



1、the branch of scientific analysis, which

deals with motions, time, and forces, is

called mechanics and is made up of two parts,

statics and dynamics. Statics deals with the

analysis of stationary systems, i。e。, those

in which time is not a factor, and dynamics

deals with systems, which change with time。


2、Any two such forces acting on a body

constitute a couple. The arm of the couple is

the perpendicular distance between their lines

of action, and the plane of the couple is the

plane containing the two lines of action.


3、Mechanics deal with two kinds of quantities:

scalars and vectors. Scalar quantities are

those with which a magnitude alone is

associated。 Examples of scalar quantities in

mechanics are time, volume, density, speed,

energy, and mass. Vector quantities, on the

other hand, possess direction as well as

magnitude。 Examples of vectors are

displacement, velocity, acceleration, force,

moment, and momentum。

力学涉及两种类型的量,标量 和矢量。标量是那些只有大小的量。在力学中标量的例子有时间、体积、密度、速率、、能量和质量。另一方面,矢量既有大小又有大小又有方向。矢量的例子有位移、速度、加速度、力、力矩、动量.


1 、The turning of a part in a lathe is another

example of several forces in action。(as shown

in figure1)


2 、If this workpiece is held between the

centers of the lathe, the centers exert a

compressive force against the work。


3、 Rotary motion is required to drill holes,

turn parts in a lathe, mill surfaces, or drive


a generator or fan belt.


4 、Harmonic and Intermittent Motion(谐和运动和间歇运动): Any simple vibration, such as

the regular back, and forth movement of the end

of a pendulum, is simple harmonic motion。


1 、Virtually all machines contain shafts。 The

most common shape for shafts is circular and the

cross section can be either solid or hollow.


2、 A shaft must have adequate torisonal

strength to transmit torque and not be over

stressed it must also be torsional stiff enough

so that one mounted component does not deviate

excessively from its original angular position

relative to a second component mounted on the

same shaft。


3 、Components such as gears and pulleys are

mounted on shafts by means of key. The design

of the key and the corresponding keyway in the

shaft must be properly evaluated。 For example,

stress concentrations occur in shafts due to

keyways, and the material removed to from the

keyway further weakens the shaft。


4、Another important aspect of shaft design is

the method of directly connecting one shaft to

another. Devices such as rigid and flexible

couplings accomplish this.



1、The term shaft usually refers to a relatively

long member of round cross section that rotates

and transmits power. One or more members such

as gears ,sprockers,pullys,and cams are

usually attached to the shaft by means of pins,

keys,splines,snap rings,and other devices 。

These latter members are among the "associated

parts” consedered in this text,as ate

couplings and universal joints , which serve to

connect the shaft to the source of power or


2、It is apparent that shafts can be subjected

to various combinations of axial,bending,and

torsional loads,and that these loads may be

static or fluctuating.

3、Torsional defection can affect the accuracy

of a cam or gear driven

mechanism .Furthermore,the greater the

flexibility —either lateral or torsional—the

lower the corresponding critical speed.

4、A gear can be gripped axially between a

shoulder on the shaft and a spacer ,with torque

being transmitted through a keyways。


1、Fasteners are devices which permit one part

to be joined to a second part and ,hence,they

are involved in almost all designs 。 The

acceptability of any product depends not only

on the selected components , but also on the

means by which they are fastened together. The

principal purposes of fasteners are to provide

the following design features;


2、The importance of fasteners can be realized

when referring ro any complex product,In the

case of the automobile,there are literally

thousands of parts which are fastened together

to produce the total product。The failure or

loosening of a single fastener could result in

a simple nuisance such as a door rattle or in

a serious situation such as a wheel coming off.

Such possibilities must be taken into account

in the selection of the type of fatener for the

specific application.




1、Threaded fasterners perform the function of

locating ,clamgping ,adjusting ,and

transmiting force from one machine member to

another 。They are thoroughly standardized and

generally designed for use in mass

production of machines。

2、 Matching external and internal threads so

that they are may be assembled is the key to all

thread fasteners.

3、 A particular SAE grade specilication can

be met by a number of different steels, thus

faster manufacturers have some latitude in

selecting the materials best suited to their

specific production faclities。

4、 For moderate loads and speedes the correct

selection of a standard of the bearing on the

basis of load rating will usually secure

satisfactory performance。 对于中等载荷和转速,根据额定负荷选择一个标准轴承,通常都可以保证其具有令人满意的工作性能。

5、The deflection of less magnitude than that

of the shafts or other components associated

with the bearing .当载荷较大时,轴承零件的变形,尽管它通常小于轴和其它与轴承一起工作的零部件的变形,将会变得重要起来。


1、Where speeds are high special cooling

arrangements become necessary which may

increase frictional drag .


