Exercises to Chapter Three
I. Term Explanation.
1. morpheme (重大2003; 北外2004) 2. inflectional morphemes (上外2000; 南开2004)
3. bound morpheme (同济大学1999; 上外2000)
4. backformation (武汉大学2003; 北外、中山、南开2004)
5. folk etymology (中山、南开2003) 6. lexeme (中山2002)
7. morphology (吉林大学2000, 浙大、人大2002) 8. stem (南开大学2004)
9. blending (武大2002; 上海交大2003; 南开2004) 10. root, lexical word (重大2003)
-class words/open-class words (浙大2002) 12. inflection (同济2000)
II. Multiple Choice.
1. Compound words consist of _____ morphemes. (北二外2003)
A. bound B. free C. both bound and free
2. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and many adverbs are _____. (北二外2001)
A. grammatical words B lexical words C. neither grammatical nor lexical words
3. “ Radar” is a/an _____. (东南大学2001)
A. acronym B. blending C. coinage D. clipping
4. The words “take” and “table” are called _____ because they can occur unattached. (武汉理工大学2005)
A. free words B. bound morphemes C. free morphemes D. inflectional morphemes
5. A _____ is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be
added. (同上)
A. stem B. root C. allomorph D. lexeme
6. _____ is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily
modified headword. (同上)
A. Blending B. Acronym C. Abbreviation D. Invention
7. _____ is a process in which part of the form is native and part is borrowed, but the meaing is
fully borrowed. (同上)
A. Loanshift B. Loan translation C. Loanblend D. Loanword
8. Which of the following words is formed by the process of blending_______? (对外经贸2006)
A. WTO B. Motel C. Bookshelf D. red-faced
9. Vocabulary change in language can include all except ______? (对外经贸大学2006)
A. addition of new words B. simplification of word forms
C. loss of words D. changes of word meaning
10. Which of the following words are formed by blending? (对外经贸大学2005)
A. girlfriend B. television C. smog D. bunch
11. Write the proper description from the list under B for the underlined part of each word in A
1) deafen a. free morpheme f. derivational prefix
2) boyish b. bound root g. inflectional infix
3) conceive c. inflectional suffix h. derivational infix
4) impenetrable d. derivational suffix i. Stem
5) blackened e. inflectional prefix k. bound morpheme
6) I’ve
12. Match each expression under A with the one statement under B that characterizes it. (大连外院2002)
1) a noisy crow a. compound noun
2) eat crow b. root morpheme plus derivational prefix
3) scarecrow c. phrase consisting of an adjective plus noun
4) the crow d. root morpheme plus inflectional affix
5) crowlike e. root morpheme plus derivational suffix
6) crows f. grammatical morpheme followed by lexical morpheme
g. idiom
III. Blank Filling.
1. Morphology is a branch of grammar which studies the __________ __________ of words
and the __________ by which words are fromed.
2. Morphology can be subdivided into two branches: __________ morphology and
3. The phonological and orthographical realizations of a morpheme are termed __________.
4. [-t], [-d] and [-id] are __________ of the morpheme {-ed}.
5. ____ affixes, ____ affixes, and ____ roots are all bound morphemes.
