英语学习国家地理读物Reading Explorer课后练习册L2-4

英语学习国家地理读物Reading Explorer课后练习册L2-4







Italian pizza twirling has been nominated forUNESCO heritage listBy Agence France-Presse, adapted by Newsela staff on 12.11.17Word Count 531Level 830LNeapolitan pizza-maker Ciro Rapuano prepares a pizza Margherita in a restaurant in Naples, Italy, December 3, 2017. Photo by: SalvatoreLaporta/KONTROLAB /LightRocket via Getty ImagesUNESCO is a cultural group within the United Nations. It highlights specific cultures, customs andhistories throughout the world.

Pizza twirling is a custom in Naples, Italy. It is a candidate to join UNESCO's list of "intangibleheritage" next week. Heritage is a collection of cultural practices passed down from generation togeneration. Something that is intangible cannot be touched or measured. It is not a pyramid or apiece of jewelry. Examples of intangible heritage include oral storytelling and festivities.

UNESCO's World Heritage Committee decides what candidates make the list. The group will meeton the South Korean island of Jeju. It will discuss the candidates. It also must decide whether togive special support for practices that are struggling to is a buzz in the southern Italian city over pizza twirling's nomination. It has also gottenattention around the world. Sergio Miccu is head of the Association of Neapolitan Pizzaioli andThis article is available at 5 reading levels at .

will be in Jeju for the proceedings. He said some 2 million people have signed a petition in supportof Naples' application.

Miccu believes the tradition will join the honorable list. If it does, Miccu said, there will be freepizza in the Painting And Weaving Also Hope To Make The ListPizzaiolos are Italian pizza-makers. They hurl dough into the air in order to "oxygenate" it. Oxygenis a crucial element to baking any dough or bread. That's not all there is to the southern Italiancustom. Pizza twirling also includes songs and stories that have turned pizza-making into a time-honored tradition.

Thirty-four candidates are seeking to join the list. The list currently includes 365 traditions, artforms and practices. They come from countries worldwide. In Europe, there's the Spanish dance offlamenco. From Indonesia, a country in Southeast Asia made up of islands, there is Indonesianbatik, a form of dying fabric materials.

Saudi Arabia wants to see Al-Qatt Al-Asin put on the list this year. This is the practice of a specialstyle of wall painting done by women. The art promotes togetherness among women and ishanded down through its part, Bangladesh has put forward its tradition of Shital Pati. Shital Pati is an intricate, ordetailed, weaving craft. Strips of green cane are used to produce mats and ting Culture That Could Be LostThe list of "intangible" cultural treasures was created in 2003. The main goal was to drawattention to the many cultural treasures in the world. UNESCO can also help countries that arestruggling to protect important aspects of their o is a country in North Africa. They are sounding the alarm this year for its martial dancecalled Taskiwin. The country worries that the younger generation is no longer taking an the same reason, Turkey is concerned over the continuation of its whistled also has a list for cultural and natural world heritage. This list started in 1972, andincludes physical properties like the Grand Canyon in the United States.

The World Heritage list is large and continues to grow. On Friday, the committee will finish itsreview of nominations for the intangible culture article is available at 5 reading levels at .

Quiz1Read the selection from the introduction [paragraphs 1-5].Pizza twirling is a custom in Naples, Italy. It is a candidate to join UNESCO's list of "intangibleheritage" next week. Heritage is a collection of cultural practices passed down from generation togeneration. Something that is intangible cannot be touched or measured. It is not a pyramid or apiece of jewelry. Examples of intangible heritage include oral storytelling and of the following is the MOST accurate explanation of the paragraph?(A)(B)(C)(D)UNESCO protects mostly storytelling and festivities, along with jewelry and UNESCO intangible heritage list helps young people learn about the traditions of their may include pizza twirling in its list of special cultural traditions around the is going to make the very first list this week of intangible heritage, like Naples pizza-making.2Read the section "Wall Painting And Weaving Also Hope To Make The List."Which sentence from the section BEST shows why Naples pizza-making may have a good chance of making UNESCO's list?(A)(B)(C)(D)Pizzaiolos are Italian is a crucial element to baking any dough or 's not all there is to the southern Italian twirling also includes songs and stories that have turned pizza-making into a time-honoredtradition.3Read the list of sentences from the article.1.

Heritage is a collection of cultural practices passed down from generation to generation.2.

He said some 2 million people have signed a petition in support of Naples' application.3.

