饭前服 , administered before meal
饭后服 , administered after meal ; p.c.( post cibum )
空腹服 , administered at empty stomach
热服 , administered hot
温服 , administered warm
冷服 , administered cold
噙化 , administered under the tongue
顿服 , taken at one draught
分服 , taken separately
频服 , taken frequently
药引 , medicinal usher
一贯煎 , yiguan decoction;yiguan jian
丁香柿蒂汤 , dingxiang shidi decoction;dingxiang
shidi tang
七宝美髯丹 , qibao meiran mini-pills;qibao meiran
七厘散 , qili powder;qili san
九仙散 , jiuxian powder;jiuxian san
九味羌活汤 , jiuwei qianghuo decoction;jiuwei
qianghuo tang
二至丸 , erzhi pills;erzhi wan
二妙散 , ermiao powder;ermiao san
二陈汤 , erchen decoction;erchen tang
八正散 , bazheng powder;bazheng san
八珍汤 , bazhen decoction;bazhen tang
十灰散 , shihui powder;shihui san
十枣汤 , shizao decoction;shizao tang
三子养亲汤 , sanzi yangqin decoction;sanzi yangqin
三甲复脉汤 , sanjia fumai decoction;sanjia fumai tang
三仁汤 , sanren decoction;sanren tang
三物备急丸 , sanwu beiji pill;sanwu beiji wan
川芎茶调散 , chuanxiong chatiao powder;chuanxiong
chatiao san
大补阴丸 , da buyin pill;da buyin wan
大定风珠 , dadingfengzhu pill;dadingfengzhu wan
大建中汤 , dajianzhong decoction;dajianzhong tang
大承气汤 , dachengqi decoction;dachengqi tang
大柴胡汤 , dachaihu decoction;dachaihu tang
大秦艽汤 , daqinjiao decoction;daqinjiao tang
大黄牡丹汤 , dahuang mudan decoction;dahuang
mudan tang
大黄附子汤 , dahuang fuzi decoction;dahuang fuzi
小建中汤 , xiaojianzhong decoction;xiaojianzhong
小金丹 , xiaojin mini-pills; xiaojin dan
小青龙汤 , xiaoqinglong decoction;xiaoqinglong tang
小活络丹 , xiaohuoluo mini-pills; xiaohuoluo dan
小柴胡汤 , xiaochaihu decoction;xiaochaihu tang
小续命汤 , xiaoxuming decoction;xiaoxuming tang
小蓟饮子 , xiaoji drink;xiaoji yinzi
小儿回春丹 , xiao'er huichun mini-pills;xiao'er
huichun dan
乌梅丸 , wumei pills;wumei wan
五仁丸 , wuren pills;wuren wan
五皮饮 , wupi drink;wupi yin
五味消毒饮 , wuwei xiaodu drink;wuwei xiaodu yin
五苓散 , wuling powder;wuling san
五积散 , wuji powder;wuji san
六一散 , liuyi powder;liuyi san
六味地黄丸 , liuwei dihuang pill;liuwei dihuang wan
内补黄芪汤 , neibu huangqi decoction;neibu huangqi
化虫丸 , huachong pill;huachong wan
升麻葛根汤 , shengma gegen decoction;shengma
gegen tang
天王补心丹 , tianwang buxin mini-pills;tianwang
buxin dan
天台乌药散 , tiantai wuyao powder;tiantai wuyao san
天麻钩藤饮 , tianma gouteng drink;tianma gouteng
木香槟榔丸 , muxiang binlang pills;muxiang binlang
止痉散 , zhijing powder;zhijing san
止嗽散 , zhisou powder;zhisou san
贝母瓜蒌散 , beimu gualou powder;beimu gualou san
苇茎汤 , weijing decoction;weijing tang
仙方活命饮 , xianfang huoming drink;xianfang
huoming yin
加减葳蕤汤 , jiajian weirui decoction;jiajian weirui
半夏白术天麻汤 , banxia baizhu tianma decoction;banxia baizhu tianma tang
半夏泻心汤 , banxia xiexin decoction;banxia xiexin
半夏厚朴汤 , banxia houpu decoction;banxia houpu
右归丸 , yougui pill;yougui wan
右归饮 , yougui drink;yougui yin
四君子汤 , sijunzi decoction;sijunzi tang
四妙勇安汤 , simiao yong'an decoction;simiao yong'an
四物汤 , siwu decoction;siwu tang
四神丸 , sishen pill;sishen wan
四逆汤 , sini decoction;sini tang
四逆散 , sini powder;sini san
失笑散 , shixiao powder;shixiao san
左归丸 , zuogui pill;zuogui wan
左归饮 , zuogui drink;zuogui yin
左金丸 , zuojin pill;zuojin wan
布袋丸 , budai pill;budai wan
平胃散 , pingwei powder;pingwei san
归脾汤 , guipi decoction;guipi tang
玉女煎 , yunu decoction;yunu tang
玉屏风散 , yupingfeng powder;yupingfeng san
玉真散 , yuzhen powder;yuzhen san
瓜蒂散 , guadi powder;guadi san
甘麦大枣汤 , ganmai dazao decoction;ganmai dazao
甘露消毒丹 , ganlu xiaodu micropills;ganlu xiaodu
生化汤 , shenghua decoction;shenghua tang
生脉散 , shengmai powder;(shengmai drink);
shengmai san;(shengmai yin)
白头翁汤 , baitouweng decoction;baitouweng tang
白虎汤 , baihu decoction;baihu tang
石斛夜光丸 , shihu yeguang pills;shihu yeguang wan
龙胆泻肝汤 , longdan xiegan decoction;longdan
xiegan tang
再造散 , zaizao powder;zaizao san
地黄饮子 , dihuang drink;dihuang yin
安宫牛黄丸 , angong niuhuang pills;angong niuhuang
导赤散 , daochi powder;daochi san
当归六黄汤 , danggui liuhuang decoction;danggui
liuhuang tang
当归四逆汤 , danggui sini decoction;danggui sini tang
当归补血汤 , danggui buxue decoction;danggui buxue
朱砂安神丸 , zhusha anshen pills;zhusha anshen wan
百合固金汤 , baihe gujin decoction;baihe gujin tang
竹叶石膏汤 , zhuye shigao decoction;zhuye shigao
至宝丹 , zhibao mini-pills;zhibao dan
舟车丸 , zhouche pills;zhouche wan
芍药汤 , shaoyao decoction;shaoyao tang
血府逐瘀汤 , xuefu zhuyu decoction;xuefu zhuyu tang
防己黄芪汤 , fangji huangqi decoction;fangji huangqi
防风通圣散 , fangfeng tongsheng powder;fangfeng
tongsheng san
阳和汤 , yanghe decoction;yanghe tang
吴茱萸汤 , wuzhuyu decoction;wuzhuyu tang
完带汤 , wandai decoction;wandai tang
杏苏散 , xingsu powder;xingsu san
牡蛎散 , muli powder;muli san