6. A morpheme can convey two kinds of meaning: __________ meaning and __________
7. The allomorphs [-s] and [-iz] of the morpheme {plural} indicate the applications of the
__________ rule and __________ rule.
8. Polymorphemic words other than compounds have two parts: the roots and the __________.
9. On, before and together are __________ words ---- they are words which do not take
inflectional endings. (武汉大学2000)
10. Give the regular allomorphs of plural in English: ________, ________, ________, ________,
________. (大连外院2001)
11. Give the regular allomorphs of past tense in English: ________, ________, ________. (大连
12. Nouns, verbs and adjectives are __________ words other than function words. (中山大学2002)
13. In the addition of new words, smog is a(an) __________. (东南大学2003)
14. As a result of __________, the negative morpheme in imperfect and impossible is “im-”
rather than “in-”. (武汉大学2000)
15. The linguistic term used for the common factor of a set of verbs, such as writing, wrote,
written, write and writes is __________. (清华大学2001)
16. A __________ morpheme is one that cannot constitue a word by itself. (北二外2006)
17. __________ is a type of word-formation by which a shorter word is coined by the deletion of
supposed affix of a longer form already present in the language. For example, the verb edit was
formed from editor by dropping the supposed derivational suffix –or. (人大2007)
18. Some morphemes like –ish, -ness, -ly, -dis, trans-, un- are never words by themselves but are
always parts of words. These affixes are __________ morphemes. (人大2007)
19. There are two fields of morphology: the study of __________ and the study of __________.
20. __________ is a relatively complex form of compounding in which a new word is formed by
joining the initial part of one word and the final part of another word. (人大2007)
21. Compound words consist of ___________ morphemes. (北二外2003)
IV. True or False Questions.
1. A morpheme must convey a lexical meaning.
2. All words can be said to contain a root morpheme.
3. Free morphemes can be further classified into inflectional and derivational morphemes.
4. All words have morphs but not necessarily allomorphs.
5. The word "modernizations" is made up of three morphemes.
6. Derivational morphemes never change the class of the words to which they are attatched.
7. Inflectional manifest various grammatical relations and lexical relations, such as number, tense,
aspect, person, case, etc.
8. The morphological rules can be generalized in spite of some exceptions.
9. It is hard to believe that there is an interface between phonology and morphology.
10. “Plural” is a morpheme. (大连外院2002)
11. Morphemes are regarded as abstract constructs in the system of sound. (大连外院2000)
12. A root is not always a free form. (大连外院2000)
13. All bound morphemes are affixes. (东南大学2003)
14. All words contain a root morpheme. (北二外2006)
15. The words “water” and “teacher” have common phoneme and a common morpheme as well.
16. Root also falls into two categories: free and bound. (北二外2006)
17. The word of “impossibility” contains four morphemes. (对外经贸大学2006)
18. A stem is the base form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of
identity. (对外经贸大学2006)
19. The words “boys” and “raise” have a common phoneme and a common morpheme as well.
V. Questions.
1. Analyze these words in terms of morphemes.
unselfishness; justifiable; sporting; crowded; overdeveloped; naturalistically; subdivision;
2. Language can change through blending, backformation and borrowing. Give two English
words to illustrate each of them. (6 points, 清华大学2001, 2000)
3. Divide the following words into Roots, IA and/or DA (5 points, 清华大学2001)
Transformations, looseleaves, destructive, geese, misled
4. What is the linguistic term used for the common factor of a set of verbs, such as writing, wrote,
written, write and writes? (1 point, 清华大学2001)
5. What are the major types of semantic changes? (20 points, 人大2007)
6. Identify word formation processes (More than one process may be involved in one word)
motel, ufology, babysist (6 points, 人大2004)
7. What are the methods for the addition of new words in the English language? (人大2002, 10’)
8. What are the differences between morphs and allomorphs? Please illustrate with one or two
examples. (5 points, 对外经贸大学2006)
9. How many syllables does the word “kinder” have? What are they? How many morphemes
does it have? What are they? (4, 北二外2008)
10. Do the suffixes –able in workable, -ness in workableness change the word class of the words
to which they are attached? Are they bound morphemes or free morphemes? Inflections or
derivations? (4, 北二外2008)
11. In English the suffix “-er” can be added to some place names, as shown in Colum A; however,
the same suffix may not be added to other place names, as exemplified by the impossible
words given in Column B. Compare the words in Column A with those impossible ones in
Column B and answer the questions that follow. (湖南大学2004)
Column A : Londoner Vermonter New Yorker Newfoundlander Long Islander
Column B: Torontoer Miamier Denverer Philadephiaer San Franciscoer
1) In gener terms, what does the suffix mean in the words in Column A?
2) As can be seen in the impossible words in Column B, the addition of the suffix to noun stems
is restricted in some way. What is the constraint on the distribution of the suffix?