Pizza twirling also includes songs and stories that have turned pizza-making into a time-honored tradition.4.

The main goal was to draw attention to the many cultural treasures in the two MAIN ideas does this evidence support?(A)(B)It is fun to watch pizza twirling in Naples. Many people hope they make the -making in Naples is a special tradition. The UNESCO list seeks to honor traditions of -four other candidates are also hoping to join the UN's list. They hope to save their ible cultural heritage helps protect special parts of countries. Morocco is especially worried aboutlosing its martial dance.(C)(D)4Which selection from the article BEST summarizes the MAIN idea of the article?(A)Pizza twirling is a custom in Naples, Italy. It is a candidate to join UNESCO's list of "intangible heritage"next ing that is intangible cannot be touched or measured. It is not a pyramid or a piece of 's World Heritage Committee decides what candidates make the list. The group will meet onthe South Korean island of Miccu is head of the Association of Neapolitan Pizzaioli and will be in Jeju for the proceedings.(B)(C)(D)This article is available at 5 reading levels at .

Answer Key1Read the selection from the introduction [paragraphs 1-5].Pizza twirling is a custom in Naples, Italy. It is a candidate to join UNESCO's list of "intangibleheritage" next week. Heritage is a collection of cultural practices passed down from generation togeneration. Something that is intangible cannot be touched or measured. It is not a pyramid or apiece of jewelry. Examples of intangible heritage include oral storytelling and of the following is the MOST accurate explanation of the paragraph?(A)(B)(C)(D)UNESCO protects mostly storytelling and festivities, along with jewelry and UNESCO intangible heritage list helps young people learn about the traditions of their may include pizza twirling in its list of special cultural traditions around the is going to make the very first list this week of intangible heritage, like Naples pizza-making.2Read the section "Wall Painting And Weaving Also Hope To Make The List."Which sentence from the section BEST shows why Naples pizza-making may have a good chance of making UNESCO's list?(A)(B)(C)(D)Pizzaiolos are Italian is a crucial element to baking any dough or 's not all there is to the southern Italian twirling also includes songs and stories that have turned pizza-making into a time-honoredtradition.3Read the list of sentences from the article.1.

Heritage is a collection of cultural practices passed down from generation to generation.2.

He said some 2 million people have signed a petition in support of Naples' application.3.

Pizza twirling also includes songs and stories that have turned pizza-making into a time-honored tradition.4.

The main goal was to draw attention to the many cultural treasures in the two MAIN ideas does this evidence support?(A)(B)It is fun to watch pizza twirling in Naples. Many people hope they make the -making in Naples is a special tradition. The UNESCO list seeks to honor traditions ofvarious -four other candidates are also hoping to join the UN's list. They hope to save their ible cultural heritage helps protect special parts of countries. Morocco is especially worried aboutlosing its martial dance.(C)(D)4Which selection from the article BEST summarizes the MAIN idea of the article?(A)Pizza twirling is a custom in Naples, Italy. It is a candidate to join UNESCO's list of "intangibleheritage" next ing that is intangible cannot be touched or measured. It is not a pyramid or a piece of 's World Heritage Committee decides what candidates make the list. The group will meet onthe South Korean island of Miccu is head of the Association of Neapolitan Pizzaioli and will be in Jeju for the proceedings.(B)(C)(D)This article is available at 5 reading levels at .






Karate joins judo and taekwondo as an officialOlympic sport in 2020By Agence France-Presse, adapted by Newsela staff on 10.28.16Word Count 585Level 890LHollywood may have kicked karate onto the world stage, but its first-ever inclusion at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics promises to shine a light onthe rich history of the discipline. TORU YAMANAKA/AFP/Getty ImagesThere will be several new sports in the next Summer Olympics. One of them will be karate. It is aform of fighting from Japan where a player uses his or her feet and hands to kick and hit the next Olympic Games will take place in 2020 in Tokyo, ro Nakamoto is a 78-year-old karate master. He has waited many years for thismoment. He insists that there is far more to karate than what viewers see in the to describes karate as the art of defense. "You don't go just kicking and punching, youreceive your opponent's blow," he to's karate studio is in Naha, a city on Okinawa. It is an island chain south of 's Struggle For Olympic EqualityThis article is available at 5 reading levels at .

Eighty athletes will take part in Tokyo's karate competitions. They join surfers, skateboarders,climbers, baseball and softball players. All of the athletes will play sports new to the 2020Olympics.

