



Accident Causation Models:事故致因模型

Safety Policy and Planning:安全方针和计划

Accident causation theory:事故致因理论

Poor physical conditions:物的不安全状况

Accident-proneness model:事故倾向模型

Social security system :社会保障体系

Accident reporting system:意外呈报制度

Occupational illness:职业病

System safety:系统安全

Safety Engineering:安全工程

System safety engineering:系统安全工程

System safety program:系统安全规划

Hazard analysis:危害分析

Hazard identification:危险源辨识

Hazard control:危险源控制

Hazard evaluation:危险源评价

Logical reasoning process 逻辑推理过程

Warning device 报警装置

Ergonomics process 人机工程过程

Ergonomics committee 人机工程委员会

Job site 工作现场

Musculoskeletal disorder 肌股失常

Chain of command 行政管理系统

Hazard prevention and control 灾害预防与控制

Hazard Identification 危险源辨识

PPE(personal protective equipment)个人防护设备

OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Act)职业安全与健康条例

planning and accountability 计划与职责

planning and review 计划与评审

budgetary constraint 预算限制

Occupational Health and Safety Management System


Implementation method 实施方法

System characteristic 系统特性

systematic management 系统化管理

Industrial Hygiene 工业卫生

Cosmic ray 宇宙射线

Terrestrial radiation 地面辐射

Material Safety Data Sheet 物质安全技术说明书


Hazard Communication Standard 危害通识标准

Physical hazards 物理危险源

safety culture 安全文化

corporate culture 企业文化

reciprocal relationship:互反关系

organisational goals 组织目标

Physiological needs 生理需求

Safety needs 安全需求

Social needs 社会需求

Ego needs 自我需求

Self-fulfillment 自我满足,自我实现

Principle of motivation 激励原则

Accident Investigation:事故调查

After-the-fact approach to hazard identification 事后事后危险源辨识方法

fact-finding process 寻找事实过程

affixing blame 追究责任

accident investigation procedure 事故调查程序

Safety Electricity 电气安全

Electrical shock 电击

Groundfault Circuit interrupt:接地故障断路器

First aid:急救

Artificial ventilation(respiration):人工呼吸

Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)心肺复苏

Declaration of Conformity 符合性声明

Insurance premium 保险费

Safety device 安全防护装置

HSE:health、safety、environment 健康、安全和环境管理体系

ROPS:roll-over protective structure:翻车安全保护装置

Manufacturing industry 制造业

Transportation equipment 运输设备

Excavation work 开挖施工

Guard rail: 防护围栏

Confined space 狭小空间

Rooflight sheet 采光屋面板

Toe board 趾板

mine fire 矿井火灾

1、Rasmussen and Jensen have presented a three-level skill-rule-knowledge model for describing the

origins of the different types of human errors.


2、The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes,

perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style

and proficiency of, an organization’s health and safety management.

组织的安全文化是个人和群体的价值观、态度、认识、能力以及行为方式的产物,这些因素决定着组织健康与安全管理的投入、形式和水平 。(定语从句的分译)

3、Effective system safety programs also eliminate the schedule delays and costly changes that often

result in systems that do not have adequate safety planning.


4、Program activities in the concept phase include establishing safety criteria within the definition of

the system task.


5、These criteria normally provide for compliance with accepted safety standards such as those

contained in government regulations. (包含)


6、The local press challenged the license of the TV station.


7、A successful ergonomics process must be approached like any other process within a company,

such as production, maintenance, or safety, where there is a commitment to continuous improvement.


8、Just as ergonomics itself is comprised of multiple disciplines, an Ergonomics Committee should be

comprised of members with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise.


9、An ergonomics process is a plan in which a facility gathers all relevant information on work

organization, employee capabilities and limitations, and work-related MSDs, to develop solutions to

better accommodate these employees and reduce MSD rates and their associated costs.


10、The ergonomic process’ key purpose, is to communicate information among all those involved,

so that adequate and feasible solutions to problems having ergonomics issues can be solved.


11、The expected benefits of hazard identification are a decrease in the incidents of injuries, a

decrease in lost workdays and absenteeism, a decrease in workers’ compensation costs, increased

productivity, and better cooperation and communication.


12、This man-machine system is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of operation and the ease with

which it can be maintained.


13、Hazard identification includes those items that can assist you with identifying workplace hazards

and determining what corrective action is necessary to control them. These items include jobsite

safety inspections, accident investigations, safety and health committees, and project safety meetings.



14、A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and

the Lincoln Memorial.


15、Warwick Pearse also emphasises systemic linkage, defining an OHSMS as “distinct elements

which cover the key range of activities required to manage occupational health and safety.”

