’s almost inevitable ….
are two main…. e persons in… orhood
decision to leave… .es this time the captain ….
looked out over…. y books do not …. D. family
baby monkey… ed you are dealing… .
force the reader….. about
y was abolished in … 2. I’ll never be unfaithful…. s
they observe christmas… ate g will stop them. .
ment has given a …. e monument are a….. tance
g this from commits….tes social democrats are…..
hot sunny days were…. ed room was converted ….d
was found guilty … .ge are determined to …….A. get rid of
demonstration sparked…. farmers use an…..cated
proposition that ……tion central 12-foot column….
family in Minnesota was …ated word“sale” has….ed