"The dreams of the world's karate athletes came true when the International Olympic Committee(IOC) made its decision," Shigeo Kurihara said. He works for the Japan Karate-Do is a blend of native Japanese fighting styles. It began in Okinawa, Japan, in the trading links between the two countries meant the sport was also influenced by is far older than the modern Olympics. Today it has at least 10 million athletes r, karate has struggled to be included in the Summer Games. Judo, another Japanesemartial art, and the Korean martial art of taekwondo are already g The Rule BookAdding karate as an official Olympic sport has not been easy. Each karate group around the worldhas its own rules for the sport and insists on those rules, rather than work s Didier works for the World Karate Federation. He says that it took too long to agree on therules. For example, sport karate calls for rules where players have to control their hits and r, traditional karate allows for harder shots but requires protective gear such as boxinggloves and Funakoshi is considered to be the inventor of modern karate. The sport only arrived inTokyo in the early 1900s when Funakoshi brought it from people say that Okinawa's part in karate has been wiped out of history. Nakamoto believesthat the 2020 Olympic Games is a chance to fix that. "This is a great chance to show the worldwhere karate has its roots. The world may be surprised to know that it was developed here," Will Be Watching Olympic KarateStephane Fauchard is a karate expert and writer. He says inclusion at Tokyo's 2020 games willattract people to karate. "This is going to boost the sport's visibility. The games are a greatshowcase," he , Fauchard does not expect one big happy karate family. "Sport karate will continue to developin national federations while traditional karate will still be taught in schools. They'll both benefitfrom the media attention brought by the Olympics and continue to exist side by side," he the 2020 Olympics, the International Olympic Committee will review whether adding karatewas a good idea. The sport will then have to prove that there is a reason to include it in futureOlympic Games.

Didier argues that karate should stay. It does not cost much, and uses the same arena as judo, article is available at 5 reading levels at .

Quiz1Based on information in the section "Karate's Struggle For Olympic Equality," which of these statements is TRUE?(A)(B)(C)(D)Karate is made up of several Japanese fighting are not many karate athletes around the will be in the only new sport in the 2020 is the youngest sport in the Olympics.2Select the sentence from the section "Writing The Rule Book" that BEST explains why adding karate to the Olympics has beendifficult.(A)(B)Adding karate as an official Olympic sport has not been karate group around the world has its own rules for the sport and insists on those rules, ratherthan work r, traditional karate allows for harder shots but requires protective gear such as boxing glovesand sport only arrived in Tokyo in the early 1900s when Funakoshi brought it from Okinawa.(C)(D)3What is the MAIN idea of the section "World Will Be Watching Olympic Karate"?(A)(B)(C)(D)Karate will not be guaranteed a spot at future Olympic is a more cost-effective sport than 2020 Olympics will encourage more people to try will still be taught in different styles after the Olympics.4Which sentence from the article is MOST important to include in its summary?(A)(B)(C)(D)The next Olympic Games will take place in 2020 in Tokyo, athletes will take part in Tokyo's karate r, karate has struggled to be included in the Summer ne Fauchard is a karate expert and article is available at 5 reading levels at .

Answer Key1Based on information in the section "Karate's Struggle For Olympic Equality," which of these statements is TRUE?(A)(B)(C)(D)Karate is made up of several Japanese fighting are not many karate athletes around the will be in the only new sport in the 2020 is the youngest sport in the Olympics.2Select the sentence from the section "Writing The Rule Book" that BEST explains why adding karate to the Olympics has beendifficult.(A)(B)Adding karate as an official Olympic sport has not been karate group around the world has its own rules for the sport and insists on those rules,rather than work r, traditional karate allows for harder shots but requires protective gear such as boxing glovesand sport only arrived in Tokyo in the early 1900s when Funakoshi brought it from Okinawa.(C)(D)3What is the MAIN idea of the section "World Will Be Watching Olympic Karate"?(A)(B)(C)(D)Karate will not be guaranteed a spot at future Olympic is a more cost-effective sport than 2020 Olympics will encourage more people to try will still be taught in different styles after the Olympics.4Which sentence from the article is MOST important to include in its summary?(A)(B)(C)(D)The next Olympic Games will take place in 2020 in Tokyo, athletes will take part in Tokyo's karate r, karate has struggled to be included in the Summer ne Fauchard is a karate expert and article is available at 5 reading levels at .





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