国际经济学英文版名词解释 附有中文解释

国际经济学英文版名词解释 附有中文解释


1 Absolute advantage: 绝对优势 The greater efficiency that one nation may

have over another in the production of a was the basis for trade

for Adam Smith.

2 Ad valorem tariff: 从价税 A tariff expressed as a fixed percentage of the

value of a traded commodity.

3 Balance of payments: 收支平衡 A summary statement of all the international

transactions of the residents of a nation with the rest of the world during a

particular period of time,usually a year.

4 Balanced growth: 均衡增长 Equal rates of factor growth and technological

progress in the production of both commodities.

5 Buffer stocks: 缓冲存货The type of international commodity agreement that

involves the purchase of the commodity(to be added to the stock)when the

commodity price falls below an agreed minimum price,and the sale of the commodity

out of the stock when the commodity price rises above the established maximum


6 Constant opportunity costs:

机会成本不变The constant amount of a

commodity that must be given up to produce each additional unit of another


7 Community indifference curve:

社会无差异曲线The curve that shows the

various combinations of two commodity yielding equal satisfaction to the

community or ity indifference curves are negatively sloped,convex

from the origin,and should not cross.

8 Compound tariff:

混合关税A combination of an ad valorem and a specific


9 Customs union:

关税同盟Removes all barriers on trade among members and

harmonizes trade policies toward the rest of the best example is the

European Union(EU).

10 Common market:共同市场 Removes all barriers on trade among

members,harmonizes trade policies toward the rest of the world,and also allows

the free movement of labor and capital among member example is the

European Union(EU)since January 1,1993.

11 Dumping: 倾销 The export of a commodity at below cost or at a lower price

than sold domestically.

12 Direct investments:直接投资 Real investments in factories,capital

goods,land,and inventories where both capital and management are involved and

the investor retains control over the use of the invested capital.

13 Free trade area:自由贸易区 Removes all barriers on trade among members,but

each nation restains its own barriers on trade with best example

are the EFTA,NAFTA,and Mercosur.

14 Factor-price equalization(H-O) theorem:


The part of the H-O theory that predicts,under highly restrictive

assumptions,that international trade will bring about equalization in relative

and absolute returns to homogeneous factors across nations.

15 Heckscher-Ohlin(H-O) theory:


The theory that

postulates that(1)a nation exports commodities intensive in its relatively

abundant and cheap factor and(2)international trade brings about equalization

in returns to homogeneous factors across countries.

16 Interdependence: 相互依赖 The (economic) relationships among nation.

17 Increasing opportunity costs: 机会成本递增The increasing amounts of one

commodity that a nation must give up to release just enough resources to produce

each additional unit of another is reflected in a production

frontier that is concave from the origin.

18 International cartel: 国际卡特尔 An organization of suppliers of a

commodity located in different nations(or a group of governments) that agrees

to restrict output and exports of the commodity with the aim of maximizing or

increasing the total profits of the international cartel that

behaves as a monopolist is called a centralized cartel.

19 Income terms of trade:

收入贸易条件The ratio of the price index of the

nation’s exports to the price index of its imports times the index of the nation’s

volume of exports.

20 Immiserizing growth:

悲惨性增长The situation where a nation’s terms of

trade deteriorate so much as a result of growth that the nation is worse off

after growth than before,even if growth without trade tends to improve the

nation’s welfare.

21 Leontief paradox:里昂惕夫之谜 The empirical finding that U.S import

substitutes were more K intensive than U.S is contrary to the H-O

trade model,which predicts that,as the most K-abundant nation,the United States

should import L-intensive products and export K-intensive products.

22 Marginal rate of transformation(MRT):

边际转换率The amount of one

commodity that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of another

is another name for the opportunity cost of a commodity and is

given by the slope of the production frontier at the point of production.

23 Marginal rate of substitution(MRS):边际替代率

The amount of one

commodity that a nation could give up in exchange for one extra unit of second

commodity and still remain on the same indifference is given by the

slope of the community indifference curve at the point of consumption and

declines as the nation consumes more of the second commodity.

24 Multinational corporations(MNCs):


Firms that own,control,or

manage production and distribution facilities in several countries.

25 Optimum tariff:适稅 The rate of tariff that maximizes the benefit resulting

from improvement in the nation's terms of trade against the negative effect

resulting from reduction in the volume of trade.

26 Pattern of trade:

贸易格局The commodities exported and imported by each


27 Production possibility frontier:生产可能性曲线

A curve showing the

various alternative combinations of two commodities that a nation can produce

by fully utilizing all of its resources with the best technology available to


28 Prohibitive tariff:

禁止性关税A tariff sufficiently high to stop all

international trade so that the nation returns to autarky.

29 Persistent dumping:

连续性倾销The continuous tendency of a domestic

monopolist to maximize total profits by selling the commodity at a lower price

abroad than domestically;also called international price discriminztion.

30 Predatory dumping:

掠夺性倾销The temporary sale of commodity at a lower

price abroad in order to drive foreign producers out of business,after which

prices are raised to take advantage of the newly acquired monopoly power abroad.

31 Preferential trade arrangements:

优惠贸易安排The loosest from of

economic integration;provides lower barriers to trade among participating

nations than on trade with nonparticipating example is the British

Commonwealth Preference Scheme.

32 Purchase contracts:

.购货契约Long-term multilateral agreements that

stipulate the minimum price at which importing nations agree to purchase a

specified quantity of the commodity and a maximum price at which exporting

nations agree to sell specified amounts of the commodity.

33 Portfolio investments:

投资组合The purchase of purely financial

assets,such as bonds and stocks(if the stock purchase represents less than 10

percent of the stock of a corporation),usu

34 Stolper-Samuelson theorem: 施托尔珀-萨缪尔森定理

It postulates that free international trade reduces the real income of the

nation's relatively scarce factor and increases the real income of the nation's

relatively abundant factor.

35 Specific tariff: 从量税 A tariff expressed as a fixed sum per unit of a

traded commodity.

36 Sporadic dumping:

偶尔倾销The occasional sale of a commodity at a lower

price abroad than domestically in order to sell an unforeseen and temporary

surplus of the commodity abroad without having to reduce domestic prices.

37 Terms of trade:

贸易条件The ratio of the index price of a nation's export

to its import commodities.

38 Trade creation:贸易创造

Occurs when some domestic production in a member

of the customs union is replaced by lower-cost imports from another member

increases welfare.

39 Trade diversion:贸易转移 Occurs when lowercost imports from outside the

union are replaced by higher-cost imports from another union

itself,this reduces welfare.

40 Transfer pricing:


The overpricing or underpricing of products

in the intrafirm trade of multinational corporations in an attempt to shift

income and profits from high-to low-tax nations.





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