羌活胜湿汤 , Qianghuo shengshi decoction;qianghuo
shengshi tang
苍耳散 , cang'er powder;cang'er san
苏子降气汤 , suzi jiangqi decoction;suzi jiangqi tang
苏合香丸 , suhexiang pills;suhexiang wan
补中益气汤 , buzhongyiqi decoction;buzhongyiqi tang
补阳还五汤 , buyang huanwu decoction;buyang
huanwu tang
补肺阿胶汤 , bufei erjiao decoction;bufei erjiao tang
连朴饮 , lianpu drink;lianpu yin
麦门冬汤 , maimendong decoction;maimendong tang
龟鹿二仙胶 , guilu erxian glue;guilu erxian jiao
参苏饮 , shensu drink;shensu yin
参附汤 , shenfu decoction;shenfu tang
参苓白术散 , shenling baizhu powder;shenling baizhu
固冲汤 , guchong decoction;guchong tang
固经丸 , gujing pills;gujing wan
定志丸 , dingzhi pills;dingzhi wan
定喘汤 , dingchuan decoction;dingchuan tang
定痫丸 , dingjian pills;dingjian wan
实脾散 , shipi powder;shipi san
易黄汤 , yihuang decoction;yihuang tang
泻白散 , xiebai powder;xiebai san
炙甘草汤 , zhigancao decoction;zhigancao tang
肥儿丸 , fei'er pills;fei'er wan
肾气丸 , shenqi pills;shenqi wan
苓桂术甘汤 , linggui zhugan decoction;linggui zhugan
败毒散 , baidu powder;baidu san
金沸草散 , jinfeicao powder;jinfeicao san
金铃子散 , jinlingzi powder;jinlingzi san
金锁固精丸 , jinsuo gujing pills; jinsuo gujing wan
青蒿鳖甲汤 , qinghao biejia decoction;qinghao biejia
保和丸 , baohe pills;baohe wan
养阴清肺汤 , yangyin qingfei decoction;yangyin
qingfei tang
厚朴温中汤 , houpu wenzhong decoction;houpu
wenzhong tang
咳血方 , kexue formula;kexue fang
复元活血汤 , fuyuan huoxue decoction;fuyuan huoxue
枳术丸 , zhizhu pills;zhizhu wan
枳实导滞丸 , zhishi daozhi pills;zhishi daozhi wan
枳实消痞丸 , zhishi xiaopi pills;zhishi xiaopi wan
柏子养心丸 , baizi yangxin pills;baizi yangxin wan
栀子豉汤 , zhizichi decoction;zhizichi tang
济川煎 , jichuan decoction;jichuan jian
济生肾气丸 , jisheng shenqi pills;jisheng shenqi wan
牵正散 , qianzheng powder;qianzheng san
独活寄生汤 , duhuo jisheng decoction;duhuo jisheng
茯苓丸 , fuling pills;fuling wan
茵陈五苓散 , yinchen wuling powder;yinchen wuling
茵陈蒿汤 , yinchenhao decoction;yinchenhao tang
香苏散 , xiangsu powder;xiangsu san
香连丸 , xianglian pills;xianglian wan
香薷散 , xiangru powder;xiangru san
凉膈散 , liangge powder;liangge san
柴胡疏肝散 , chaihu shugan powder;chaihu shugan
柴葛解肌汤 , chaige jieji decoction;chaige jieji tang
桂附地黄丸 , guifu dihuang pills;guifu dihuang wan
桂枝汤 , guizhi decoction;guizhi tang
桂枝茯苓丸 , guizhi fuling pills;guizhi fuling wan
桑杏汤 , sangxing decoction;sangxing tang
桑菊饮 , sangju drink;sangju yin
桑螵蛸散 , sangpiaoxiao powder;sangpiaoxiao san
消风散 , xiaofeng powder;xiaofeng san
益胃汤 , yiwei decoction;yiwei tang
真人养脏汤 , zhenren yangzang decoction;zhenren
yangzang tang
真武汤 , zhenwu decoction;zhenwu tang
逍遥散 , xiaoyao powder;xiaoyao san
透脓散 , tounong powder;tounong san
救急稀涎散 , jiuji xixian powder;jiuji xixian san
旋覆代赭石汤 , xuanfu daizheshi decoction;xuanfu
daizheshi tang
清气化痰丸 , qingqi huatan pills;qingqi huatan wan
清络饮 , qingluo drink;qingluo yin
清胃散 , qingwei powder;qingwei san
清骨散 , qinggu powder;qinggu san
清营汤 , qingying decoction;qingying tang
清暑益气汤 , qingshu yiqi decoction;qingshu yiqi tang
清瘟败毒散 , qingwen baidu powder;qingwen baidu
清燥救肺汤 , qingzao jiufei decoction;qingzao jiufei
猪苓汤 , zhuling decoction;zhuling tang
理中汤 , lizhong decoction;lizhong tang
羚角钩藤汤 , lingjiao gouteng decoction;lingjiao
gouteng tang
萆薢分清饮 , bixie fenqing drink;bixie fenqing yin
银翘散 , yinqiao powder;yinqiao san
麻子仁丸 , maziren pills;maziren wan
麻黄汤 , mahuang decoction;mahuang tang
麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤 , mahuang xingren shigao
decoction;mahuang xingren shigao tang
黄土汤 , huangtu decoction;huangtu tang
黄连解毒汤 , huanglian jiedu decoction;huanglian
jiedu tang
普济消毒饮 , puji xiaodu drink;puji xiaodu yin
温经汤 , wenjing decoction;wenjing tang
温胆汤 , wendan decoction;wendan tang
温脾汤 , wenpi decoction;wenpi tang
犀角地黄汤 , xijiao dihuang decoction;xijiao dihuang
疏凿饮子 , shuzuo drink;shuzuo yinzi
痛泻要方 , tongxieyao formula;ongxieyao fang
紫雪 , zixue powder;zixue
葛根汤 , gegen decoction;gegen tang
葛根芩连汤 , gegen qinlian decoction;gegen qinlian
葱豉汤 , congchi decoction;congchi tang
越鞠丸 , yueju pills;yueju wan
暖肝煎 , nuangan decoction;nuangan jian
槐花散 , huaihua powder;huaihua san
蒿芩清胆汤 , haoqin qingdan decoction;haoqin
qingdan tang
磁朱丸 , cizhu pills;cizhu wan
酸枣仁汤 , suanzaoren decoction;suanzaoren tang
镇肝熄风汤 , zhengan xifeng decoction;zhengan
xifeng tang
橘皮竹茹汤 , jupi zhuru decoction;jupi zhuru tang
橘核丸 , juhe pills;juhe wan
礞石滚痰丸 , mengshi guntan pills;mengshi guntan
藿香正气散 , huoxiang zhengqi powder;huoxiang
zhengqi san
鳖甲煎丸 , biejiajian pills;biejiajian wan
蠲痹汤 , juanbi decoction;juanbi tang
乙肝宁冲剂 , yiganning granules
七制香附丸 , qizhi xiangfu pills
八正合剂 , bazheng mixture;bazheng heji
九华膏 , jiuhua plaster
人丹 , rendan mini-pills
人参再造丸 , renshen zaizao pills