Warwick Pearse同样也强调了系统的联系,他将OHSMS定义为“覆盖职业健康安全管理所需措施的主要范围的不同要素。它们是内部关联的,而整体则靠反馈循环驱动”。

16. Gallagher defines an OHSMS as “„ a combination of the planning and review, the

management organizational arrangements, the consultative arrangements, and the specific program

elements that work together in an integrated way to improve health and safety performance”


17、Industrial hygiene has been defined as “that science or art devoted to the anticipation,

recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors or stresses, arising in or from the

workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or significant discomfort and

inefficiency among workers or among the citizens of the community.”


18、Physical hazards are defined as those type of hazards that can cause harm to a worker from an

external source. Types of physical hazards are loud noise(equipment), temperature extremes(working

in personal protective equipment), radiation(exposures to the infrared or gamma rays), chemical

bum(acids or caustics), fire and/or explosions.


19、Radiation is divided into two major categories, based its effect on living tissue: 1)non-ionizing;

2)ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation has the ability to change or destroy the atomic (chemical)

structure of cell, non-ionizing radiation does not.


20、Improper lifting or reaching, poor visual conditions, or repeated motions in an awkward position

can result in accidents or illnesses in the occupational environment.


21、Williams et al take issue with the notion that organisational culture reflects shared behaviours,

beliefs, attitudes and values. The argue that not all organisational members respond in the same way

in any given situation, although there may be a tendency for them to adopt similar stystles of dress,

modes of conduct, and perceptions of how the organisation does, or should, function.


22、The International Atomic Energy Authority defined safety culture as, “that assembly of

characteristics and attitudes in organisations and individuals, which established that, as an overriding

priority, nuclear plant safety issues receive the attention warranted by their significance”



23、Motivation, in the broadest sense, is self-motivation, comples, and either need- or value-driven.

Someone once stated that the believed “hope” was the secret ingredient to a person being motivated

(the hope to accomplish a goal, a dream, or attain a need); there is reason to support this theory.


24、Possibly a better definition is “Motivation presumes valuing, and values are learned behaviors;

thus, motivation, at least in part, is learned and can be taught”. This definition provides us with the

encouragement we need in order to go forward and achieve motivation for ourselves and others.

更好的定义也许是“激励意味着要进行评价,而价值观是学习得到的行为;所以激励至少部分地是学习得到的并且是可以传授的 。”这个定义可以为我们提供继续前进和实现对自己和他人的激励所需要的鼓励。

25、And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means

compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.

许多人认为, 普通人的思维活动根本无法与科学家的思维过程相比, 而且认为这些思维过程必须经过某种专门的训练才能掌握。

26、On the whole such an conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence, but only if

the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the other with whom he is

being compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they


总的来说, 得出这种结论是有一定程度把握的, 但必须具备两个条件: 能够 假定这个孩子对测试的态度和与他比较的另一个孩子的态度相同; 他也没有 因为缺乏别的孩子已掌握的有关知识而被扣分。

27、The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all

run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use.


28、An accident investigation is a fact-finding process and not a fault-finding process with the

purpose of affixing blame. The end of any result of an accident investigation should be to assure that

the type of hazard or accident does not exist or occur in the future.


29、In spite of their complexity, most accidents are preventable by eliminating one or more causes.

Accident investigations determine not only what happened, but also how and why.


30、A GFCI is an electrical device which protects personnel by detecting potentially hazardous

ground faults and quickly disconnecting power form the circuit.


31、Shock is a common occupational hazard associated with working with electricity. A person who

has stopped breathing is not necessarily dead but is in immediate danger.


32、A lockout/tagout shall not be removed by any person other than the person that installed it, except

in an emergency. In an emergency, the lockout/tagout may be removed only by authorized personnel.


33、Many accidents in the workplace arise out of the use of machinery and tools ranging from hand

tools through machine tools such as lathes and presses to large items of mobile mechanical

cranes or fork lift trucks.


34、By using safe, well-maintained equipment operated by adequately trained staff, you can help

prevent accidents and reduce these personal and financial costs.


35、To control the risk you should carry out regular maintenance and preventive checks, and

inspections where there is a significant risk. Some types of equipment are also required by law to be

thoroughly examined by a competent person.


36、The term “safety culture” first made its appearance in the 1987 OECD Nuclear Agency report

on the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Gaining international currency over the last decade, it is loosely used

to describe the corporate atmosphere or culture in which safety is understood to be, and is accepted as,

the number on priority.

“安全文化”这一概念首次出现是在1987年欧洲经合组织(OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and


37、Motivation is internal. We cannot directly observe or measure it but a glimpse of the results may

be observed when we see a positive change take place in behavior. Such a change might be

something as simple as a worker wearing protective eyewear or something as far reaching as going a

full year without an accident or injury.


38、Your company should have a formalized accident investigation procedure, which is followed by

everyone. It should be spelled out in writing and end with a written report using as a foundation of

your standard company accident investigation form. It may be your worker’s compensation form or

an equivalent from your insurance carrier.


39、Mandatory systems have evolved in a number of European countries where legislation requires

adoption of a risk assessment system.