2、It is not surprising that ,owing to the high

stresses involved,a predominant form of

failure shouls be metal fatigue,and a good deal

of work is currently in progress intended to

improve the reliability of this type of

bearing 。


3、 The fit of the bearing races onto the shaft

or onto the housing is of critical importance

because of their combined effect on the

internal clearance of the bearing as well as

preserving the desired degree of interference



4、The inner race is frequently located axially

by abutting against a shoulder 。Aradius at this

point is essential for the avoidance of stress

concentration and ball races rae providede with

a radius or chamfer to allow space for this 。


5、Where life is not the determing factor in

design ,it is usual to determine maximum

loading by the amount to which a bearing will

deflect under load 。



1、One of the primary considerations in

designing any machine or structure is that the

strength must be sufficiently greater that the

stress to assure both safety and reliability。

To assure that mechanical parts do not fail in

service, it is necessary to learn why they

sometimes do fail. Then we shall be able to

relate the stresses with the strengths to

achieve safety.


2、Ideally, in designing any machine

element, the engineer should have at his

disposal the results of a great many strength

tests of the particular material chosen。 These

tests should have been made on specimens having

the same heat treatment, surface roughness, and

size as the element he proposes to design, and

the tests should be made under exactly the same

loading conditions as the part will experience

in service.



3、Most hardness-testing systems employ a

standard load which is applied to a ball or

pyramid in contact with the material to be

tested. The hardness is then expressed as a

function of the size of the resulting

indentation. This means that hardness is an

easy property to measure, because the test is

nondestructive and test specimens are not

required。 Usually the test can be conducted

directly on an actual machine element。



1、The first step in the manufacture of any

product is design, which usually takes place

in several distinct stages: (a) conceptual;

(b) functional; (c) production design. During

the conceptualdesign stage, the designer is

concerned primarily with the functions the

product is to fulfill。

制造任何产品的第一步工作都是设计.设计通常可以分为几个明确的阶段;(a)概念设计;b 功能设计 c 生产设计。在概念设计阶段,设计者着重考虑产品应该具有的功能。

2、Often a prototype or working model is made

that can be tested to permit evaluation of the

product as to function, reliability,

appearance, serviceability, and so on。


3、As manufacturing progresses, it is

inevitable that situations will arise that may

require modifications of the materials being

used. Experience may reveal that substitution

of cheaper materials can be made。



Working drawings are the drawings from which a

design is implemented。 All principles of

orthographic projection and techniques of

graphics can be used to communicate the details

of a project in working drawings. A detail

drawing is a working drawing of a single part

(or detail) within the set

of working drawings。


Title Blocks In practice, title blocks

usually contain the title or part name, drafter,

date, scale, company, and sheet number. Other

information, such as tolerances, checkers,

and materials, also may be given. Any

modifications or changes added after the first

version to improve the design is shown in the



标题栏 在实践中,标题栏中通常包括标题或零件名称、制图员、日期、比例、公司和图号。另外,还可以包含公差、审核人员和材料等信息。在第一次制图之后,任何为了改进设计方案而作的修改和更正都应该在修改栏中标


The allocation of proper production tolerances

is therefore a most important task if the

finished product is to achieve its intended

purpose and yet be economical to produce. The

size of the tolerances, as specified by the

designer, depends on the many conditions

pertaining to the design as well as on past

experience with similar products if such

experience is available。


A part is said to be at the least material

condition (LMC) when the dimensions are all at

the limits that give a part with the smallest

amount of material.



If the variations due to chance causes are too

great, it is usually necessary to move the

operation to more accurate equipment rather

than spend more effort in

trying to improve the process。



1、 The technique of dimensioning parts within

a require range of variation to ensure

interchangeability is called tolerancing. Each

dimension is allowed a certain degree of

variation within a specified zone ,or

tolerance 。for example, a part^s dimension

might be expressed as 20+—0.50,which allows

a tolerance (variation in size ) of 1.00 mm。


单词 basic hole system 基孔制 basic shaft

system 基轴制


1Engineering and technology students must

became computer literate, to understand the

applications of computer and their

advantages。 Not to do so will place students

at a serious disadvantage in pursuing their



2、Engineers gene rally agree that the computer

does not change the nature of the design process

but is a significant tool that improves

efficiency and productivity


3、Computer of applications in engineering and

other technical fields. Most graphical

solutions that are possible with a pencil can

be done on a computer and usually more

productively。 Applications vary from 3D

modeling and finite element analysis to 2D

drawings and mathematical caiculation.