人参养荣丸 , renshen yangrong pills;renshen yangrong
人参健脾丸 , renshen jianpi pills;renshen jianpi wan
八珍益母丸 , bazhen yimu pills;bazhen yimu wan
十全大补丸 , shiquan dabu pills;shiquan dabu wan
十香返生丸 , shixiang fansheng pills;shixiang
fansheng wan
十滴水 , shidishui tincture
万氏牛黄清心丸 , wanshi niuhuang qingxin pills;wanshi niuhuang qingxin wan
万应锭 , wanying troches;wanying ding
三七片 , sanqi tablets
三七伤药片 , sanqi shangyao tablets;sanqi shangyao
三九胃泰 , sanjiu weitai capsules
三黄片 , sanhuang tablets;sanhuang pian
三黄膏 , sanhuang plaster
上清丸 , shangqing pills
千柏鼻炎片 , qianbai biyan tablets;qianbai biyan pian
口炎清颗粒 , kouyanqing granules
大山楂丸 , dashanzha bolus; dashanzha wan
大活络丹 , dahuoluo pills
大黄虫丸 , dahuang zhechong pills;dahuang
zhechong wan
小儿至宝丸 , xiao'er zhibao pills;xiao'er zhibao wan
小儿肝炎颗粒 , xiao’er ganyan granules;xiao’er
ganyan keli
小儿感冒颗粒 , xiao'er ganmao granules;xiao'er
ganmao keli
小金丸 , xiaojin pills;xiaojin wan
川贝枇杷糖浆 , chuanbei pipa syrup;chuanbei pipa
马应龙麝香痔疮膏 , mayinglong shexiang zhichuang
ointments;mayinglong shexiang zhichuang gao
丹参注射液 , danshen injections
丹栀逍遥丸 , danzhi xiaoyao pills
乌鸡白凤丸 , wuji baifeng pills;wuji baifeng wan
云南白药 , yunnan baiyao powder
五子衍宗丸 , wuzi yanzong pills; wuzi yanzong wan
五仁润肠丸 , wuren runchang pills
五福化毒丸 , wufu huadu pills;wufu huadu wan
元胡止痛片 , yuanhu zhitong tablets;yuanhu zhitong
六合定中丸 , liuhe dingzhong pills;liuhe dingzhong
六君子丸 , liujunzi pills
六神丸 , liushen pills
内消瘰疬丸 , neixiao luoli pills
午时茶颗粒 , wushicha granules;wushicha keli
双黄连口服液 , shuanghuanglian mixture;shuanghuanglian koufuye
天麻丸 , tianma pills;tianma wan
开胸顺气丸 , kaixiong shunqi pills;kaixiong shunqi
心脉通片 , xinmaitong tablets
木瓜丸 , mugua pills;mugua wan
木香顺气丸 , muxiang shunqi pills
气滞胃痛颗粒 , qizhi weitong granules
牛黄上清丸 , niuhuang shangqing pills;niuhuang
shangqing wan
牛黄至宝丸 , niuhuang zhibao pills
牛黄抱龙丸 , niuhuang baolong pills;niuhuang
baolong wan
牛黄降压胶囊 , niuhuang jiangya capsules;niuhuang
jiangya jiaonang
牛黄清心丸 , niuhuang qingxin pills;niuhuang qingxin
牛黄蛇胆川贝液 , niuhuang shedan chuanbei mixture
牛黄解毒片 , niuhuang jiedu tablets;niuhuang jiedu
风油精 , wind medicated oil
半硫丸 , banliu pills
去腐生肌散 , qufu shengji powder
史国公药酒 , shiguogong wine
正骨水 , zhenggu mixture;zhenggu shui
生肌玉红膏 , shengji yuhong plaster
生脉注射液 , shengmai injections;shengmai zhusheye
白带丸 , baidai pills;baidai wan
石斛明目丸 , shihu mingmu pills
艾附暖宫丸 , aifu nuangong pills;aifu nuangong wan
伤湿止痛膏 , shangshi zhitong plaster;shangshi
zhitong gao
冰硼散 , bingpeng powder; bingpeng san
华佗再造丸 , huatuo zaizao pills;huatuo zaizao wan
地奥心血康胶囊 , di'ao xinxuekang capsules;di'ao
xinxuekang jiaonang
地榆槐角丸 , diyu huaijiao pills
壮骨关节丸 , zhuanggu guanjie pills;zhuanggu guanjie
如意金黄散 , ruyi jinhuang powder;ruyi jinhuang san
妇乐冲剂 , fule granules
妇炎平胶囊 , fuyanping capsules
安坤赞育丸 , ankun zanyu pills;ankun zanyu wan
安神补心丸 , anshen buxin pills;anshen buxin wan
当归龙荟丸 , danggui longhui pills;danggui longhui
当归流浸膏 , danggui extract;danggui liujingao
耳聋左慈丸 , erlong zuoci pills;erlong zuoci wan
芎菊上清丸 , xiongju shangqing pills;xiongju
shangqing wan
西瓜霜润喉片 , xiguashuang runhou tablets;xiguashuang runhou pian
贞芪扶正冲剂 , zhenqi fuzheng granules
防风通圣丸 , fangfeng tongsheng pills;fangfeng
tongsheng wan
利胆排石片 , lidan paishi tablets;lidan paishi pian
坎离砂 , kanlisha coarse sand granules;kanlisha
尪痹冲剂 , wangbi granules
尿塞通片 , niaosaitong tablets
抗骨质增生丸 , kang guzhi zengsheng pills
更年安片 , gengnian’an pills;gengnian’an pian
杏仁止咳糖浆 , xingren zhike syrup;xingren zhike
杞菊地黄丸 , qiju dihuang pills;qiju dihuang wan
良附丸 , liangfu pills;liangfu wan
补肾固齿丸 , bushen guchi pills;bushen guchi wan
阿魏化痞膏 , awei huapi plaster;awei huapi gao
附子理中丸 , fuzi lizhong pills;fuzi lizhong wan
龟龄集 , guilingji capsules;guilingji
乳癖消片 , rupixiao tablets;rupixiao pian
京万红 , jingwanhong soft plaster
刺五加片 , ciwujia tablets;ciwujia pian
国公酒 , guogong wine;guogong jiu
季德胜蛇药片 , jidesheng sheyao tablets
拔毒生肌散 , badu shengji powder
拨云退翳丸 , boyun tuiyi pills;boyun tuiyi wan
明目上清丸 , mingmu shangqing pills
明目地黄丸 , mingmu dihuang pills;mingmu dihuang
板蓝根颗粒 , banlangen granules;banlangen keli
河车大造丸 , heche dazao pills;heche dazao wan
狗皮膏 , goupi plaster;goupi gao
知柏地黄丸 , zhibai dihuang pills;zhibai dihuang wan
金银花露 , jinyinhua distillate
青黛散 , qingdai powder
驻车丸 , zhuche pills;zhuche wan
养血安神丸 , yangxue anshen pills
养胃舒胶囊 , yangweishu capsules
冠心苏合丸 , guanxin suhe pills;guanxin suhe wan
前列通片 , qianlietong tablets
复方丹参片 , compound danshen tablets;fafang
danshen pian
复方丹参注射液 , compound danshen injections
复方丹参滴丸 , compound danshen dripping pills;fufang danshen diwan
复方胆通片 , compound dantong tablets