40、In spite of their complexity, most accidents are preventable by eliminating one or more causes.



1、One comprehensive definition for an organizational culture has been presented by Schein who has

said that organizational culture is “a pattern of basic assumptions—invented, discovered, or

developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal

integration—that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new

members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems”.



2、Chemical hazards arise from excessive airborne concentrations of mists, vapors, gases, or solids

that are in the form of dusts or fumes. In addition to the hazard of inhalation many of these materials

may act as skin irritants or may be toxic by absorption through the skin. There are thousands and

thousands of potentially harmful chemicals found in the workplace. Workers face the possibility of

exposure on a daily basis to these harmful chemicals. The majority of the occupational health hazards

arise from inhaling chemical agents in the form of vapors, gases, dusts, fumes and mists, or by sin

contact with these materials. The degree of risk of handling a given substance depends on the

magnitude and duration of exposure.


3、It is generally thought that a well-developed and business-specific culture into which managers

and employees are thoroughly socialised will lead to stronger organisaitonal commitment, more

efficient performance and generally higher productivity. Usually based upon a blend of visionary

ideas, corporate culture appears to reflect shared behaviours, beliefs, attitudes and values regarding

organisational goals, functions and procedures which are seen to characterise particular



4、The failure of people, equipment, supplies, or surroundings to behave or react as expected causes

most of the accidents. Accident investigations determine how and why these failures occur. By using

the information gained through and investigation, a similar or perhaps more disastrous accident may

be prevented.


5、The use of machinery at work carries a number of different risks, including hazards associated

with the action of the components of the machine, its integrity or its operation. Effective machinery

safety can be achieved through better design, improved layout and management procedures,

including the selection and training of operators.


6、“Work equipment” is almost any equipment used by a worker at work including: machines such

as circular saws, drilling machines, photocopiers, mowing machines, tractors, dumper trucks and

power presses; hand tools such as screwdrivers, knives, hand saws and meat cleavers; lifting

equipment such as lift trucks, elevating work platforms, vehicle hoists, lifting slings and bath lifts;

other equipment such as ladders and water pressure cleaners.


7、Shields are usually applied to grinding machines to protect the operator from chips(swarf), sparks,

coolant or lubricant. A vacuum pedestal is also available to capture discharged debris. Other safety

concerns for grinders are the adjustment of the work rests and the adjustable tongues or ends of the

peripheral members at the top of each wheel.


8、The construction industry is economically important as it typically contributes 10 percent of a

developing country’s GNP. It is also very hazardous with almost six times as many fatalities and

twice as many injuries per hour worked relative to a manufacturing industry. A researcher analyses

739 construction fatalities that occurred in the UK. He found that 52 percent occurred due to falls

from roofs, scaffolds and ladders. Falling objects and

material were involved in 19.4 percent of the

deaths and transportation equipment were involved in 18.5 percent. He also found that 5 percent of

construction accidents occur during excavation work.

建筑工业在经济上是非常重要的,每年为发展中国家的国民生产总值(gross national product)贡献10个百分点。同样,它也是非常危险的,平均每小时造成的死亡率高达制造业的6倍,伤害率高达2倍。有研究者分析了英国739个建筑死亡事件,发现52%是由于从房顶、脚手架和梯子上跌落引起的。掉落的物体和材料占了死亡总数的19.4%,运输设备占18.5%。同时他还发现5%的建筑事故发生在开挖施工中。

9、Noise is a serious hazard when it results in temporary or permanent hearing loss, physical or

mental disturbance, any interference with voice communications, or the disruption of a job, rest,

relaxation, or sleep. Noise is any undesired sound and is usually a sound that bears no information

with varying intensity. It interferes with the perception of wanted sound, and is likely to be harmful,

cause annoyance, and/or interfere with speech.


10、Safety has been intentionally integrated into the design and development of many systems. In

some instances, however, the safety realized in a system was only a byproduct of good engineering

practice. As systems have become more complex and expensive, safety problems have become more

acute. Because of accelerating technology and demands for a “first time safe” operation, a need has

arisen to formally organize safety efforts throughout a system’s life cycle. To meet this need, the

concepts of system safety and the field of system safety engineering have evolved.

安全已经被有意识地整合进许多系统的设计与开发过程中。然而,在某些情况下,系统中所实现的安全仅仅是比较好的工程实践的副产品。随着系统变得更加复杂和昂贵,安全问题也变得日益严重。由于科学技术的快速发展和 “安全第一”的操作需求,需要人们在系统整个寿命周期内规范地组织安全工作。为了满足这种需求,系统安全的概念和系统安全工程领域应运而生。

11、Ergonomic hazards include improperly designed tools or work areas. Improper lifting or reaching,

poor visual conditions, or repeated motions in an awkward position can result in accidents or

illnesses in the occupational environment. Designing the tools and the job to be done to fit the worker

should be of prime importance.






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