4、These systems offer many advantagees over

traditional design and manufacturing systems,

ineluding less design effort, more efficent

material use, reduced lead tine, greater

accuracy, and improved inventory controi.

包括减少时间工作量,提高材料利用率,缩短产品研制周期,提高精度和改善库存管理。graphics has

an aimost limitless number


1、 engin lathes ,of course ,are general—purpose machines used in production and

maintenance shops all over the world。


2、 The tracer or duplicating lathe is designed

to produce irregularly shaped parts



3、machines with a wide variety of power

ncipal feature of all turret

lathes, however, is that the tools can perform

a consecutive serials of operations in proper

sequence. Once the tools have been set and

adjusted ,little skill is required to turn out

duplicate parts。


4、 The first screw machine were designed to

feed bar stock and wire used in making small

screw parts.


With the single spndle machine, the turret

indexes around the spindle。


With a multiple spindle maching , however ,the

spindle itself indexes.


6、 A vertical turret lathe is basically a


turret lathe that has been stood on its

headstock end.



Many of today^s more sophisticated

lathes are called machining centers

since they are capable of performing,

in addition to the normal turning

operations, certain milling and

drilling operations.


单词:turret 砖塔,六角刀架,六角头

general purpose 多方面的,多种用途的


1。According to the Tool & Manufacturing

English Handbook , process planning is the

systematic determination of the methods by

which a product is to be manufactured

economically and competitively 。


2。A planner must manage and retrieve a great

deal of data and many documents , including

established standards , machinability data ,machine specifications ,tooling inventories,

stock availability ,and existing process



3。This is primarily an information-handing

job ,and the computer is an ideal companion。


important for CIM ,computer—aided

process machine readable data instead of

handwritten plans 。 Such data can readily be

transferred to other systems within the CIM

hierarchy for use in planning。


the variant approach ,a set of standard

process plans is established for all parts

families that have been identified through

group technology。


6。Again ,GT helps to place the new part in an

appropriate family .The standard plan is then

edited to suit the specific requirements of a

particular job。


7。In the generative approach ,an attempt is

made to synthesize each individual plan using

appropriate algorithms that define the various

technological decisions that must be made in

the course of manufacturing。



1、One of the most fundamental concepts in the

area of advanced manufacturing technologies is

numerical control (NC)。Prior to the advent of

NC, all machine tools were manually operated


controlled 。


2、Among the many limitations associated with

manual control machine tolls, perhaps none is

more prominent than the limitation of operator

skills .


3、 Numerical control machines are more

accurate than manually operated machines, they

can produce parts more uniformly, they are

faster, and the long—run tooling costs lower.


4 、The development of a concept known as

direct numerical control (DNC) solved the

paper and plastic tape problems associated with

numerical control by simply eliminating tape as

the medium for carrying the programmed




5、The development of the microprocessor

allowed for the development of programmable

logic controllers (PLCs) and microcomputer。


6、These two technologies allowed for the

development of computer numerical control




1、A robot is a reprogrammable multifunctional

manipulator designed to move material,parts

tool,or specialized devicds through variable

programmed motions for the performance of a

variety of tasks

翻译:机器人是一个可以改编程序的多功能操作器,被设计用来按照预先编制的 、能够完成多种作业运动的程序来运送材料、零件、工具或者专用装置。

2、The terms “reprogrammable"impliestwo

things :The robot operates according to a

written program, and this program can

be rewritten to accommodate a variety of

manufacturing tasks


3、The term “multifunctional” means that the

robot can,throughreprogramming and the use of

different end—effectors ,preform a

number of diferent manufacturing tasks .


4、One of the principal advatages of robots is

that they can be used in settings that are

dangerous to humans。


5、Robots and robor cells must be carefually

designed and configured so that they do not

dangerous to humans.

翻译:应该仔细的设计和配置机器人和机器人单元,是它们不会伤害 人类和其它机器。

6、Even with such precautions it is still a god


idea to have an automatic shaudown system in

situations whererobots are a system

should have the capacity to sense the need for

an automatic shutdown of operations。






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