复方草珊瑚含片 , compound caoshanhu tablets;fufang caoshanhu pian
急支糖浆 , jizhi syrup;jizhi tangjiang
柏子养心丸 , baizi yangxin pills;baizi yangxin wan
活血止痛散 , huoxue zhitong powder;huoxue zhitong
济生肾气丸 , jisheng shenqi pills;jisheng shenqi wan
珍珠明滴眼液 , zhenzhu ming drops
穿心莲片 , chuanxinlian tablets;chuanxinlian pian
绞股兰总苷片 , Jiaogulan total glucoside tablets
胃苏冲剂 , weisu granules
胆石通胶囊 , danshitong capsules
茴香橘核丸 , huixiang juhe pills;huixiang juhe wan
重感灵片 , zhongganling tablets
首乌丸 , shouwu pills;shouwu wan
香连片 , xianglian tablets;xianglian pian
香砂六君丸 , xiangsha liujun pills;xiangsha liujun wan
香砂养胃丸 , xiangsha yangwei pills;xiangsha
yangwei wan
香砂枳术丸 , xiangsha zhizhu pills;xiangsha zhizhu
骨刺丸 , guci pills
柴胡口服液 , chaihu oral liquid;chaihu koufuye
桂附理中丸 , guifu lizhong pills;guifu lizhong wan
消咳喘糖浆 , xiaokechuan syrup;xiaokechuan
消栓再造丸 , xiaoshuan zaizao pills
消栓通络片 , xiaoshuan tongluo tablets;xiaoshuan
tongluo pian
消痔灵 , xiaozhiling injections
益元散 , yiyuan powder;yiyuan san
益母草膏 , yimucao paste;yimucao gao
脏连丸 , zanglian pills;zanglian wan
脑立清丸 , naoliqing pills;naoliqing wan
通关散 , tongguan powder;tongguan san
通宣理肺丸 , tongxuan lifei pills;tongxuan lifei wan
速效救心丸 , suxiao jiuxin pills
铁笛丸 , tiedi pills
排石颗粒 , paishi granules;paishi keli
清凉油 , qingliang oil
清开灵口服液 , qingkailing oral liquid;qingkailing
清开灵注射液 , qingkailing injections
清咽丸 , qingyan pills; qingyin wan
紫金锭 , zijin troches(san)
紫草膏 , zicao soft plaster;zicao gao
蛤蚧定喘丸 , gejie dingchuan pills;gejie dingchuan
越鞠保和丸 , yueju baohe pills
跌打万花油 , dieda wanhua oil
跌打丸 , dieda pills;dieda wan
锁阳固精丸 , suoyang gujing pills;suoyang gujing wan
愈风宁心片 , yufeng ningxin tablets;yufeng ningxin
新清宁片 , xinqingning tablets;xinqingning pian
槐角丸 , huaijiao pills;huaijiao wan
雷公藤片 , leigongteng tablets
鲜竹沥 , fresh bamboo sap
鼻炎片 , biyan tablets;biyan pian
鼻咽清毒冲剂 , biyan qingdu granules
鼻窦炎口服液 , bidouyan mixture;bidouyan koufuye
橘红丸 , juhong pills;juhong wan
藏青果喉片 , zangqingguo tablets
黛蛤散 , daige powder;daige san
礞石滚痰丸 , mengshi guntan pills;mengshi guntan
癣湿药水(鹅掌风药水) , xuanshi solution;xuanshi
藿胆丸 , huodan pills;huodan wan
麝香保心丸 , shexiang baoxin pills;shexiang baoxin
麝香追风膏 , shexiang zhuifeng plaster
麝香祛痛气雾剂 , shexiang qutong aerosol;shexiang
qutong qiwuji
文名, 英文名
经络学 , subject of channel[meridian] and collateral
腧穴学 , subject of acupoint
刺法灸法学 , subject of acupuncture and
moxibustion techniques
针灸治疗学 , therapeutics of acupuncture and
实验针灸学 , experimental acupuncture and
经络现象 , channel phenomenon;meridian
循经感传 , transmission phenomenon along channel;
meridian transmission phenomenon
经络诊断 , channel diagnostics; meridian diagnostics
经脉循行 , the running course of the channels;the
running course of the meridians
腧穴[穴位] , point,acupoint
腧穴特异性 , specificity of acupoint
腧穴定位法 , points location method
体表解剖标志定位法 , anatomical landmarks
骨度折量定位法 , Proportional bone measurement
指寸定位法 , finger-cun measurement
同身寸 , proportional unit of the body;body cun
中指同身寸 , middle finger cun;proportional unit of
the middle finger
拇指同身寸 , thumb cun;proportional unit of the
横指同身寸(一夫法) , 4-finger-breadth measurement
经穴 , channel point;meridian point
经外[奇]穴 , Extra point;ordinary point
阿是穴 , ashi point
特定穴 , specific point
背俞穴 , back-shu point
募穴 , front-mu point
原穴 , yuan-primary point
络穴 , luo-connecting point
五输穴 , five-shu point
井[穴] , jing(well)point
荥[穴] , Ying(spring) point
输[穴] , Shu(stream)point
经[穴] , Jing(river) point
合[穴] , He(sea) point
郄穴 , Xi(cleft) point
八会穴 , eight influential point
八脉交会穴 , eight confluence point
交会穴 , crossing point
下合穴 , lower-he(sea) point
中府 , zhōngfǔ (LU1)
云门 , yúnmãn(LU2)
天府 , tiānfǔ (LU3)
侠白 , xiábái(LU4)
尺泽 , chǐzã (LU5)
孔最 , kǒngzuì (LU6)
列缺 , lièquē(LU7)
经渠 , jīngqú (LU8)
太渊 , tàiyuān (LU9)
鱼际 , yújì(LU10)
少商 , shàoshāng(LU11)
商阳 , shāngyáng(LI1)
二间 , èrjiān(LI2)
三间 , sānjiān(LI3)
合谷 , hãgǔ(LI4)
阳溪 , yángxī(LI5)
偏历 , piānlì(LI6)
温溜 , wēnliū(LI7)
下廉 , xiàlián(LI8)
上廉 , shànglián(LI9)
手三里 , shǒusānlǐ(LI10)
曲池 , qūchí(LI11)
肘髎 , zhǒuliáo(LI12)
手五里 , shǒuwǔlǐ(LI13)
臂臑 , bìnào(LI14)
肩髃 , jiānyú(LI15)
巨骨 , jùgǔ(LI16)
天鼎 , tiāndǐng(LI17)
扶突 , fútū(LI18)
口禾髎 , kǒuhãliáo(LI19)
迎香 , yíngxiāng(LI20)
承泣 , chãngqì(ST1)
四白 , sìbái(ST2)
巨髎 , jùliáo(ST3)
地仓 , dìcāng(ST4)
大迎 , dàyíng(ST5)
颊车 , jiáchē(ST6)
下关 , xiàguān(ST7)
头维 , tïuwãi(ST8)
人迎 , rãnyíng(ST9)
水突 , shuǐtū(ST10)
气舍 , qìshâ(ST11)
缺盆 , quēpãn(ST12)
气户 , qìhù(ST13)
库房 , kùfáng(ST14)
屋翳 , wūyì(ST15)
膺窗 , yīngchuāng(ST16)
乳中 , rǔzhōng(ST17)
乳根 , rǔgēn(ST18)
不容 , bùrïng(ST19)
承满 , chãngmǎn(ST20)
梁门 , liángmãn(ST21)
关门 , guānmãn(ST22)
太乙 , tàiyǐ(ST23)
滑肉门 , huárîumãn(ST24)
天枢 , tiānshū(ST25)
外陵 , wàilíng(ST26)
大巨 , dàjù(ST27)
水道 , shuǐdào(ST28)
归来 , guīlái(ST29)
气冲 , qìchōng(ST30)
髀关 , bìguān(ST31)
伏兔 , fútù(ST32)
阴市 , yīnshì(ST33)
梁丘 , liángqiū(ST34)
犊鼻 , dúbí(ST35)
足三里 , zúsānlǐ(ST36)
上巨虚 , shàngjùxū(ST37)
条口 , tiáokǒu(ST38)
下巨虚 , xiàjùxù(ST39)
丰隆 , fēnglïng(ST40)
解溪 , jiěxī(ST41)
冲阳 , chōngyáng(ST42)
陷谷 , xiàngǔ(ST43)
内庭 , nâitíng(ST44)
厉兑 , lìduì(ST45)
隐白 , yǐnbái(SP1)
大都 , dàdū(SP 2)
太白 , tàibái(SP 3)
公孙 , gōngsūn(SP 4)
商丘 , shāngqiū(SP 5)
三阴交 , sānyīnjiāo(SP 6)
漏谷 , lîugǔ(SP 7)
地机 , dìjī(SP8)
阴陵泉 , yīnlíngquán(SP9)血海 , xuâhǎi(SP10)
箕门 , jīmãn(SP11)
冲门 , chōngmãn(SP12)
府舍 , fǔshâ(SP13)
腹结 , fùjiã(SP14)
大横 , dàhãng(SP15)
腹哀 , fùāi(SP16)
食窦 , shídîu(SP17)
天溪 , tiānxī(SP18)
胸乡 , xiōngxiāng(SP19)
周荣 , zhōurïng(SP20)
大包 , dàbāo(SP21)
极泉 , jíquán(HT1)
青灵 , qīnglíng(HT2)
少海 , shàohǎi(HT3)
灵道 , língdào(HT4)
通里 , tōnglǐ(HT5)
阴郄 , yīnxì(HT6)
神门 , shãnmãn(HT7)
少府 , shàofǔ(HT8)
少冲 , shàochōng(HT9)
少泽 , shàozã(SI1)
前谷 , qiángǔ(SI2)
后溪 , hîuxī(SI3)
腕骨 , wàngǔ(SI4)
阳谷 , yánggǔ(SI5)
养老 , yǎnglǎo(SI6)
支正 , zhīzhâng(SI7)
小海 , xiǎohǎi(SI8)
肩贞 , jiānzhēn(SI9)
臑俞 , nàoshū(SI10)
天宗 , tiānzōng(SI11)
秉风 , bǐngfēng(SI12)
曲垣 , qūyuán(SI13)
肩外俞 , jiānwàishū(SI14)
肩中俞 , jiānzhōngshū(SI15)天窗 , tiānchuāng(SI16)
天容 , tiānrïng(SI17)
颧髎 , quánliáo(SI18)
听宫 , tīnggōng(SI19)
睛明 , jīngmíng(BL1)
攒竹 , cuánzhú(BL2)
眉冲 , mãichōng(BL3)
曲差 , qūchā(BL4)
五处 , wǔchù(BL5)
承光 , chãngguāng(BL6)
通天 , tōngtiān(BL7)
络却 , Luîquâ(BL8)
玉枕 , yùzhěn(BL9)
天柱 , tiānzhù(BL10)
大杼 , dàzhù(BL11)
风门 , fēngmãn(BL12)
肺俞 , fâishū(BL13)
厥阴俞 , juãyīnshū(BL14)
心俞 , xīnshū(BL15)
督俞 , dūshū(BL16)
膈俞 , gãshū(BL17)
肝俞 , gānshū(BL18)
胆俞 , dǎnshū(BL19)
脾俞 , píshū(BL20)
胃俞 , wâishū(BL21)
三焦俞 , sānjiāoshū(BL22)
肾俞 , shânshū(BL23)
气海俞 , qìhǎishū(BL24)
大肠俞 , dàchángshū(BL25)
关元俞 , guānyuánshū(BL26)小肠俞 , xiǎochángshū(BL27)膀胱俞 , pángguāngshū(BL28)中膂俞 , zhōnglǚshū(BL29)
白环俞 , báihuánshū(BL30)
上髎 , shàngliáo(BL31)
次髎 , cìliáo(BL32)
中髎 , zhōngliáo(BL33)
下髎 , xiàliáo(BL34)
会阳 , huìyáng(BL35)
承扶 , chãngfú(BL36)
殷门 , yīnmãn(BL37)
浮郄 , fúxì(BL38)
委阳 , wěiyáng(BL39)
委中 , wěizhōng(BL40)
附分 , fùfēn(BL41)
魄户 , pîhù(BL42)
膏肓 , gāohuāng(BL43)
神堂 , shãntáng(BL44)
, yìxǐ(BL45)
膈关 , gãguān(BL46)
魂门 , húnmãn(BL47)
阳纲 , yánggāng(BL48)
意舍 , yìshâ(BL49)
胃仓 , wâicāng(BL50)
肓门 , huāngmãn(BL51)
志室 , zhìshì(BL52)
胞肓 , bāohuāng(BL53)
秩边 , zhìbiān(BL54)
合阳 , hãyáng(BL55)
承筋 , chãngjīn(BL56)
承山 , chãngshān(BL57)
飞扬 , fēiyáng(BL58)
跗阳 , fūyáng(BL59)
昆仑 , kūnlún(BL60)
仆参 , púcān(BL61)
申脉 , shēnmài(BL62)
金门 , jīnmãn(BL63)
京骨 , jīnggǔ(BL64)
束骨 , shùgǔ(BL65)
足通谷 , zútōnggǔ(BL66)
至阴 , zhìyīn(BL67)
涌泉 , yǒngquán(KI1)
然谷 , rángǔ(KI2)
太溪 , tàixī(KI3)
大钟 , dàzhōng(KI4)
水泉 , shuǐquán(KI5)
照海 , zhàohǎi(KI6)
复溜 , fùliū(KI7)
交信 , jiāoxìn(KI8)
筑宾 , zhùbīn(KI9)
阴谷 , yīngǔ(KI10)
横骨 , hãnggǔ(KI11)
大赫 , dàhâ(KI12)
气穴 , qìxuã(KI13)
四满 , sìmǎn(KI14)
中注 , zhōngzhù(KI15)
肓俞 , huāngshū(KI16)
商曲 , shāngqū(KI17)
石关 , shíguān(KI18)
阴都 , yīndū(KI19)
腹通谷 , fùtōnggǔ(KI120)
幽门 , yōumãn(KI21)
步廊 , bùláng(KI22)
神封 , shãnfēng(KI23)
灵墟 , língxū(KI24)
神藏 , shãncáng(KI25)
彧中 , yùzhōng(KI26)
俞府 , shūfǔ(KI27)
天池 , tiānchí(PC1)
天泉 , tiānquán(PC2)
曲泽 , qūzã(PC3)
郄门 , xìmãn(PC4)
间使 , jiānshǐ(PC5)
内关 , nâiguān(PC6)
大陵 , dàlíng(PC7)
劳宫 , láogōng(PC8)
中冲 , zhōngchōng(PC9)
关冲 , guānchōng(TE[SJ]1)
液门 , yâmãn(TE[SJ]2)
中渚 , zhōngzhǔ(TE[SJ]3)
阳池 , yángchí(TE[SJ]4)
外关 , wàiguān(TE[SJ]5)
支沟 , zhīgōu(TE[SJ]6)
会宗 , huìzōng(TE[SJ]7)
三阳络 , sānyángluî(TE[SJ]8)
四渎 , sìdú(TE[SJ]9)
天井 , tiānjǐng(TE[SJ]10)
清冷渊 , qīnglěngyuān(TE[SJ]11)消泺 , xiāoluî(TE[SJ]12)
臑会 , nàohuì(TE[SJ]13)
肩髎 , jiānliáo(TE[SJ]14)
天髎 , tiānliáo(TE[SJ]15)
天牖 , tiānyǒu(TE[SJ]16)
翳风 , yìfēng(TE[SJ]17)
瘈脉 , chìmài(TE[SJ]18)
颅息 , lúxī(TE[SJ]19)
角孙 , jiǎosūn(TE[SJ]20)
耳门 , ěrmãn(TE[SJ]21)
耳和髎 , ěrhãliáo(TE[SJ]22)
丝竹空 , sīzhúkōng(TE[SJ]23)
瞳子髎 , tïngzǐliáo(GB1)
听会 , tīnghuì(GB2)
上关 , shàngguān(GB3)
颔厌 , hányàn(GB4)
悬颅 , xuánlú(GB5)
悬厘 , xuánlí(GB6)
曲鬓 , qūbìn(GB7)
率谷 , shuàigǔ(GB8)
天冲 , tiānchōng(GB9)
浮白 , fúbái(GB10)
头窍阴 , tïuqiàoyīn(GB11)
完骨 , wángǔ(GB12)
本神 , běnshãn(GB13)
阳白 , yángbái(GB14)
头临泣 , tïulínqì(GB15)
目窗 , mùchuāng(GB16)
正营 , zhângyíng(GB17)
承灵 , chãnglíng(GB18)
脑空 , nǎokōng(GB19)
风池 , fēngchí(GB20)
肩井 , jiānjǐng(GB21)
渊腋 , yuānyâ(GB22)
辄筋 , zhãjín(GB23)
日月 , rìyuâ(GB24)
京门 , jīngmãn(GB25)
带脉 , dàimài(GB26)
五枢 , wǔshū(GB27)
维道 , wãidào(GB28)
居髎 , jūliáo(GB29)
环跳 , huántiào(GB30)
风市 , fēngshì(GB31)
中渎 , zhōngdú(GB32)
膝阳关 , xīyángguān(GB33)
阳陵泉 , yánglíngquán(GB34)
阳交 , yángjiāo(GB35)
外丘 , wàiqiū(GB36)
光明 , guāngmíng(GB37)
阳辅 , yángfǔ(GB38)
悬钟 , xuánzhōng(GB39)
丘墟 , qiūxū(GB40)
足临泣 , zúlínqì(GB41)
地五会 , dìwǔhuì(GB42)
侠溪 , xiáxī(GB43)
足窍阴 , zúqiàoyīn(GB44)
大敦 , dàdūn(LR1)
行间 , xíngjiān(LR2)
太冲 , tàichōng(LR3)
中封 , zhōngfēng(LR4)
蠡沟 , lígōu(LR5)
中都 , zhōngdū(LR6)
膝关 , xīguān(LR7)
曲泉 , qūquán(LR8)
阴包 , yīnbāo(LR9)
足五里 , zúwǔlǐ(LR10)
阴廉 , yīnlián(LR11)
急脉 , jímài(LR12)
章门 , zhāngmãn(LR13)
期门 , qīmãn(LR14)
长强 , chángqiáng(GV[DU]1)
腰俞 , yāoshū(GV[DU]2)
腰阳关 , yāoyángguān(GV[DU]3)命门 , mìngmãn(GV[DU]4)
悬枢 , xuánshū(GV[DU]5)
脊中 , jǐzhōng(GV[DU]6)
中枢 , zhōngshū(GV[DU]7)
筋缩 , jīnsuō(GV[DU]8)
至阳 , zhìyáng(GV[DU]9)
灵台 , língtái(GV[DU]10)
神道 , shãndào(GV[DU]11)
身柱 , shēnzhù(GV[DU]12)
陶道 , táodào(GV[DU]13)
大椎 , dàzhuī(GV[DU]14)
哑门 , yǎmãn(GV[DU]15)
风府 , fēngfǔ(GV[DU]16)
脑户 , nǎohù(GV[DU]17)
强间 , qiángjiān(GV[DU]18)
后顶 , hîudǐng(GV[DU]19)
百会 , bǎihuì(GV[DU]20)
前顶 , qiándǐng(GV[DU]21)
囟会 , xìnhuì(GV[DU]22)
上星 , shàngxīng(GV[DU]23)
神庭 , shãntíng(GV[DU]24)
素髎 , sùliáo(GV[DU]25)
水沟(人中) , shuǐgōu( rãnzhōng )(GV[DU]26)兑端 , duìduān(GV[DU]27)
龈交 , yínjiāo(GV[DU]28)
会阴 , huìyīn(CV[RN]1)
曲骨 , qūgǔ(CV[RN]2)
中极 , zhōngjí(CV[RN]3)
关元 , guānyuán(CV[RN]4)
石门 , shímãn(CV[RN]5)
气海 , qìhǎi(CV[RN]6)
阴交 , yīnjiāo(CV[RN]7)
神阙 , shãnquē(CV[RN]8)
水分 , shuǐfēn(CV[RN]9)
下脘 , xiàwǎn(CV[RN]10)
建里 , jiànlǐ(CV[RN]11)
中脘 , zhōngwǎn(CV[RN]12)
上脘 , shàngwǎn(CV[RN]13)
巨阙 , jùquē(CV[RN]14)
鸠尾 , jiūwěi(CV[RN]15)
中庭 , zhōngtíng(CV[RN]16)
膻中 , dànzhōng(CV[RN]17)
玉堂 , yùtáng(CV[RN]18)
紫宫 , zǐgōng(CV[RN]19)
华盖 , huágài(CV[RN]20)
璇玑 , xuánjī(CV[RN]21)
天突 , tiāntū(CV[RN]22)
廉泉 , liánquán(CV[RN]23)
承浆 , chãngjiāng(CV[RN]24)
四神聪 , sìshãncōng(Ex-HN1)
当阳 , dāngyáng(Ex-HN2)
印堂 , yìntáng(Ex-HN3)
鱼腰 , yúyāo(Ex-HN4)
太阳[穴] , tàiyáng(Ex-HN5)
耳尖 , ěrjiān(Ex-HN6)
球后 , qiúhîu(Ex-HN7)
上迎香 , shàngyíngxiāng(Ex-HN8)
内迎香 , nâiyíngxiāng(Ex-HN9)
聚泉 , jùquán(Ex-HN10)
海泉 , hǎiquán(Ex-HN11)
金津 , jīnjīn(Ex-HN12)
玉液 , yùyâ(Ex-HN13)
翳明 , yìmíng(Ex-HN14)
颈百劳 , jǐngbǎiláo(Ex-HN15)
子宫[穴] , zǐgōng(Ex-CA1)
定喘 , dìngchuǎn(Ex-B1)
夹脊 , jiájǐ(Ex-B2)
胃脘下俞 , wâiwǎnxiàshū(Ex-B3)
痞根 , pǐgēn(Ex-B4)
下志室 , xiàzhíshǐ(Ex-B5)
腰宜 , yāoyí(Ex-B6)
腰眼 , yāoyǎn(Ex-B7)
十七椎[穴] , shíqīzhuī(Ex-B8)
腰奇 , yāoqí(Ex-B9)
肘尖[穴] , zhǒujiān(Ex-UE1)
二白 , ârbái(Ex-UE2)
中泉 , zhōngquán(Ex-UE3)
中魁 , zhōngkuí(Ex-UE4)
大骨空 , dàgǔkōng(Ex-UE5)
小骨空 , xiǎogǔkōng(Ex-UE6)
腰痛点 , yāotîngdiǎn(Ex-UE7)
外劳宫 , wàiláogōng(Ex-UE8)
八邪 , bāxiã(Ex-UE9)
四缝 , sìfâng(Ex-UE10)
十宣 , shíxuān(Ex-UE11)
髋骨[穴] , kuāngǔ(Ex-LE1)
鹤顶 , hâdǐng(Ex-LE2)
膝内 , xīnâi(Ex-LE3)
内膝眼 , nâixīyǎn(Ex-LE4)
膝眼 , xīyǎn(Ex-LE5)
胆囊[穴] , dǎnnáng(Ex-LE6)
阑尾[穴] , lánwěi(Ex-LE7)
内踝尖[穴] , nâihuáijiān(Ex-LE8)
外踝尖[穴] , wàihuáijiān(Ex-LE9)
八风 , bāfēng(Ex-LE10)
独阴 , dúyīn(Ex-LE11)
气端 , qìduān(Ex-LE12)
刺灸法 , techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion
九针 , nine classical needles
鑱针 , shear needle
员针 , round-point needle
针 , spoon needle
锋针 , lance needle
铍针 , stiletto needle
圆利针 , round-sharp needle
毫针 , filiform needle
长针 , long needle
大针 , big needle
皮肤针 , cutaneous needle(dermal needle)
梅花针 , plum-blossom needle
七星针 , seven-star needle
三棱针 , three-edged needle
电针仪 , eletroacupuncture therapeutic apparatus
电热针 , moxibustion with electric warming needles
刺法(针法)(针刺法) , acupuncture technique
毫针刺法 , techniques of filiform needle acupuncture
挑刺法 , Pricking blood therapy
点刺法 , swift pricking blood therapy
围刺法 , encircling needling
刺手 , needle-holding hand
押手 , pressing hand
进针法 , method of needle insertion
单手进针法 , needle-inserting with a single hand
双手进针法 , needle-inserting with both hands
指切进针法 , fingernail-pressure aided needle inserting
挟持进针法 , fingers-squeezed-needle inserting
提捏进针法 , skin-pinching up aided needle inserting
舒张进针法 , skin stretching aided needle inserting
针刺角度 , needling angle
直刺 , perpendicular insertion of the needle
斜刺 , oblique insertion of the needle
平刺 , horizontal insertion of the needle
行[运]针 , manipulating needle
行[运]针手法 , needling manipulation
needle manipulation technique,
提插 , lifting and thrusting of the needle
捻转 , twirling of the needle
得气 , arrival of qi
针感 , needling sensation
候气 , waiting for qi arrival
催气 , arrival promoting of qi
循法 , mild pressing along the meridian course
摄法 , pressing-kneading around the inserted needle
刮法 , needle-handle scraping
弹法 , needle-handle flicking
飞法 , needle-handle twisting
摇法 , needle-handle shaking
震颤法 , needle-body trembling
爪切法 , nail pressing aided needle inserting
守气 , maintaining the needling sensation
九刺 , nine techniques of needling
十二刺 , twelve techniques of needling
五刺 , five techniques of needling
留针 , retention of needle
出针 , needle-withdrawal
晕针 , fainting during acupuncture
滞针 , stuck needle
弯针 , bent needle
折针 , breaking of an inserted needle
针刺补泻 , reinforcing and reducing manipulations of
acupuncture therapy
徐疾补泻 , slow-rapid reinforcing-reducing method
提插补泻 , lifting-thrusting reinforcing-reducing
呼吸补泻 , reinforcing-reducing method
by respiration
捻转补泻 , reinforcing-reducing method by twirling
开阖补泻 , reinforcing and reducing method by
keeping the hole opened or closed
平补平泻 , even reinforcing-reducing method
(uniform reinforcing-reducing method),
近部取穴 , neighboring point selection
局部取穴 , local point selection
邻近取穴 , nearby point selection
远部取穴 , distant point selection
本经取穴 , point selection along the affected
point selection along the related meridian,
异经取穴 , point selection on channel other than the
affected one
selecting point of other meridian,
多经取穴 , point selection form multiple
对症取穴 , symptomatic point selection
辨证取穴 , point selection in accordance with
differentiation of syndrome
配穴法 , points combination(association)
本经配穴法 , combination (association) of the affected
表里配穴法 , exterior-interior point combination
上下配穴法 , superior-inferior point combination
远近配穴法 , distal-proximal point combination
前后配穴法 , anterior-posterior point combination
俞募配穴法 , back-shu point and front-mu point
combination (association)
左右配穴法 , left-right point combination (association)
主客配穴法 , host-guest point combination
原络配穴法 , yuan-source point and collateral-point
同名经配穴法 , combination of points of the namesake
五输配穴法 , five-shu point combination (association)
针灸处方 , Acupuncture & moxibustion
(acu-moxibystion) prescription
子午流注法 , Point Selection by
midday-midnight flowing of qi-bloodpoint
(midnight-noon ebb-flow acupoint selection)
纳甲法[纳干法] , Heavenly stem-prescription of point
(day-prescription of acupoints),
纳子法[纳支法] , Earthly branch-prescription of point
(hour-prescription of acupoints),
灵龟八法(奇经纳卦法) , eight methods of the
intelligent turtle
飞腾八法 , the method of eight flight
皮肤针疗法 , cutaneous needle therapy
皮内针疗法 , intradermal needle therapy
三棱针疗法 , three-edged needle therapy
指针疗法 , acupressure
火针疗法 , fire needle therapy
(puncturing acupoints with hot-red needle),
陶针疗法 , pottery needle therapy
芒针疗法 , elongated needle therapy
电针疗法 , Electro-axupuncture therapy
刺激参数 , stimulation parameter
刺激强度 , stimulation intensity
穴位注射疗法 , point-injection therapy
鍉针疗法 , spoon needle therapy
耳针疗法 , ear acupuncture therapy
耳压疗法 , ear pressure [therapy]
头皮针疗法 , scalp acupuncture therapy
灸法 , moxibustion
艾灸 , moxa-wool moxibustion
艾绒 , moxa wool
艾炷 , moxa cone
壮 , one moxa-cone
艾条 , moxa stick
艾炷灸 , Moxa-cone moxibustion
着肤灸(直接灸) , direct moxibustion
瘢痕灸 , scarring moxibustion
非瘢痕灸 , non-scarring moxibustion
隔物灸(间接灸) , indirect moxibustion
(object-separated moxibustion),
艾条灸 , moxa stick moxibustion
悬起灸 , over skin moxibustion
(suspension moxibustion),
温和灸 , mild-warm moxibustion
雀啄灸 , sparrow-pecking moxibustion
回旋灸 , revolving (circling) moxibustion
实按灸 , pressing moxibustion
(paper or cloth-separated moxibustion),
太乙神针 , taiyi miraculous moxa roll/moxibustion
雷火神针 , thunder-fire miraculous moxa
温针灸 , warming needle moxibustion(needle warming
through moxibustion)
温灸器灸 , moxibustioner
药物灸 , medicinal [blister-causing] moxibustion
灯火灸 , rush-fire cauterization(burning rush
保健灸 , keeping fit moxibustion(health preserving)
伏天灸 , moxibustion in the dog days
麦粒灸 , moxibustion with seed-sized moxa cone
拔罐疗法 , cupping therapy
陶罐 , pottery cup
竹罐 , bamboo jar
玻璃罐 , Glass cup
抽气罐 , suction cup
火罐法 , fire cupping
架火法 , fire throwing method
(alcohol fire-separated cupping),
闪火法 , fire twinkling method
(flash-fire cupping),
贴棉法 , burning cotton method
(cotton fire cupping),
滴酒法 , alcohol fire method
(alcohol fire cupping),
走罐(推罐) , moving cupping(cup moving)
闪罐 , quick cupping,successive flash cupping
留罐 , retaining the cup(cup retaining)
药罐 , medicated cupping
针罐法 , needling associated with cupping
(needling combained with cupping),
刺络拔罐(刺血拔罐) , pricking and cupping
(pricking blood with cupping),
耳中 , ěrzhōng (HX1)ear center
[耳穴]直肠 , zhícháng(HX2)rectum
[耳穴]尿道 , niîodîo(HX3)urethra
[耳穴]外生殖器 , wàishēngzhíqì(HX4)external
[耳穴]肛门 , gāngmãn(HX5)anus
耳尖 , ěrjiān(HX6、7i)ear apex
[耳穴]结节 , jiãjiã(HX8)node
轮1 , lúnyi(HX9)helix1
轮2 , lúnâr(HX10)helix2
轮3 , lúnsān(HX11)helix3
轮4 , lúnsì(HX12)helix4
[耳穴]指 , zhǐ(SF1)finger
[耳穴]腕 , wàn(SF2)wrist
风溪 , fēngxī(SF1、2i)wind stream
[耳穴]肘 , zhǒu(SF3)elbow
[耳穴]肩 , jiān(SF4、5)shoulder
[耳穴]锁骨 , suǒgǔ(SF6)clavicle
[耳穴]跟 , gēn(AH1)heel
[耳穴]趾 , zhǐ(AH2)toe
[耳穴]踝 , huái(AH3)ankle
[耳穴]膝 , xī(AH4)knee
[耳穴]髋 , kuān (AH5)hip
[耳穴]坐骨神经 , zuîgǔshãnjīng (AH6)sciatic nerve
[耳穴]交感 , jiāogǎn (AH6a)sympathetic
[耳穴]臀 , tún (AH7)gluteus
[耳穴]腹 , fǔ (AH8)abdomen
[耳穴]腰骶椎 , yāodǐzhuī (AH9)lumbosacral
[耳穴]胸 , xiōng (AH10)chest
[耳穴]胸椎 , xiōngzhuì (AH11)thoracic vertebrae
[耳穴]颈 , jǐng (AH12)neck
[耳穴]颈椎 , jǐngzhuī (AH13)cervical vertebrae
角窝上 , jiǎowōshàng (TF1)superior triangular fossa
[耳穴]内生殖器 , nèishēngzhíqì(TF2)internal genitals
角窝中 , jiǎowōzhōng(TF3)middle triangular fossa
[耳穴]神门 , shénmén(TF4)shenmen
[耳穴]盆腔 , pénqiāng(TF5)pelvis
上屏 , shàngping(TG1)upper tragus
下屏 , xiàpíng(TG2)lower tragus
外耳 , wàiěr(TG1u)external ear
屏尖 , píngjiān(TG1p)apex of tragus
外鼻 , wàibí(TG1、2i)external nose
[耳穴]肾上腺 , shènshàngxiàn(TG2p)adrenal gland
[耳穴]咽喉 , yānhóu(TG3)pharynx larynx
内鼻 , nèibí(TG4)internal nose
屏间前 , píngjiānqián(TG21)anterior intertragal notch
[耳穴]额 , é(AT1)forehead
屏间后 , píngjiānhòu(AT1l)posterior intertragal notch
[耳穴]颞 , niè(AT2)temple
[耳穴]枕 , zhěn(AT3)occiput
[耳穴]皮质下 , pízhǐxià(AT4)subcortex
对屏尖 , duìpíngjiān(AT1、2、4i)apex of antitragus
缘中 , yuánzhōng(AT2、3、4i)central rim
[耳穴]脑干 , nǎogàn(AT3、4i)brain stem
[耳穴]口 , kǒu(CO1)mouth
[耳穴]食道 , shídào(CO2)esophagus
[耳穴]贲门 , bēnmén(CO3)cardia
[耳穴]胃 , wèi(CO4)stomache
[耳穴]十二指肠 , shíârzhǐcháng(CO5)duodenum
[耳穴]小肠 , xiǎocháng(CO6)small intestine
[耳穴]大肠 , dàcháng(CO7)large intestine
[耳穴]阑尾 , lánwěi(CO6、7i)appendix
艇角 , tíngjiǎo(CO8)angle of superior concha
[耳穴]膀胱 , pángguāng(CO9)bladder
[耳穴]肾 , shèn(CO10)kidney
[耳穴]输尿管 , shūniàoguǎn(CO9、10i)ureter
[耳穴]胰胆 , yídǎn(CO11)pancreas and gallbladder
[耳穴]肝 , gān(CO12)liver
艇中 , tíngzhōng(CO6、10i)center of superior concha
[耳穴]脾 , pǐ(CO13)spleen
[耳穴]心 , xīn(CO15)heart
[耳穴]气管 , qìguǎn(CO16)trachea
[耳穴]肺 , fèi(CO14)lung
[耳穴]三焦 , sānjiāo(CO17)triple energy (sanjiao)
[耳穴]内分泌 , nèifēnmì(CO18)endocrine
[耳穴]牙 , yá(LO1)tooth
[耳穴]舌 , shé(LO2)tongue
[耳穴]颌 , hé(LO3)jaw
垂前 , Chuíqián(LO4)anterior ear LObe
[耳穴]眼 , yǎn(LO5)eye
[耳穴]内耳 , nèiěr(LO6)internal ear
[耳穴]面颊 , miànjiá(LO5、6i)cheek
[耳穴]扁桃体 , biǎntáotǐ(LO7、8、9)tonsil
耳背心 , ěrbèixīn(P1)heart of posterior surface
耳背肺 , ěrbèifei(P2)LUng of posterior surface
耳背脾 , ěrbâipǐ(P3)spleen of posterior surface
耳背肝 , ěrbèigān(P4)liver of posterior surface
耳背肾 , ěrbèishèn (P5)kidney of posterior surface
耳背沟 , ěrbèigōu (Ps)groove of posterior surface
上耳根 , shàngěrgēn (R1)upper ear root
耳迷根 , ěrmígēn(R2)root of ear vagus
下耳根 , Xiàěrgēn(R3)lower ear root
额中线 , Ézhōngxiàn, MS1 ,middle line of forehead
额旁1线 , ÉpángxiànⅠ,MS 2 , lateral line 1 of
额旁2线 , Épángxiàn Ⅱ,MS 3 , lateral line 2 of
额旁3线 , Épángxiàn Ⅲ, MS 4 , lateral line 3 of
顶中线 , Dǐngzhōngxiàn, MS 5 ,middle line of vertex
顶颞前斜线 , dǐngniâ qiánxiãxiàn ,MS 6 ,anterior
oblique line of vertex-temporal
顶颞后斜线 , dǐngniâ hîuxiãxiàn ,MS 7 ,posterior
oblique line of vertex-temporal
顶旁1线 , dǐngpángxiàn Ⅰ,MS 8 ,lateral line 1 of
顶旁2线 , Dǐngpángxiàn Ⅱ, ms, lateral line 2 of
颞前线 , Nièqiánxiàn, MS 10 ,anterior temporal line
颞后线 , Nièhòuxiàn, MS 11 ,posterior temporal line
枕上正中线 , zhěnshàng zhèngzhōngxiàn, MS
12 ,upper-middle line of occiput
枕上旁线 , zhěnshàng pángxiàn, MS 13 ,upper-lateral
line of occiput
枕下旁线 , zhěnxià pángxiàn, MS 14 ,lower- lateral
line of occiput
针刺麻醉 , acupuncture anesthesia
电针麻醉 , electro-acupuncture anesthesia
耳针麻醉 , ear-acupuncture anesthesia
针刺镇痛 , acupuncture analgesia
汉文名, 英文名
推拿 , massage
手法 , manipulation
推法 , pushing manipulation
拿法 , grasping manipulation
法 , rolling manipulation
击打法 , striking manipulation
点穴法 , finger pointing method
弹拨法 , poking channels manipulation
按压法 , pressure manipulation
摩法 , rubbing manipulation
揉捻法 , massaging and twisting manipulation
摇法 , rotating and shaking manipulation
扳法 , pulling manipulation
伸屈法 , stretching and flexing manipulation
戳法 , stamping manipulation
旋转法 , rotating manipulation
振法 , thumping manipulation
抖法 , shaking manipulation
散法 , dispersing manipulation
归挤法 , total pressing manipulation
搓法 , foulage
捋顺法 , method of twisting to order
小儿推拿 , infantile massage
正骨推拿 , massage for bone-setting
指压推拿 , finger-pressing massage
眼保健按摩 , health massage for the eyes
法推拿 , rolling massage
腹诊推拿 , massage for abdominal diagnosis
膏摩 , ointment rubbing
捏积 , chiropractic
喉科擎(擒)拿疗法 , holding massage in laryngological
养生 , health preserving
四时调摄 , health preserving in four seasons
精神修养 , spiritual health care
环境养生 , choice and creation of healthy environment
导引 , physical and breathing exercise
太极拳 , Taijiquan
八段锦 , eight-sectioned exercise
十二段锦 , twelve-sectioned exercise
五禽戏 , five mimic-animal exercise
易筋经 , Canon of Changing Tendons
饮食调理 , dietetic regulation
食性 , healthcare of eating habit
食养 , dietetic health care
食疗 , dietary therapy
饮食禁忌 , dietetic contraindication
药养 , health preserving with drugs
康复 , rehabilitation